Super Treasure Bag

Chapter 1645: Demolition trip

Besides, outside the castle, Mr. Edward, who squinted his eyes waiting for the good news, didn't get any feedback after two full minutes, so he couldn't help looking at the butler next to him.

"How? Is it done?"

At this moment, Mr. Edward is ready. As long as Shi Dali is killed, then the event can be over immediately. At that time, all these guests will be kept, and if there is any trouble, we will take care of it slowly.

It is impossible to make them pay what price Satan Castle really does!

After hearing Edward's question, the butler's expression stiffened slightly.

"Sorry, the killer's signal was lost, and we can't get in touch right now."

For such things, the butler is also quite helpless. Most of the actions this time are arranged by him personally. In any case, there should be no accidents. But who knows that there is a problem with the signal now?

"How could this happen? Think of a solution to me immediately. I must know the result immediately."

Sure enough, Edward was very angry about this. He didn't like accidents, especially at such a critical moment.

"I'll get it right away. It should be a temporary signal interruption, and it will be restored soon."

The butler is even more nervous. He knows what kind of temper Edward is. If this matter is not handled well, even if he is a butler, the consequences must be very serious.

So in the next time, the butler began to arrange people to do everything possible to restore the signal, but the final result was quite helpless.

"Mr. Edward, the signal connector...disappeared."

When he said this, the butler almost knelt down.

"What do you mean? Disappeared? How could it disappear? Didn't you tell me before, how can this device keep in touch?"

Edward was also taken aback by such a result, and then asked with a frown.

He clearly remembers the butler's guarantee, but the situation now is completely different from his guarantee.

"There is no problem with the equipment, but we don't know why this happened. It's as if the killer disappeared with the tracker on his body..."

The housekeeper wiped a cold sweat, and he also felt that this answer was a bit nonsense. How could a big living person disappear suddenly?

Besides, even if the person dies, the tracker cannot disappear!

"Then what happens next?"

Edward stared at the butler coldly. In his opinion, this was the butler's negligence, and he asked in a low voice.

"Wait a minute, if Shi Dali is still alive, there will definitely be a killer who will find him again."

Answered immediately, the butler was also relieved, otherwise Edward would just hold on to this matter, he guessed it would really be suspended.

"Okay, wait."

After speaking, Edward closed his eyes again.

In his heart, the importance of Shi Dali has increased a little, and it is no wonder that this guy will make the entire Dark Forces Alliance so focused, and it really is something special.

However, no matter how special he is, he will undoubtedly die in today's killing. With so many killers and so many doors, he will definitely relax his vigilance.

Besides, even if the killer can't handle him, he still has himself!

Thinking about this, Edward felt a lot more at ease, so he changed to a more comfortable position and continued to sit on the chair.

Besides, inside the castle, after putting the heavy door into the pocket, Teacher Shi went straight into the room.

The woman next to her was a little sluggish, and her mind was still repeating Shi Dali's previous actions.

When her companion was locked in this door before, she had tried many methods without opening the door.

As a result, Shi Dali seemed to have two punches, and the door had fallen from the wall. What happened after...?

It seemed that some vague impressions in her mind told her that the man in front of her had put the huge door in his pocket.

But the common sense of life and the normal understanding of the world told her that this kind of thing is impossible!

So, what happened?

"Where is your companion? Where is your companion here?"

After that, Shi Dali's voice rang from the room, which also made the woman react from the sluggish state.

Immediately following Shi Dali's footsteps, she also entered the room.

As a result, there is really no personal shadow!

The whole room is very peaceful, as if no one has come in for many years, and everything can be seen carefully at a glance.

It's true, and didn't find any companions!

"This... it's impossible. He suddenly fell into the door, and then I called someone, and followed you to remove the door... How could it be gone?"

With her eyes widened, the woman felt that there was really no way to understand it. This kind of thing was almost as if she had seen a ghost.

"Listen to me, this place is too evil, so hurry up and leave when you see something. Don't be too greedy."

With a serious expression, Shi Dali said to the woman.

If it weren't for the love of the previous fan meeting, Mr. Shi would definitely not remind him.

There is no doubt that this event is to kill yourself, so you can understand what role these ignorant guests play in it without thinking about it.

Do you really think there is a pie in the sky?

It's also for yourself, it doesn't matter to them, so it's safest to leave honestly, otherwise it's like a companion in the mouth of a woman, and people don't know where they are going!

After hearing Shi Dali's words, the woman's complexion was rather ugly.

Obviously, the strange disappearance of her companion made her realize that things are not that simple, so don't think about any baby, and run away quickly is the most correct decision.

"Thank you, then I... go!"

Immediately, after thanking Shi vigorously, she planned to leave.

Obviously, she can no longer take care of her companion's disappearance. In contrast, her own safety is more important.

"Wait a minute, tell me, have you encountered any other doors? Where?"

But before she left, Shi Dali yelled to stop her, and then asked aloud.

Wei Wei was stunned, but the woman immediately remembered, it seems that Shi Dali had said it before, and I hope everyone can help him to pay attention to which position has a door!

So as far as possible to keep her emotions calm, the woman told Teacher Shi the memory of seeing the door in her mind.

After she finished speaking, Shi Dali began to have a specific way forward. After all, even if there are enough doors in such a big castle, the route is also very important, otherwise it will delay a lot of time.

So now, after the route is planned, the demolition journey will officially begin!

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