Super Treasure Bag

Chapter 168: Too swagger

Such things, coupled with the plain surveillance video in front of him, made Zhang Yugang no longer feel that his son's disappearance had anything to do with others.

Fu Bowan didn't mention Shi Dali again. Obviously he didn't think Shi Dali had the ability to make an international circus wild boar lie in ambush under Zhang Shouye's building late at night, and then find the right opportunity to take him away!

Therefore, Zhang Yugang originally came to Anbei City to take the Yuan Qinghua, but now he is looking for his son and asking people whether he has seen a wild boar. He is more anxious than the circus.

As for Mo Yuqing, who went to work the next day, she was quite nervous at first, and she always felt that Zhang Shouye would conflict with Shi Dali today.

As a result, I heard about Zhang Shouye's disappearance last night.

"People are gone... what do you mean?"

After widening her eyes and pondering for a moment, Mo Yuqing still couldn't understand, so she couldn't help but look at the older brother in front of her and asked.

"I heard that it was carried away by a wild boar at night. It was the big African wild boar from the international circus next to it."

After hearing this, Mo Yuqing's big eyes flickered. In fact, it was because of a completely blank feeling in her mind that she was taken away by the wild boar in the middle of the night... Why are they so familiar?

Thinking about the cards that Shi Dali told Zhang Shouye to burn before, Mo Yuqing seemed to have found some connections.

Of course, although she didn't know when Zhang Shouye would be back, at least no one should be looking for trouble in Shi Dali's Yuan Qinghua.

As for people, look for them slowly, you will always find them!


Regarding Zhang Shouye's affairs, Shi Dali didn't care at all. He wasted a mission card, and he felt distressed when he thought about it. Wouldn't it be a shame if he couldn't get a Zhang Shouye?

But speaking of it, Teacher Shi didn't sleep well all night, after all, he was always thinking about Ye Suan's investigation.

Fifteen days, it sounds like a long time, but it sounds like a blink of an eye!

However, there is no news from Ye Sui'en, and he can't urge him. After all, this kind of thing is definitely not that simple, so all he can do now is wait.

However, it turns out that Teacher Shi's worry is a bit redundant, that is, ten minutes later, he received a call from Ye Suan.

"Come and pick me up, go somewhere."

It was that simple, the hoarse voice proved that the person on the other side was indeed Ye Jianen.

Teacher Shi also quickly agreed, and then rushed to Wenxing Yayuan.

After arriving at the door, I saw Ye Zhien was already waiting at the door, and Manager Gu was also beside him, seeing Shi Dali hurried over.

"Did you sleep well last night?"

After taking a look at Manager Gu, Shi Dali said smoothly.

Hearing this, there was a bit of bitterness in Manager Gu’s eyes. Not only did he not sleep well, but he didn’t sleep all night. Before Shi Dali asked him to take care of the homeless man, Manager Gu did not take it as a thing. He can eat and drink well.

But the ghost knows what kind of monster it is. He has been reading the information all night, and he is more and more energetic, and he keeps asking Manager Gu to find him things, even the historical biography and development plan of Anbei City. I have found ten books!

Manager Gu, who had a hard time talking, now sees Shi Dali's unspeakable excitement. Anyway, he can finally explain his ancestor.

"Go to the Crown Hotel."

Seeing Shi Dali, Ye Jianen still said simply, especially the long hair that was full of heads was still not cleaned up, and it looked a little out of place.

"Just this car? It's a bit ostentatious, not ostentatious." Then, he looked at the car behind Shi Lili.

"Well, it will be it."

Teacher Shi nodded and said helplessly, he also picked a blue Maserati casually last night, and now it looks a bit high-profile indeed.

But there is nothing wrong. The ten cars Liu Mu sent here are all like this, and none of them are bad!

Afterwards, they left together. When they were in the car, Shi Dali learned from Ye Zan'en why he had to rush to the Crown Hotel so early in the morning.

Because that hotel was the last hotel that Lopez settled in before he lost his whereabouts.

Teacher Shi is thinking about this wholeheartedly now, so Ye Jueen will do what he says, so this driver should be willing.

After half an hour, they arrived at the place.

The Crown Hotel has been in Anbei City for some years, so it looks a bit yellowish from the outside, but it's pretty good in terms of scale. When two people stopped the car, many people gave pointers.

I'm not used to this feeling, but it's already like this, Shi Dali simply didn't care.

On the contrary, Ye Zheen, the shape of this sharp brother, has a sense of freedom and resoluteness, and he directly took Shi Dengli into the hotel.

"Room 507, is anyone living?"

He walked straight to the front desk and asked Ye Jianen following behind.

The two waiters at the front desk were taken aback when they heard it.

"Are you here to ask five and seven again?"

Subconsciously, Shi Dali and Ye Jianen were both surprised.

"Is anyone else inquiring about this room?"

"Just now, many people, there are crooked nuts, what are they investigating..."

A waiter said it happily, and after finishing speaking, the other person pulled his arm.

Hearing this, Shi Dali immediately understood what was going on. There is no doubt that Liu Changqing and Miss Liya came here and wanted to come here to investigate the disappearance of Lopez.

Knowing that Ye Zhien still didn't understand what happened, Shi Dali immediately told him about the situation.

After listening, Ye Zhien nodded and followed directly upstairs with Shi Dali.

Since Liu Changqing and the others have already gone up, it is estimated that the guests in this room have already been arranged, so they can go up now.

Facts proved that Ye Zhien's guess was correct. After the two of them went upstairs, they saw Liu Changqing's team standing in the corridor with many tools.

The cameramen, the cameramen, and a few people playing with weird props, as if they were going to make a movie.

As for Miss Leah and the others, they were standing by, watching Liu Changqing, who had just put on white gloves, intending to enter the room.

I've seen each other a long time ago, and now it's clear that I've bumped into one, so Teacher Shi didn't mean to avoid it, and went directly to the door of the room with Ye Zanen.

Immediately, their arrival attracted Liu Changqing's attention.

Especially on Liu Changqing's side, almost the instant he saw Shi Dali, his eyes became gloomy, and he immediately turned his head and met him!



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