Super Treasure Bag

Chapter 1757: dialogue

After hearing Shi Dali's voice, Cao Qingshan's entire expression changed rapidly.

Shi Dali, Shi Dali again!

Staring at Shi Dali's growth all the way, whether it is the Dark Forces Alliance or the Eighth Day Research Institute, they know that he has some ability to transfer items out of thin air.

However, with regard to this ability, the two forces are not quite sure where his ability comes from.

In order to investigate this point clearly, they did not spend less time, but for some reasons, they could only proceed cautiously, such as a spy like Pan Shuangyu... just to investigate this matter.

But unfortunately, they never got an accurate answer to this question.

However, as a behemoth, even if this matter is not understood, the Dark Forces Alliance and the Eighth Day Research Institute do not care that much, just like a highly developed country in the world would not care about a small economically developed village.

But who would have thought that now, the trouble is coming!

Moreover, it is still such a big trouble!

"Shi Dali, I am Cao Qingshan, the owner of Meihuazhuang."

After calming down, Zhuang Master Cao's whole aura also changed rapidly, so while directly explaining his identity to Shi Dali, he was a step forward with him.

The hearts of other people in the entire Meihuazhuang seemed to suddenly tighten with this action.

After all, facing the big guys around Shi Dali at this moment, the mentality of normal people is to retreat, and the result of Cao Zhuangzhu actually moved forward.

Besides, Teacher Shi, after hearing Cao Qingshan's self-introduction, his eyes also changed.

This guy is actually the owner of Meihuazhuang?

From Anbei City to the present, Shi Dali has really had a lot of contact and understanding of the three words Meihuazhuang.

Even before, he had thought many times about what the owner of Meihuazhuang would be like, and what would happen after he met the owner.

Unexpectedly, this moment came suddenly like this.

"What do you want?"

After waiting for a while, Shi Dali did not respond, and Cao Qingshan asked again.

As the owner and also one of the managers of the underground world, Cao Qingshan knows very well that the biggest danger now is not these devastating weapons, but Shi Dali!

The reason for saying this is because of the people present, only Shi Dali was completely out of his control.

Therefore, as long as Shi Dali is dealt with, these destructive weapons can be sent out slowly, and no accidents will happen if they think about it.

However, if Shi Dali can't deal with this accident, or let him try to kill him.

Then, no one can guarantee that these big guys will be sent away quietly from here.

Knowing this completely, Cao Qingshan had already made up his mind in his heart that he must use the most aggressive means to subdue Shi Dali in the shortest time, and at least not allow him time to detonate these heavy weapons.

So naturally, understanding Shi Dali's needs at this time can be considered a breakthrough to continue talking with him.

"I do not know either."

However, no one thought that at such a tense juncture, facing the problem of Cao Qingshan, Shi Dali would throw out such a few words.

Thus, Zhuang Master Cao clenched both hands together.

What kind of reply is this?

How to pick it up?

I ask what you want, you tell me you don’t know...Is it possible that I know?

"Shi Dali, I know you don't want to make things irreversible, so you can tell me what you want, and everyone can talk about it, or change the place... it's dangerous here."

With his eyes flickering, Cao Qingshan adjusted his mood again, and then slowly let out a voice.

This time, Teacher Shi, who was surrounded by heavy weapons, really thought about it seriously.

Cao Qingshan was right, he didn't want to die, and they didn't want to die...So it's good to talk about it.

"Tell me, what are you doing here? Tell me what you know! Otherwise... just die together!"

Then, Shi Dali's voice sounded.

In order to make himself look even more amazing, he also twisted his face as much as possible when speaking, so as to show that kind of desperate posture.

But as soon as he finished speaking, Cao Aman dragged his chin up.

"It's too ugly, speak well."

So, Teacher Shi nodded, as a teacher... you really should always pay attention to your own image.

Besides, Cao Qingshan outside, after hearing the question of Shi Dali, suddenly fell into silence.

He really guessed Shi Dali’s question.

In fact, in this situation, it seems that chatting, answering and answering doubts, is indeed the best state.

Other things seem to be impossible.

"You got all the prisoners in the underground cage? You killed them?"

Finally, Cao Qingshan spoke.

However, this opening did not answer Shi Dali's question, instead he threw a question out.

Following Cao Qingshan's words, his eyes stared at the gap.

As a master of almost the master level, Cao Qingshan knew where Shi Dali was, and he was constantly hesitating and struggling in his heart.

Do you want to make a move?

Relying on his knowledge of his own strength, Cao Qingshan felt that after he shot, there should be a 50% probability that Shi Dali could be subdued in an instant.

But the remaining 50% is full of uncertainty.

The so-called stealing chicken will not lose the rice, if he rushes in this way and Shi vigorously breaks away...then the result will be very dangerous.

"The special magnetic field in this place can allow everyone to evolve in an unknown direction, right? This is also the idea and plan of the Eighth Day Research Institute and the Dark Forces Alliance, right?"

Then, Shi Dali did not answer Cao Qingshan's question, but directly asked.

Then, Cao Qingshan paused.

"It seems that you really killed those prisoners. They are very pitiful. They met such a murderous fellow like you!"

Continuing, Cao Qingshan did not answer Shi Dali’s question, but after this sentence, he took a small step forward.

It's just a small step, and even some people can't notice it.

But Cao Ziang's eyes fluttered slightly.

He knew that Cao Qingshan wanted to do it!

From an emotional point of view, of course Cao Ziang hopes to see this scene, because Shi Dali is really annoying, and killing this guy is definitely a happy thing.

However, reason told him that this was not a smart decision.

Maybe, everyone will turn into smoke.

Just in terms of this kind of consequence, no one can bear it!

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