Super Treasure Bag

Chapter 1776: Is it still human?

When the big guy arrived here, he was very nervous.

Suddenly seeing so many eyes in front of him, there was no extra sound in the entire locomotive for a while.

Everyone is wondering, and at the same time dare not say anything rashly.


Suddenly, something slammed into the locomotive. If the propellers were still there before, it wouldn't be too dangerous.

But now those propellers have stopped, so this huge force directly hit the locomotive.

Then, another thing ran into it, and within a very short time, these eyes in the dark outside the glass seemed to move, unable to contain it, and the momentum was fierce.

"Seeing a ghost, what are these things?"

The poisonous insect scolded, but the reaction was very quick, and the iron gate was blocked in the first time.

Undoubtedly, it's best to ensure that the locomotive will not be rushed in at this time, otherwise they have just escaped from the danger over there, and now they may face an inescapable crisis.

"Wait a minute, you can turn on the light again soon."

Kong Erdan gave an answer here, this guy has been lying on the console, and the locomotive of this section of Ivory Mountain is also completely operated by him.

Since he said that, it means that he has some grasp of the situation, and it can be regarded as a relief for the big guy.

However, Shi Dali's expression suddenly changed.

Because of the glass, a strange sound suddenly sounded in the darkness.

That's right, it's weird.

Sha Sha Sha

Something seemed to be coming here, but it was louder than footsteps.

The eyes of those crazy shocking locomotives were also quiet because of this sound.

Tension and fear!

Even if there is no way to see what the state of the owner of these eyes is, Shi Dali can still feel that emotion.

what on earth is it?


The next moment, a ray of light quickly lit up in the darkness, and the twinkling eyes that followed began to flee.

Just when they almost disappeared, Kong Erdan's side really turned on the lights of the locomotive, and through the light they finally saw the back of those things.

It looked like a dog, but it was bigger than a dog. The whole body was black, and they rushed into the darkness in the distance.

However, as the surroundings are fully illuminated, the big guys' attention to those things is not so strong.

Because in the other direction, everyone saw a shadow.

It was a man in strange clothes, at least the style was completely different from that of the big guys present, and he wore a hat with English written on it.

Teacher Shi was a little relieved when he saw those in English.

At the very least, this is a person, not a monster of unknown origin.

But this person is very dangerous, and the light that stunned the wild dog just now is likely to come from the special weapon in his hand.

At this moment, that guy is also watching their locomotive.

Di di di di!

The clever Mr. Empty Erdan, honked his horn at this time.

Looking at his appearance, Poison Worm and Black Beard both have weird faces. Is honking the horn at this time as a greeting?

But it was a pity that even if the loudspeaker was loud, the man still didn't make any extra moves, but turned around after a pause.

It seems that he is going to leave!

A little coincidentally, the big guy's eyes were focused on Shi Dali's body.

At this time, it is undoubtedly necessary to listen to Shi Dali's thoughts.

Teacher Shi was staring at the man, seeing that he was going to disappear into the darkness completely, and finally made up his mind by clenching his fists with both hands.

"Catch up!"

That's right, now that they have entered the third floor, the true core area of ​​the entire underground world, Shi Dali and the others have no reason to shrink back.

Regarding all the secrets, it is very likely that they will be completely revealed here.

So, if you feel fear at this time, you may never have a chance to know the truth.

Besides, Ye Zhien and Old Man Yi are all here. Since they have reached the third level, they must try to find them, and this person may be the best breakthrough.


It was almost as soon as Teacher Shi's words fell, that the poisonous insect had already kicked the door open.

Then, maintaining almost uniform movements, the big guy left the locomotive.

"a little cold."

These three words of Huo Lang are everyone's feelings.

The temperature of this special space on the third floor is lower than that outside. Although I don't know the reason, it can be regarded as a signal.

For this kind of situation, there must be adequate precautions, otherwise, once it continues to move forward, the temperature will keep dropping, which is really very dangerous.

"Everyone is close together, you must be careful, the magnetic field here is much stronger than before."

Shi Dali's voice was also full of solemnity.

Compared to other people, his feelings are more special, as he just said, the magnetic field in this place is very strong, and even the second matter energy in his body is a little uncontrollable surging.

"Edward, you walked in the front, and you are still alive. I think your luck is very good. You walked in the front to open the way for us. Now it's time for you to contribute to all mankind."

At this time, the poisonous insect was vocalizing at Edward again.

Poor Mr. Edward, after hearing these words, tears were rolling in his eyes.

Here again, this **** is here again!

With so many people in the entire team, why are you staring at yourself?

Even Shi Dali feels dangerous in this place, and he has to force himself to go ahead. As for what he said is still human?

However, in this situation, Edward could only gritted his teeth and moved forward with tears.

As the saying goes, people are under the eaves and have to bow their heads.

In this way, he finally walked side by side with Shi Dali, and the big guy began to get close to the darkness, chasing the disappearing shadow just now.

I don't know why. Originally, Shi Dali thought that it would not be easy to catch up with that guy, but after walking for a few minutes, they saw the shadow.

With a little light source in their hands, they could vaguely determine that the shadow was the guy who had stunned the wild dog.

In this way, in the rest of the time, this distance was always maintained, and everyone kept moving forward.

As he walked, Shi Dali had already affirmed a little.

The man in front is deliberately taking people like himself to some place

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