Super Treasure Bag

Chapter 1748: Intruder

Besides, outside of the 37th cabin, the guards have indeed arrived.

Under the tremendous pressure brought by Cao Qingshan, they can say that they arrived here in a very short time.

A total of six guards, all with special weapons, communicated with Cao Qingshan and the others in the control room at any time through the stuffed headsets in their ears.

"We have reached cabin 37, and there seems to be a sound inside..."

The first caretaker had already put his ear on the hatch position at this time, so when reporting, some sounds inside his ears were also heard.

In the control room, Cao Qingshan's expression suddenly became serious when he heard this report.

"What sound? Did Cao Zian wake up?"

Obviously, he was a little worried, and even more worried.

The evolution of Cao Zian is very important to their entire organization. If Cao Zian wakes up because of certain accidents, it will be a huge loss.

So at this moment, Cao Qingshan couldn't help but want to see it in person.

"No, we are still recognizing... it seems to be some strange melody?"

At this time, the other guards also leaned forward, and the same big guy heard the sound behind the door.

However, when answering Cao Qingshan, he was a little confused.

"Melody? What melody?"

Cao Qingshan was taken aback again, how could there be a melody in a nice room?

"It seems... Father's father is grandfather, mother's mother is grandma, father's mother is grandma, mother's father is grandfather?"

To say that the watcher is indeed full of talents, so someone immediately imitated this melody and told Cao Qingshan on the other end of the communicator.

So Zhuangzhu Cao was completely stupid.

What the **** is this?

Cang Dang!

Following his question, the 37th cabin was opened.

In the next moment, under everyone's gaze, a man who also wears protective clothing was sitting on a very cartoonish rocking car, and the cheerful melody apparently sounded from this rocking car.

So, with so many eyes facing each other, there was no communication at all for a while.

No way, it was really weird in this scene. I thought something had changed in the room, and there were some very dangerous weapons hidden.

But who would have thought that after the door was pushed open, there would be such a scene inside.

It is speechless and incomprehensible!

And this sentiment also belongs to Shi Dali sitting on the rocking cart.

At this moment, Teacher Shi also felt as if he had become a leaf in the cold wind, shaking with the melody in his ears.

I thought that after the Great Pocket God upgraded the Seven Star Pocket, he couldn't wait to spit out something terrible.

In the end, who knows, such a thing appeared in the next moment, colorful, dazzling, beautiful melody, and goosebumps all over the body. "What's going on? What's going on inside?"

Finally, as Cao Qingshan's voice rang from the communicator, all the guards raised their guns together.

At this time, they also saw Cao Zi'an who had passed out without fainting above the ground, so there was no doubt that it was this strange guy in front of him who had acted on Cao Zian.

But at about the same time, Shi Dali moved.

It is difficult to describe what kind of speed and strength a teacher Shi has done with all his strength.

Several guards seemed to have just flashed in front of them, and their pistols had been snatched from them. Following a sharp pain, they had lost consciousness one after another.

Similarly, in the communicator, Cao Qingshan also lost contact with these guards.

Seeing all the guards falling, Shi Dali was also slightly relieved, and then silently removed the communicators in these guys' ears and plugged one in his ears, Shi Dali decided to leave.

There is no doubt that he should have been exposed now.

Originally thinking of entering the No. 1 area silently, and then trying to find Ye Zan'en and Old Man Yi and them, then let all the prisoners rush in, and solve all the troubles in one fell swoop.

But because of this task card, all plans have been disrupted, so the next thing he needs to do is to hide himself again as soon as possible.

According to the speculation of these guards, Shi Dali felt that the other party should not know his identity, so he still had a chance to get rid of.

In this way, Shi Dali left the 37th cabin and quickly disappeared into the passage wearing protective clothing.

Where to go next, Teacher Shi doesn't have a specific goal yet, but he knows...maybe the enemy will give him a goal.

Besides, on the control room side, suddenly all the guards didn't respond, and Cao Qingshan's expression was also ugly to the extreme.

Someone broke in!

Otherwise, some unexpected mutants appeared in the underground world.

However, what kind of mutant can instantly make the six guards unconscious?

If such mutants really arise, then it is definitely a terrible thing!

"Listen, everyone. Close the access doors in all areas. Someone broke into the 37th cabin. It is very likely that they have mixed into our team wearing protective clothing. Next..."

Subconsciously, Cao Qingshan used the communicator to tell the rest of the incident to the other people, so that the big guy was sufficiently alert.

But halfway through, Cao Qingshan stopped suddenly.

Because at this moment, he thought of a very important question.

If the intruder is smart enough, he is likely to bring the caretaker's communicator, so naturally all these things he said will be heard by the other party.

Although it is possible that this intruder would not be so smart, Cao Qingshan felt that this possibility should be prevented!

Therefore, he switched the communication channel and blocked the previous signal sources.

After that, he again began to arrange for all the guards to take action, on the one hand to be cautious, and on the other hand to encircle the space 37.

Although the intruder might have left at this time, Cao Zian should still be there!

As a talented evolution player who is at the forefront of the entire Meihuazhuang, and even the Dark Forces Alliance, Cao Qingshan absolutely cannot give up Cao Zian, as long as Cao Zian is still alive, everything will have a chance!

After finishing this, Cao Qingshan was relieved, and then he looked at Hu Sheng.

"Someone broke into here, don't you plan to do something? He will threaten our people, then you will also threaten your people."

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