Super Treasure Bag

Chapter 1657: Demolition team

With this question, Edward sent the call.

As a result, this time, the old butler hung up again.

Inexplicably uneasy, Edward got up from his chair again. How urgent is the situation that would prevent the old housekeeper from accepting his call request?

Could it be that... you need him to go in immediately and help?

So again, Edward asked for a call.


Thankfully, this time the call was connected, and then he saw the familiar face of the old housekeeper.

"what happened?"

Edward asked directly in a low voice with indescribable tension.

"I'm busy, let's talk about it later."

As a result, the old butler in the darkness just said this, and the call was interrupted, and immediately after that, his signal also lost contact.

At this moment, Edward was completely stupid, as if struck by lightning.

Is this crazy?

Edward still knows exactly what kind of person the old butler is. To put it bluntly, this guy is a servant, a servant who is careful at all times and obeys his orders.

But now, the servant actually hung up his phone, and still has this attitude!

Could it be... he was intimidated by Shi Dali?

Suddenly, Edward was too late to be angry, and he had such guesses in his mind.

It must be like this!

After that, he had affirmed this kind of speculation, otherwise there would be no way to explain this kind of thing, it must be because of the coercion of Shi Dali, that is why the old housekeeper is like this.

So, what is going on inside?

A cranky person, the more he thinks about it, the more uneasy he will feel. Mr. Edward is still standing at the door of the castle, but he can't help but want to rush in.

However, he kept his identity in mind, and one thing was very clear in his mind at this time.

That is, no matter what, Shi Dali will definitely come out of this door, and the old butler and the others will probably come out together.

Therefore, it must be right for him to continue to wait here!

If he ran into the castle in a mess at this time, he might go in a different direction, and instead let Shi Dali have the opportunity to take advantage of it.

Realizing this, Edward sat down again!

That's right, he can't mess, and he can solve all problems and troubles with his powerful strength at any time!

The other subordinates around, as well as those guests, watched Edward stand up for a while and sit down for a while.

But this kind of strangeness is only confined to their hearts, and at this moment, basically the attention of the big guys is on the guests who have finished the treasure hunt.

That's right, the treasure hunt has been going on all the time, so people keep coming out with things, which arouses everyone's surprise and discussion.

"Mr. Leads, I got an owl. The specimen of that owl is probably from an ancient Indian! It's a huge profit!"

"And Miss Kendana, she really made a lot of money! One room happened to be open, and she took two things out!"

"It's a pity, the rooms I encountered were all locked, so I came out early. The castle is horrible."

Listening to these voices, Edward was calm on the surface, but there was a cold snort in his heart.

Do these guys really think they can make a fortune from the castle?

What a bunch of idiots!

Even if they took these things, when they got Shi Dali, they had to get them all back!

So now, if they like to discuss it, let’s discuss it...


However, some accidents always come very suddenly, without any precaution at all!

Mr. Edward, who had just sat firmly, suddenly heard a huge vibration inside the castle, as if the ground was shaking.

How could this be?

A pair of eyes expanded uncontrollably, and Mr. Edward immediately determined that the direction of the sound was inside the castle gate, and he was constantly approaching.

"What's the matter? What sound is this?"

Turning his head violently to look at his subordinates, Edward asked aloud.

As the nominal master of Satan’s castle, he should be very clear no matter what happens in the castle, but now this voice, he has no idea where it comes from!

That's why he asked the person next to him.

"No... I don't know, it seems... like a heavy machine!"

The subordinates next to him were also very nervous. After all, when Mr. Edward was unhappy, he might be in trouble, so based on his basic understanding, he made this judgment.

"Heavy machinery? What are you kidding? How could there be heavy machinery in the castle!"

Suddenly raising his voice, Mr. Edward questioned this assertion, and then slapped the subordinate in the face with a slap.

Such an approach is really lacklustre, but he can no longer control those things now. He just wants to clarify the truth of the matter and at the same time vent his emotions.


It was almost exactly the end of his words, and the next moment the gate of the castle was knocked open.

Then, the black truck drove out from inside, the first one was followed by the second, and the second was followed by the third...

All the trucks were full of things, and the packed belongings were neatly placed, especially when Edward saw that his bed was in the carriage at first sight.

what happened?

Where did the truck come from?

The things on the truck... so familiar should be the belongings in the castle, but why is it loaded on the truck?

Standing in place, Edward's hands began to twitch, and cold sweat also flowed from his forehead.

He felt that something he didn't know had happened, but what exactly was it is not clear!

The guests in the audience were also quite at a loss, so that their brains were completely blank.

They also wandered around in the castle before, but they didn't see a truck!

What does this truck do?

Is it possible that this is a show prepared by Mr. Edward?

But what kind of show is this?

Do you need to load everything in your home on a truck to show off your wealth?

Even if you are showing off your wealth, there is no need to bring out the curtains, right?

"Drive slowly! The steps ahead are the steps ahead! Watch out for the wood behind, those things are valuable!"

Then, a voice rang in everyone's ears, followed the big voice and looked over, and then saw Shi Dali standing on the roof of the car.

That's right, Teacher Shi is busy commanding all the vehicles!

There is no walkie-talkie, so he can only climb on the roof. Although this method is a bit too primitive, but because the sound is loud enough, it is somewhat useful.

After all, this is all a baby, and it is already my own baby!

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