Super Treasure Bag

Chapter 1708: The poison is coming

"Mr. Cao, Meihuazhuang seems to have been dispatched this time?"

Suddenly, the old voice of the man on the right rang again, and his eyes were on the opposite side.

In his words, the man on the left did not make any movements.

"You ancient families, didn't you keep it this time, Mr. Hu? There is no one else here, so why pretend to make such a voice on purpose? Do you think I don't know who you are?"

After a full pause of about ten seconds, the voice of the man on the left rang again.

His words caused the cave to fall into a state of confrontation again. Obviously, this Mr. Hu was a little surprised by this Mr. Cao's words.

"Then see, who can seize this opportunity."

In the end, this Mr. Hu slowly spoke out, but this time it was clearly audible.

His voice didn't have the old taste, which means that he had pretended to be old before, and at this moment it was just returning to its original state.

And just after saying these words, this Mr. Hu took the lead to leave, and only Mr. Cao was left in the cave.

Then, Mr. Cao took out a very special communicator, and a message was sent here.

"Mr. Dai, everything is going well, the entrance opens, and all a hundred seeds enter."

The content of the text message is as simple as that, there is nothing superfluous, just report the situation. As for who the message is reported to, you can tell from this title.

Then, Mr. Cao followed and left, and the whole cave fell into the silence it had always been, as if no one had ever been here.


Besides, in the canyon, Shi Dali and the thin old man had all come out of the tent at this time.

The dense fog is even bigger. Even a child can make a correct judgment. After all, you could see a scene ten meters away before, but now you can’t see anything, even if the poisonous insects and the black beard are in the stone. Next to him, the appearance of the two people was a little blurred in his eyes.

"This place is really weird. The weather hasn't changed, the environment hasn't changed, why... there is thick fog?"

Poison's brows frowned slightly, obviously this guy was also a little confused about the situation at the moment.

When he said this, Shi Dali remembered that as a descendant of the poisonous insects, Mr. poisonous insects should be the most sensitive to the climate. After all, the insects themselves are clearer to the changes between heaven and earth than other animals.

"How? Can you figure out the specific reason?"

Looking at the poisonous insect, Shi Dali asked seriously.

If Mr. Poison can find something at this time, it would be a great help.

"I don't know why. This thick fog is very strange. It not only blocked the line of sight, but also blocked my contact with the insects. Look at the state of the three-eyed blood clam."

Poisonous insect's face is simply rare and serious.

For a person like him, it can be said that the insects are all to him, and the connection with the insects is also his all reliance.

But now, this connection has disappeared strangely, so you can imagine what it means for Mr. Poison.

It was also because of his words that Shi Dali immediately lowered his head and looked into his arms.

That’s right, that’s the place where the three-eyed blood clams stayed. Since Shi Dali has a relationship with this little thing, he has always stayed in Shi Dali’s arms, unless there is something special, he will jump out. Otherwise, there is basically nothing happening.

But at this moment, as Shi Dali's gaze shifted to the three-eyed blood clam, he immediately realized that this little thing's performance at this moment was different from before.

The three-eyed blood clams that were originally red all over appeared almost black at the moment.

The reason for this is also because it is too red, it is almost red to an extreme state, so it looks black.

"The three-eyed blood clam is the absolute top of the ten insect list. It is now like this, which proves that this thick fog should be extremely poisonous, but I don't feel this thing is poisonous."

Going on, the poisonous insect murmured, as if it were analysis, and it seemed to be talking to himself.

The black beard, Huo Lang, and even the thin old man all around looked at him, only Kong Erdan continued his experiments, and Edward continued to be **** in despair.

Speaking of nothing, it is indeed a bit strange.

This guy has been doing experiments ever since he came to Longxi Canyon, but he didn't know what experiments he was doing, he was very busy anyway.

However, Shi Dali and several people are used to him, so no one will bother him.


Continuing to stare at Mr. Poison Insect, Shi Dali was indeed quite surprised by what he said.

Anyway, he used to swallow the dragon fruit, so Shi Dali's perception of poison is not weak at all, but at this moment, as the poisonous insect said, he did not feel any toxin in the thick fog.

However, the three-eyed blood clam is in such a strange state.


Just when Shi Dali was about to raise his own question and then everyone had a good chat, suddenly there was a sound of something falling to the ground.

"Mr. Wei fainted, come on!"

Afterwards, such a rapid sound rang out in the dense fog.

Almost immediately, Shi Dali leaned forward and followed him to see Wei Nan lying on the ground.

At this time, Wei Nan was the commander of all the forces in the entire canyon camp. As a result, he suddenly fainted to the ground, creating a kind of tension for everyone for a while.

Shi Dali also had a solemn expression, and immediately went to check Wei Nan's situation.

But it was strange that until he checked Wei Nan the whole thing, he still didn't find out what went wrong.

In short, it was as if Wei Nan was just asleep.

"What's the matter? Did Mr. Wei encounter anything just now? What about the others? What about the people who went out to inquire about the news? Has the signal been established?"

Feeling a little anxious, Shi Dali asked other people around him loudly.

Immediately, Guo Li gave an answer.

"Mr. Wei just stood well, and suddenly he fell to the ground, and no one approached him... Those who went out to inquire about the news did not come back, and the signal was still interrupted."

At this time, Guo Nv Xia's ability was manifested, and she directly explained the situation to Shi Dali in a few words.

After listening, Teacher Shi became even more anxious.

Bang bang bang...

Then, without warning, the few people who had been standing around also fell together.

It looked exactly like Wei Nan, and suddenly fell to the ground, making people unprepared.

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