Super Treasure Bag

Chapter 1718: Big brother supports you

"Let's not rush out first, we still have to wait, otherwise it will easily arouse others' suspicion. As long as no one finds out today, then we can rest in peace and have bread to eat."

Xiaodouding didn't notice the changes in Shi Dali, but kept observing the surroundings, whispering in his mouth.

Obviously, this little guy's dream is quite simple, that is, he can eat bread without mining. Obviously, the previous starlight ore can satisfy his dream, so he is so happy.

But as soon as his voice fell, Shi Dali's voice followed.

"Have you ever thought about leaving from here?"

Just such a sentence, like an electric shock, made Xiao Dou Ding stunned.

Looking at Shi Dali again, even if the surroundings were pitch black, Teacher Shi could feel that this little guy's eyes were very strange.

Tension, fear, surprise, incredible...and despair.

"Newcomer, what are you talking about? No one wants to leave this place, but we can't do it, you know?"

Then, Xiao Douding's voice sounded again, and he seemed to want Shi Dali to recognize this fact, or to make him recognize this fact himself.

But immediately, Shi Dali grabbed his arm.

"Don't worry, I can take you away from here."

At this moment, Xiaodouding finally started to get excited, and because of the tension, he trembled slightly.

"Newcomer, what are you going to do? Don't mess around, if the guarded person knows what you think... it will die!"

For death, Xiaodouding is obviously a little scared.

"I have a way, but I haven't figured it out yet. Don't you want to go out and see the outside world? There is not only bread, there are many beautiful things, do you remember these?"

Teacher Shi's voice is calm. He thinks the child is very pitiful, but he admires it.

It was like a seed growing out of a hard rock, even if everyone thought it would be difficult to live in this place, or even die.

But he still survived, and he did not lose the beauty that should have belonged to him.

Therefore, Teacher Shi wants to take him away.

As for what exactly should be done to leave, although Shi Dali hasn't figured it out yet, he knows there must be a way.

Because he is Shi Dali, destiny made him appear here, just to change something.

What's more, outside the entire underground world, there are still many people and things waiting for him.

If he had learned about the eighteenth district before, then the next step is to leave.

Originally in Shi Dali's imagination, as he mentioned the outside world, Xiaodouding should firmly follow him out of this cage.

However, the little guy was silent suddenly.

"I have never seen the outside world because I was born here. Mom and Dad told me that the outside world is wonderful, but I have never seen it."

Finally, his voice sounded again.

But this time, it made Shi Dali feel bitter and sad.

It turns out that this child has never seen the outside world, so he thinks bread is the best food in the world.

"I'll take you to find mom and dad." Teacher Shi doesn't like to promise anything to others, but saying this at this moment is definitely an emotional outburst.

"Thank you, newcomer, but my parents are dead. A caretaker killed them, and I don't know what the caretaker looked like. Then I was sent to the 18th district."

Xiao Douding's voice was very calm, as if he was telling other people's stories, and everything in his mouth had nothing to do with him.

But Shi Dali felt unforgettable pain from this calm voice.

A child born in such a place, wanting to come to his parents is his own, but on that seemingly calm night, his parents died in the smoke, only him was left, and then he was thrown into a completely stranger. Eighteenth District...

Such a situation, even in a novel, may be too tragic for readers to read.

Everyone wants to see some beautiful things, but what is so beautiful in this world, but the sadness of others, I don’t know it...

"I am sorry."

Shi vigorously apologized to a child.

But he felt that he should do this, although it would not make the little guy feel better.

"Haha, newcomer, what are you sorry? I'm your big brother! Let me talk first, do you really plan to leave here? What do you need me to do? Big brother supports you!"

It was another shot of Shi's arm, Xiao Douding laughed.

At the end, he looked around carefully again.

Obviously this little guy is telling Shi Dali with actions constantly that in such a place, he must be cautious at all times, because no one knows when the danger will come.

"Get out of the mine first. After tonight, I will find a way."

The steadfast teacher Shi nodded at this moment.

There is no doubt that the best way to break through the cage is to fight directly.

But after experiencing the hard walls of the entire 18th district, Teacher Shi was not sure about this method.

Moreover, the guardian of the gods and secrets must be dealt with before this.

As long as the guards are dealt with, and if you want to get useful things from the guards, then you should break through the cage, or make the next step.

Think about it a little bit, since this is 18 districts, I'm not sure in the back, but there must be 17 districts in front.

Blackbeard and the poisonous insects are likely to be in these places, or the area behind them.

The entire underground world is a conspiracy between the Eighth Day Research Institute and the dark forces alliance, so the guardian's identity should have something to do with them, but...the so-called underground world, that is, what secrets are hidden in the second excavation point. ?

Until now, Shi Dali was still not sure, even if there were relevant guesses in his mind, it was only a guess in the end.

The truth of the matter always has to be solved step by step.

"Well, we are leaving now, and the time is estimated to be almost up."

Continue to observe the surroundings, and then Xiaodouding nodded vigorously at Shi.

In this way, the two began to walk outside along the pothole. On the way, they saw some people still fighting, but no one chose to intervene.

In such a place, to ensure your own safety, the first thing is not to be nosy.

Moreover, in such a special magnetic field, no one knows in which direction the companions around him will mutate.

If it looks like that hippy smiling face, behind the grinning look is a sharp knife.

So, death will probably come at any time!

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