Super Treasure Bag

Chapter 1682: Bigger secret

On Ran Kuang's side, just after taking care of his injuries, he suddenly heard news about Shi Dali and the others coming to the canyon.

So together with the other team members, they rushed to the tent where Wei Nan was.

This matter is very important, so it is necessary for everyone to understand clearly what is going on, not only for yourself, but also for the development of China's current situation.

In addition to Teacher Shi, I didn't even know that their arrival had caused such a big disturbance.

At this moment, Shi Dali was greeting his teacher Mr. Leshan with Wei Nan.

"Teacher is in good health, but I haven't seen you for a long time."

Wei Nan smiled, this sentence is also true.

After Shi Dali heard it, he was also a little stupefied. It has been a long time since he left Beijing this time. Especially when he thinks about these things, it makes him feel that a long, long time has passed.

"When things are over here, I will go back to Beijing to visit the teacher."

Nodded, Shi Dali gave a promise. Of course, this promise is more for himself. After all, the next trip to the abnormal human research center is really full of unknown dangers.

A little carelessness will be the end of a broken body, so no one can guarantee anything.

Wei Nan also nodded, and then Guo Li said aloud next to him.

"Now it’s time to tell you business. There are a hundred top players from dozens of countries in this valley! There will be a duel between these one hundred players tonight. The winner can join the entire team. Get the top rankings, do you know what I mean?"

Looking at Shi Dali, Guo Nuxia's eyes opened wide, and the other people who looked trustfully felt strange.

What is the relationship between Shi Dali and this woman?

How can you trust me so much?

"You called me here for this order battle?"

Of course, Teacher Shi knows Guo Li quite well. Now that he heard the fire of these words, he fully understood what he meant.

"Yes, it's a battle of order. This is done. Please have three dumplings."

With a smile on her face, Guo Nv Xia was very happy, Shi Dali walked along like her good brother, worthy of trust, and can provide great help to herself no matter what the situation.

This feeling is very comfortable for individuals to think about.

"Understood, but what is the use of this sequence?"

He nodded again, and asked Shi Dali again.

Now that the 100 places have been determined, it is enough to go directly in when the time comes. Is it necessary to come up with such an order?

It sounds a bit unnecessary.

But after Shi Dali’s question, Wei Nan nodded very seriously.

"Very important! Guo Li didn't tell you clearly before. Now I can tell you that this order determines the order of entering the abnormal human research center! And that place... is very mysterious, and it is not clear on a global scale. The situation inside, that is to say, this is a land reclamation in another sense. Since it is a land reclamation...then the first one to go inside, you can imagine that you will see different things. Any opportunity for this kind of thing is very Important, there is no reason to give up!"

Wei Nan spoke very quickly. He thought that Shi Dali would be very surprised. After all, the excavation was absolutely confidential.

But after he finished speaking, he found that Shi Dali was not as surprised as he had imagined. On the contrary, he nodded.

That's right, Teacher Shi has completely understood. Since this is a wasteland reclamation, the first one is indeed very important.

After knowing this, he had already had an inevitable idea about this battle of order.

Now Teacher Shi, that is a sponge filled with water, how strong he is, he himself feels terrible.

So, be fearless!

"But there is one thing, I also tell you, the first place... is also dangerous."

But after that, Wei Nan lowered his voice and said again.


This made Teacher Shi and Poisonous insects a little bit puzzled. They said so much about the benefits of being the first place, and they are still bound to win, but now they have another sentence.

What is the danger?

Looking around, he fully understood everyone's doubts, so Wei Nan continued to explain aloud.

"It seems that you should know about the second excavation point... But do you know that this is actually the second wasteland reclamation?"

Wasteland for the second time?

Although Mr. Shi had already learned a lot about the excavation points before, it was the first time I heard about the so-called second land reclamation.

"What do you mean?"

"Actually, this time we have entered the second excavation site. It is the second time someone has entered!"


This news really fell into Shi Dali’s mind like a stone. All the news he got from beginning to end told himself that no one has ever entered the abnormal human research center. This time it is very important to open it. To the development of many things.

As a result, now, Wei Nan tells him that someone has entered?

"Who went in?"

Hurry up, Shi Dali asked.

"The number is unknown, but definitely a lot! That was almost ten years ago, by the Eighth Day Research Institute and another force, found many special people around the world, and then secretly sent them to the second excavation site, so Those talents are the first batch!"

Wei Nan's expression is complicated, these things are absolutely confidential, and he will tell it because of his absolute trust in Shi Dali.

Teacher Shi's heart jumped suddenly, it was like this, it was like this!

"What do you mean by special people? Those people... three heads and six arms?"

When the poisonous insect heard this, he couldn't help but asked again, but obviously the big guy had the same doubts, so after the poisonous insect asked, they all looked at Wei Nan and waited for the following.

"It's not three-headed and six-armed. According to our intelligence, it was discovered that the second discovery point was only the two forces. So they reached an agreement and began to secretly take away some talented people from all over the world. That way, or else they are heinous people, and then they are sent to the second excavation site together."

"and after?"

Continue, Shi Dali said.

He felt that this matter was very important, and he had to ask it clearly.

"Later, the entire passage was closed. The two forces did not expect it at all. However, before the passage was closed, the last news they got was that all the people who sent to the second excavation site had undergone terrible changes. Change... indescribable, but terrible!"

As Wei Nan finished speaking, there was silence all around!

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