Super Treasure Bag

Chapter 1778: In the cave

"You guys came a little later than we thought. It seems that Huo Lang rushed out and suffered serious injuries."

Signaling the big guys to sit down, Ye Jianen vigorously screamed at Shi.

Sure enough, the world's No. 1 detective's momentum is extraordinary, obviously fighting is quite ordinary, but speaking makes people feel at ease and at ease.

Hearing Ye Suan's initiative to bring up this matter, Shi Dali nodded.

"Yes, Brother Wolf has amnesia. We only met by chance. What did you meet at that time?"

Teacher Shi didn't know anything about Ye Suan and the others after they left Beijing. Now that I finally saw Ye Suan and Old Man Yi, they finally had a chance to ask questions.

Regarding this question, Ye Zhien and Old Man Yi looked at each other, and there was a lingering fear in their eyes.

Obviously the memories in my mind, even if I think of it now, make people feel uncomfortable.

In the end, Ye Jianen spoke.

"After leaving Beijing at that time, we went directly to Moss State, and based on the clues provided by the seeded players of the Dark Forces Alliance, we determined the Longxi Canyon."

Ye Zanen said here, everyone is attentive.

At the same time, Teacher Shi was also surprised. Ye Jianen had already identified Longxi Canyon at such an early age, but he had waited a long time to find out.

Sure enough, the number one detective in the world is the number one detective in the world. This fact is not comparable to anyone else.

"Later, we found an underground crack, from that crack into the underground world."

"Underground cracks? How come there are underground cracks?"

For this, Shi Dali is very strange. In such a secret place, the entire Eighth Day Research Institute and the Dark Forces Alliance are carefully guarded. They dare not be sloppy. Why is there such a gap? Then Ye Zhi Yeah, they can enter it?

This matter, no matter how you think about it, is not very scientific.

"It's a survival channel. When the Underground World was established, the Dark Forces Alliance reached a consensus with the Eighth Day Research Institute. In order to ensure that everything in this place will not be leaked, they will kill all the people involved in this project! Some researchers left an underground crack in order to escape from this place, and we entered this place from there."

Ye Zhien's explanation made Shi Dali fully understand, and the others nodded.

This kind of statement is very reasonable, but such a crack can be found by Ye Jianen with someone, which once again proves Ye Jianen's ability.

And in Shi Dali's mind, he had already thought of the days when Ye Suian disappeared, and he thought that these things were discovered at that time.


"Although we have been prepared for this place before, the facts have exceeded our expectations. We encountered those terrifying guardians who attacked us like robots. At that time, Huo Lang desperately killed him and left behind. The three of us"

Ye Suan said it was very calm, but Shi Dali and the others could feel that the scene at that time must be very dangerous, even tragic.

A master like Huo Lang also lost his memory at that time. Thinking about it now, he was really lucky, at least he survived.

"Then how did you escape?"

"Escape? We can't escape at all. At the time we thought we might be finished, but suddenly a stone wall opened, and then we entered the third floor, which is this place!"

Ye Suan stopped when he said that.

What he meant was very clear. They were able to survive by nothing else, but simply by luck.

When he arrived here, Black Beard suddenly said.

"What exactly is this place? What exactly did the black shadow that took us forward before?"

All of a sudden, Shi Dali and Poison Worm all raised their spirits.

Regarding this question, they wanted to know as soon as they entered the cave, and now that Blackbeard said it, it can be regarded as expressing the big guy's question.

"It's very special here. So far we haven't figured out what this place is, but we can be sure that the shadow you followed before is not a person!"

Ye Suan's tone suddenly increased at last, but the big guy's heart trembled.

not human?

These three words really mean a bit heavy, what is it if they are not human?

"Then these people"

Shi Lili's gaze swept past Ye Zan'en and Old Man Yi at this time, and finally he was obviously asking the strangers in the cave.

This time, it was Old Man Yi who answered him.

"These people, like us, were all absorbed by the stone wall suddenly opened. Everyone flees on this third level, so they are all their own."

As soon as Old Man Yi's voice fell, the other guys who hadn't spoken all started to speak.

"That's right, we almost died, and we were saved by Mr. Yi."

"Yes, it's all Mr. Yi, we can get together and survive."

From these words, Shi Dali had probably guessed what happened, it must be that after Ye Jianen and the others entered here, by chance, they saved the lives of these people by chance, and then got the opportunity to get together.

After all, he is the number one genius doctor in the world, and for him, this kind of thing must be caught by hand.

Then, these people should be trustworthy.

"Let's talk about it, what are those things? What do you know about the third layer, what do we need to do next?"

Taking a deep breath, Shi Dali looked at Ye Jianen directly.

As the highest-level detective, Ye Zhien’s abilities needless to say. At this time, it is enough for Shi Dali to completely believe in him. Moreover, from the attitude of Ye Zhien, Shi Dali can basically judge that he must have a clear understanding For now, just listening is enough.

This time, Ye Zheen looked at Shi Dali, and then at the others. After making sure that the big guy's eyes were on him, the detective nodded.

"Yes, this is the third level of the Underground World, and the most core level. The magnetic field of the entire Longxi Canyon Underground World starts to radiate from here! To be more blunt, this place is the second excavation site. The core, regarding the shadow you saw before, according to my current judgment, it should come from the blood of a lost civilization!"

Ye Zanen looked at Shi Dali at the end.

As for Teacher Shi, there was a sudden shock in his mind.

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