Super Treasure Bag

Chapter 171: Dig it

I spoke very slowly without any anxiety.

After he finished speaking, everyone around was quiet, staring at the tombstone with wide eyes, especially on September 6th.

Yes, it is!

Liu Changqing felt that there was a huge wave in his mind. It felt like he was tumbling in the huge wave, and if he was not careful, he would completely lose his breath.

How could this be?

Why does this happen?

He wanted to tell everyone Ye Jianen was nonsense, but he couldn't tell.

Because he had been investigating this case for a long time, it was because of Ye Suan's words that the name Zhu Qiaoqiao suddenly became familiar in his mind.

That's right, he also read the check-in record of that year, so at some inadvertent moment, he saw this name.

However, he just saw it, but didn't have any meaning to associate the name with Lopez, but Ye Jianen did it, and this explanation sounded without any flaws.

If so, it might be...Why does he know Zhu Qiaoqiao is alive?

"Have you met Zhu Qiaoqiao?"

Working very hard, Liu Changqing asked, actually still wanting to refute.

"One year ago, Anbei City had a fire in a cemetery. After that, a social fundraiser was carried out for repairs. Among them, Zhu Qiaoqiao ranked 36th in the number of donations, and according to her family address and telephone records. They are exactly the same as Zhu Qiaoqiao who was buried three years ago!"

Ye Sui'en still simply explained. Such reasoning and guessing made people feel like nonsense, especially the information he had just gotten in. It seemed to be made up.

Otherwise, how could someone notice the fire in the cemetery a year ago and even go through the list of social donations?

All around, there was a soundless voice.

At this moment, from Liu Changqing to Leah, they really began to realize that this long-haired tramp man possesses amazing abilities.

"I can't accept it. This is all your guess, without any evidence! Why did Zhu Qiaoqiao do this? What is her motivation? And the whole thing is too difficult, I don't think she can handle it!"

As soon as he waved his hand, Liu Changqing chose to believe in himself after all, or that he really couldn't accept that he just bowed his head to Shi Dali and Ye Jianen.

Leah's eyes were also looking at Ye Jianen, waiting for his explanation.

However, Ye Zhien didn't mean to answer anymore, just glanced at Shi Dali.

It was this look that made Teacher Shi a little depressed and helpless.

That's right, he understood what Ye Zhien meant, or that the evidence needed to figure out this matter was in front of him.

That is to dig this tomb to see if it is a man or a woman!

It's that simple, but Shi Dali doesn't like this method very much. After all, people are already dead. If this is digging a grave, it always feels bad.

"Dig it, just dig it."

However, things have reached this point, and it's useless to say more. If they want to come to Liu Changqing and Miss Liya, they won't just stop like this.

After a sudden stun, Liu Changqing glanced at Miss Liya, and both saw the firmness in each other's eyes.

Moreover, if things are really the same as Ye Zanen said, this Zhu Qiaoqiao’s tomb must be unattended, so they only need to spend a little money to make arrangements with the cemetery management committee, such as Zhu Qiao. It just so happens that your relatives will do. "Start digging, I don't believe it!"

After gritting his teeth, Liu Changqing looked at the others in his team and said.

Today, he can be regarded as willing to go all out. Grave digging is nothing for him, especially his dream is to become the first detective and then make a lot of money, so today he must make this matter clear, otherwise There will be a shadow in my heart!

As a professional detective team, all the guys in Liu Changqing's team are very complete, so things like digging a grave are just doing it, but it doesn't waste that muscle.

Teacher Shi was sitting with Ye Jianen, his eyes were staring at the tombstone in front of it being dug out, but Ye Jianen was slightly stunned when he looked at the distance.

Just now, he seemed to see a wild boar flying by with a man on the top of the big mountain opposite, and also raised a cloud of dust.

"What are you looking at?"

Teacher Shi felt strange, so she asked.

But when Ye Zanen looked at it again, there was nothing left, so he didn't care much in his heart, thinking about who might be playing with a wild boar.

"It's nothing."

"Brother, I take it."

After that, Teacher Shi seriously expressed his admiration and was quite sincere.

Ye Suan glanced at him casually, and then looked far away again.

"There are too many people serving, it's not bad for you."

In a word, choking Shi Dali almost didn't pull it up, and then curled his mouth a little depressed.

As for Liu Changqing’s group, what they did was full of enthusiasm, especially a group of guys who seemed to have caught the opportunity, digging shirtlessly, and getting more and more vigorous, of course, a little deliberately at Miss Leah. The meaning of the performance in front of him, otherwise the captain Liu Changqing would not join.

However, Leah didn't care about them at all, and everyone's attention was focused on the gradually revealing grave.

Is it really his own father inside?

It is hard to describe how complex emotions are in her heart, Leah can only pray.

She prays not!

Because of this, although she has not found her father yet, at least her father may be alive, even if he will never appear, but this glimmer of hope will not be shattered!

The atmosphere, as the coffin board was revealed, became completely solidified.

"Well, brothers, come on, it's almost!"

At this moment, Liu Changqing was already out of breath, and even seeing Shi Dali looking at this side with ease, he was so heavy in his heart.

Even he thinks he should be squeezed by the door?

The kid said that Lopez was buried in the tomb, so they asked them to dig!

I brought a group of team members in a spirited spirit, as if there was nowhere to do it.

However, it is already here and there is no time to breathe, so the most important incident is to open the coffin for an autopsy!

In Captain Liu's heart, there was really a bit of indescribable curiosity. In the coffin... Isn't it Lopez?



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