Super Treasure Bag

Chapter 1797: Forgotten story

After saying these words, Xiao completely disappeared into the darkness.

He left, Shi Dali didn't know how he left, just as Shi Dali didn't know how he came here before.

After waiting for a while, Teacher Shi took out the card in his pocket.

The familiar mission card, but it may be used as the last upgrade card, with some golden patterns engraved on the card, just like the golden ball at the time.

Xiao also mentioned the golden ball before, but he didn't expect to see the same pattern now.

So, does this pocket on my body also have anything to do with that spaceship?

At the same time that this idea was born in his mind, Shi Dali saw the text on the last card.

At the core of the spacecraft, get something like that!

Almost just after seeing these contents, Teacher Shi's brows were already locked.

Very strange, very strange task.

In the past, Shi Dali has also completed many mission cards, with various content on them, but like this card, it is very rare that the mission objective is not clearly stated at all.

So, what exactly is it?

If Xiao hadn't appeared before, perhaps Shi Dali wouldn't have much thoughts about this task.

But now that after such exchanges, Teacher Shi's heart is really indescribable for this last task.

Because Xiao has already said very clearly, this task may be the last task, and after the same task is completed, perhaps the crisis of the entire planet, including the future, can also change.

But if this task cannot be completed, then Shi Dali may enter a cycle, and then many years later he will become Xiao, with only eight circles on his arm, lacking the final nine-star renzhu.

Standing still, Shi Dali looked at the front and then at the back.

The tremendous pressure made Teacher Shi wonder whether he should move forward or backward.

But in the end, it was the energy vortex in his body that gave him guidance.

This silly thing had already absorbed a very large amount of starlight ore energy at this moment, and because of the relationship between these energies, Shi Dali felt that he was very powerful.

Similarly, because of the large enough energy in his body, he felt the call of something.

It was really a very mysterious feeling, perhaps only Shi Dali himself would understand it, as if a strong desire suddenly poured out of his body, prompting him to go deeper into the pile of energy ore.

The originally independent energy space seems to have formed a channel at this time.

This channel should be the core of the spacecraft!

Realizing this, a lot of things flashed in his mind, and finally Shi Dali's eyes became resolute.

As the so-called soldiers are coming to cover the water and the earth, there is nothing to hesitate at this time. Maybe it is fate that made me come here, or something else.

However, after all, the choice has to be made by yourself.

Thinking of this, Shi Dali took a step forward and headed directly towards the depths of the passage.

The black channel, the surrounding energy is constantly distorted, so that the entire channel also presents an unstable state of jitter. However, Shi Dali's heart is very stable, or he himself understands that at this time, he must be calm enough to deal with the troubles later.

As a result, moving forward step by step, Shi Dali's state was completely relaxed.

The big deal is death, what's to be afraid of.

And even if he died, he didn't want to be Xiao.

Next, along with the influx of his energy on this path through which the stone vigorously advanced, some special pictures began to appear.

Right around the passage, Shi Dali saw a lot of patterns. According to his guess, it was probably from the memory system of the spacecraft itself. Now because of the stimulation of energy, these dusty pictures appeared again. Up.

In the picture here, Teacher Shi saw many weird things, the vast starry sky, strange buildings, terrible creatures, including certain planets that have never been seen before...

Sure enough, at this time, it was basically certain that this spacecraft came from outer space, and because of its relationship, starlight ore began to fall in the sky, including strange things such as pyramids. Everything was the same as Xiao said.

But when you think about it, you can guess that since Xiao is Shi Dali from the future, he must have seen all these things Shi Dali sees now.

Through these pictures, Shi Dali has a complete guess about the whole thing.

The only thing that surprised him was that after the spacecraft crashed, it didn't become two pieces!

Before that, whether it was Lopez or Piero... they all told Teacher Shi that after the spacecraft fell on the earth, he became two parts.

One part fell in the waters of the Golden Island, and the other part fell into the Longxi Canyon to form the underground world.

But in the picture here, Shi Dali clearly sees...In addition to these two parts, there is still a small part separated.

This part should have fallen into the desert.

That's right, it's the desert!

After confirming this, Shi Dali immediately thought of Tam's grandfather, Mr. Ramo!

The old man was the captain of a special operations team in the Americas. During his career, he had been exposed to many weird things. After Shi Dali helped him out of trouble, Tam said... the old man mentioned about Things in the desert!

Therefore, Mr. Ramo knows where the third part of the spacecraft is disengaged, that is to say... the third excavation point!

These judgments were quickly made in his mind, and Shi Dali sorted out almost everything, although he didn't know what use such a discovery would be.

But there is no doubt that this is also a little discovery, maybe it will really play a role.


Suddenly, with such a sound, all the pictures disappeared.

Then in front of Shi Lili, a black whirlpool appeared.

This black vortex actually contains immense energy, and it is precisely because of the relationship between these energies that the entire vortex can be felt very unstable just by looking at it.

It seems that if you are not careful, the vortex will collapse.

And once a person enters this vortex, there is no way to confirm what will happen.

Gritting his teeth, Shi Dali fell into struggle and hesitation.

He felt that the core position he was going to was in the whirlpool.

But... do you really want to go in?

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