Super Treasure Bag

Chapter 1722: Your eldest brother is here

The white mist was faster than expected, and Shi Dali also found a familiar feeling, which was similar to the situation in the canyon at that time, but this time he clearly felt the energy of that special magnetic field.

A little bit, the whole person is quite exhausted, as if his mind is going to be empty.

"This place... it would be nice to open an insomnia rehabilitation center."

With a word in his mouth, Teacher Shi yawned.

That is to say, when his head was dizzy and a little unbearable, the energy cyclone in his body suddenly began to revolve.

It was almost like a panacea, and the sleepiness that had come with the mist was completely dispelled.

What's the situation?

Shi Dali had realized before that the starlight ore must be related to the fog, but this change was still a bit unexpected.

Especially this time, he could clearly perceive that the twinkling of stars in the energy cyclone appeared again.

"What the **** is this?"

He continued to mutter to himself, but Shi Dali still immediately picked up all his energy. First of all, he must be cautious about things that he never understood, otherwise God knows what will happen.

In this way, as time progressed, the fog continued to diffuse, but Shi Dali became more sober as the starlight became brighter.

Da da da…

Finally, he heard some special sounds from outside.

It was the sound of footsteps, with a heavy smell, as if coming from a distance, a little closer to the room where Shi Lili was located, that is, No. 1009.

I was a little nervous inexplicably, but Teacher Shi was not hurried, after crawling out of the bath, he also quietly approached the door.

There is no doubt that if you want to hear the movement clearly, it is always right to be closer.

In this way, he approached the iron gate, and at the same time the sound of footsteps outside stopped.

Without warning, Shi Dali's heart was suddenly abrupt.

What do you mean?

Does this thing outside know it's coming over?

Just as the thoughts in Teacher Shi's mind were surging, he heard a man's voice sounded outside.

"One hundred and nine, it should be Shi Dali."

Shi Dali, who was already in a nervous mood, felt a little bloated when he heard this.

Sure enough, the caretaker knew himself.

In other words, they have a fairly in-depth understanding of themselves, otherwise they would not stop at their door specifically and say their name.

Moreover, this should be a conversation?

"The meaning of the above is very clear. It is absolutely impossible to let Shi Dali leave from here, so the eighty-eight district is the end of his life. I really don't know what special place this kid has. He actually gave us such an order."

This is another voice, and it can be regarded as an answer to the previous question.

After listening to Teacher Shi, he realized a lot of things in his mind.

Undoubtedly, after everyone passed out in Longxi Canyon at that time, they must have been sent here after some consideration, and their meaning was also very clear, not wanting to leave themselves from the underground world alive...

There is no meaning of anger or irritation, but for this kind of thing, Teacher Shi feels quite calm.

After all, it is also because he really has too many such experiences, so there is no need to be angry.

"Say less, let's go, as long as you come to the 88th district, no one can leave from here."

It was the same voice as before. After speaking, the two people lost the meaning of dialogue, and the sound of footsteps sounded again.

Just staying behind the iron gate, Teacher Shi was a little impulsive for an instant, wanting to smash the door in front of him directly, and then rushed out.

But in the end, he restrained his impulse.

First of all, there is the problem of the door. He has tried this door before, and it is not as fragile as he imagined. It is really not easy to break open.

As for the second point, it is time.

At this time, he rushed out, even if he could kill the two guards, but there was still no clear idea of ​​how to do it in the future.

Moreover, he wants to leave with Xiaodouding!

Therefore, it is always right to wait a while, and there will definitely be a better chance. After all, you will not fall into a coma in the mist, so naturally you don't have to worry too much.

So, after listening to the sound of footsteps leaving completely, Teacher Shi returned to the bath.

Little by little, certain ideas began to develop in his mind, and at the same time, he had a clearer plan for how to leave the cage.

A seemingly simple night passed like this, the fog did not know when it would dissipate, and the iron gate opened again.

With the same scene, Shi Dali couldn't help but sigh when he saw this scene.

The underground world is really boring. If these prisoners like Xiaodouding really experience this kind of unchanging life forever, perhaps bread really becomes the only interesting thing.

"One hundred and nine? Your eldest brother is here!"

Before Shi Dali could sigh with emotion, a little excitement sounded outside the door.

That's right, Xiaodouding is here.

Having lived in the entire underground world for so many years, it is hard to have a little brother now. If it were not for the fog, it is estimated that Xiaodouding would not be able to sleep at all.

Looking at this little guy, Shi Dali was also a little admired.

Not all seeds only grow in the soil, even if it is a hard rock, there are still people who can lift their heads upright.

After taking a step forward, Shi Dali stepped forward out of the iron gate, and found that the prisoners who hurried under their feet yesterday were walking listlessly today.

"It's a pity, there is no bread today, so everyone is not in a hurry."

Looking around, Xiao Douding gave this explanation for the scattered walks of the surrounding prisoners.

In fact, Shi Dali also guessed that this might be the reason, so he didn't say much after nodding.

In the next moment, Xiaodouding patted him on the shoulder.

"But I hid a little bread for you, hahaha...isn't it a pleasant surprise? Hurry up and don't be seen by others."

A deliberately lowered voice rang from Shi Dali's ears, and when he was unprepared, the black bread had been stuffed directly into his mouth.

It's the same taste as yesterday, or it's more complicated than the taste yesterday.

But looking at Xiao Douding's eyes, Teacher Shi finally nodded, and then tried to swallow it down.

"By the way, have you thought about it? Do you want to escape from here?"

Continue, while moving forward, Xiaodouding continued to ask Shi Dali in a low voice.

This little heart was obviously agitated because of Shi Dali’s previous proposal...

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