Super Treasure Bag

Chapter 1789: The role of Shi Dali

No. 1068!

When I saw this number, Shi Dali felt much more at ease in his heart.

That's right, this is the 1068 secret room he is looking for, Pieru is in it.

"Am I important?"

Suddenly, Shi Dali turned back and asked at Lopez.

This question came out of his mind without any warning, so Shi Dali asked Lopez.

Thinking about it carefully, things are indeed quite strange.

The current Lopez and the Lost Civilization really hold huge powers, especially in such a special place as the entire underground world. It can be said that whoever kills them is just one of their ideas.

But Lopez did not choose to do this, instead wasting a lot of time and energy on Shi Dali's body, such as bringing him to see Pieru now.

what is this?

Hearing this question from Shi Dali, Lopez was slightly taken aback.

Then he smiled.

"I think you will know soon."

As he finished speaking, the door of the cabin just in front of him opened.

At this point, fear or nervousness can no longer solve the problem, so Teacher Shi walked into the mechanical cabin very calmly.

The mechanical warehouse is bigger than it looks. Originally, in Shi Dali's imagination, after he entered it, Lopez should follow in.

But the fact is not the case. After he entered the mechanical warehouse, Lopez still stood in place.

Then, the door was closed, and the thing was suspended again, and it revolved around the starlight ore below along with the other mechanical bays.

Remaining calm, Shi Dali looked at the man opposite.

The reason why this is a man is because his face is very rough, so even if his hair is very long, Shi Dali thinks he is a man.

"I'm Piero, the patriarch of a lost civilization."

After hearing the straightforward introduction, Shi Dali had a clear understanding and understanding of this person's identity.

"What do you want to tell me?"

It's not a friend at all, so Teacher Shi doesn't need to pretend to ask questions directly.

"Do you know the laws of the universe?"

Pieru's hair is really long, and the long hair covers most of his face. Shi Dali can only see the bare skin from the gaps in the hair.

And his voice has a mechanical sense of friction.

As an elementary school teacher, Shi Dali really did not expect that someone would ask such a question to himself.

"I don't know, you know?"

Quite curious, Teacher Shi finally asked.

The mystery of the universe is really something that no one can directly explain. Could it be that the Lost Civilization has been studying the universe all these years?

But behind his question, Piero shook his head.

"I do not know either."

Inside the mechanical compartment, there was a short pause like this.

In Teacher Shi's heart, it is almost overwhelming. Is this guy sick?

It sounds like you are confident, thinking you know everything, but you don’t know, you don’t know what you are asking me for?

"Although I don't know, some people have discovered something after deduction."

When Pieru said this, he lifted the hair on his face.

This action allowed Shi Dali to see his face clearly, and it was indeed as ugly as he had imagined.

But with his eyes, Teacher Shi just glanced at it, and there was an indescribable shudder.

It’s really hard to describe. Shi Dali has seen the eyes of many people, but has never seen a person’s eyes that can possess such power. Even after looking at it for a while, those eyes are almost like black holes. Suck everything in.

In an instant, Shi Dali understood why this person would become the patriarch of a lost civilization.

It is conceivable that his eyes must be changed because of this special magnetic field, and now this change is really powerful, and even the energy in Shi Dali’s body is beginning to surge. .

"What did I find?"

With some difficulty, he looked away, and then Shi Dali followed by asking questions.

He felt that Pieru must not have told himself these things for no reason, so he said that these must have his own reasons.

So, what does he want to say?

Keeping his motionless posture, Pieru's finger lightly tapped the screen next to him.

Then, in front of Shi Dali's eyes, a light curtain appeared.

"Maybe you really want to know what exactly fell down many years ago and brought the second substance, and at the same time the lost civilization was born. Now I can tell you."

It seemed to have a very mysterious power. As Pieru finished speaking, some things on the light curtain in front of him began to pour into Shi Dali's mind like beating fragments.

Teacher Shi has never seen or experienced this way.

But without waiting for him to express any emotion, the whole picture has appeared in his mind.

It was a spaceship. I don’t know where it came from. It seemed to cut through the sky and hit the earth directly.

"The main body of this spacecraft is just below the Longxi Canyon, which is the underground world we are in. The other part fell into the waters of the Golden Island, where the Apollo was originally salvaged, so I can tell you this You, after many years of development, the power and technology possessed by the lost civilization are beyond the imagination of the ignorant humans! As long as the energy and magnetic field of the second substance is completely diffused, mankind will usher in a new one era!"

Pieru's voice rang in Shi Dali's ears, making Teacher Shi more clearly aware that the lost civilization is indeed stronger than imagined.

"If the magnetic field spreads, many innocent people will die, and even humans will drop sharply, and then they will become monsters like you."

It was extremely difficult, Shi Vigorously retorted.

However, Piero sneered.

"Change will come after all. No one will pity the weak, and the weak are not qualified to be respected. Monsters, are we monsters? If we are monsters, then when humans become like this, we are not monsters."

When Piero spoke, there was always a picture in Shi Dali's mind.

When he opened his eyes again, almost everything was clear.

It turned out that everything started with that spaceship, but now he understands it all.

Staring at Piero, while digesting the contents of his brain, Shi Dali began to observe the surroundings.

You can never give up until the last moment.

So, where is the remote control?

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