Super Treasure Bag

Chapter 1697: Alien

If someone stays outside this place at this time, they will also be amazed at the scene in front of them.

A meteorite-like object that is still hot, accompanied by heavy smoke, is quite different from the hot red that flashes like stars.

However, these twinkling lights rushed towards the ground little by little, and it felt like there was something very attractive to them in the depths of the ground.

The aftermath of the explosion finally faded a little bit over time, and the entire meteorite also began to cool down, and the black smoke around it slowly dissipated at the same time.

At this time, a group of people arrived here.

The uniform American action team clothes were undoubtedly sent by Gordan after hearing the huge movement on the hillside.

To say that this six-man team is indeed somewhat capable, that is, in more than two hours, it conducted a quick investigation of the slopes on both sides of the entire canyon, and finally determined that the huge movement came from here.

"It looks like a meteorite."

As the light illuminates this place, someone immediately saw the tip of the meteorite that was only a little exposed, and then made a judgment.

"A meteorite fell from this place. The situation is indeed a bit special. I think I need to report it immediately."

"Okay, report!"

In this way, the team quickly reached an agreement, and then the message was passed on.

Besides, on the American camp, in the tent, several officers looked at Gordan's body, and they were all in a daze.

Dead, all their hope, the invincible man is really dead!

Just now, they conducted an exact test on the corpse, so there was basically no doubt. Gordan had his throat severed and then quietly became a corpse.

Even though this incident has passed for more than half an hour, these officers still replayed the scene over and over again in their minds.

Of course, people are really dead, and they cannot be resurrected. Their actions this time must continue.

Just as several people were about to discuss the following arrangements, news from the reconnaissance team came.

"I found a meteorite, isn't it huge?"

This news surprised several officials.

But soon, they began to discuss.

"This thing can't be let go. Gordan is dead. Our action has already encountered a huge failure. I think this meteorite is a little achievement and can be brought back."

"Yes, this is the Longxi Grand Canyon. It is quite special and mysterious. The meteorites here are very valuable."

"That's it, let them start digging. If reinforcements are needed, we will send someone there, but we must be fast, and we must try to ensure that the news is not leaked, otherwise it will attract the attention of others, and this meteorite may not belong to us. ."

There was not much entanglement, and several officers directly reached an agreement and figured out a way to bring the meteorite back.

After Gordan's death, they were also regarded as a kind of stop loss in disguise.

So, the order immediately returned to the detective team. "Well, the above means let us find a way to take away the meteorite. If we need reinforcements, they will find a way, but we must hurry up."

After simply saying this command to all the team members, the group of people had no ambiguity, and they began to work on the meteorite.

To say that a special operations team is a special operations team, even if it has no tools, since they have made up their minds, they quickly entered the action stage.

After simply estimating the volume of the entire meteorite, they began to find a way to cool down from the side, and at the same time determined the way of excavation later.

After sorting everything out, a few people started to move, digging with bare hands!

Besides, Shi Dianli, who was buried underneath, was already a little bit uncomfortable at this time.

Although Teacher Shi is strong enough and his body can be called abnormal, but after all, he can't stand being buried in the ground.

The result was abrupt, and a little air poured in like this, which was a huge surprise for him.

It may be because of this change in mood, or it may be because the circulation of air has accelerated the transfer of certain energy. The speed of the energy cyclone in Shi Dali's body is even more terrifying, so that Shi Dali's eyelids are beating along with it.

So naturally, the strange substance from the gleaming on the meteorite also entered his body more quickly.

"I can't control it, it's over...really over."

In Teacher Shi's heart, he had already begun to scream, and at this moment he even felt that his body was completely out of his control.

Then, as soon as the eyes fell dark, Shi Dali fell like this.

The reason for this may be that the energy is too abundant, which makes him unable to bear the fainting. Another reason may be the body's self-protection.

Anyway, there is no way to stop this process. It's better to let Shi Dali fall into a coma. If you want to, it should be more comfortable.

However, even if Shi Dali fell into a coma, the little things around him were still entering his body, completely uncontrollable.

Of course, what Teacher Shi also didn't know was that after he was in a coma for almost half an hour, these strange stones with twinkling stars were completely absorbed by the energy cyclone in his body.

Similarly, he would not know that after all these things were absorbed, he did not explode as he imagined. Instead, the entire energy cyclone entered a quiet state in a very special way, as it has always been. , Slowly existed in his body.

Then, click...

As the stone above was removed, this previously closed space was opened.

After that, the sweaty American players saw a man in front of him who was scorched all over.

"There are new discoveries, this is a person! Oh my God... there is someone here!"

In this way, the team members were completely excited. After all, this was a meteorite. As a result, such a strange man was found under the meteorite.

So can they think about it a little deeper, did this man fall with the meteorite?

If this is the case... then this may be an alien!

The big discovery is simply a shocking discovery!

Almost the same thought quickly filled everyone's minds, and the previous fatigue was wiped out. Then they did not delay even a second, and directly chose to report the news to the officer above.

Then, on the American camp, the few officers who were waiting for the news were equally excited.

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