Super Treasure Bag

Chapter 180: Baishui Zhen

"I know!"

As a result, he followed abruptly, Shi Dali's voice sounded, his face was taken for granted.

It feels like such a simple thing, why don't you say it earlier?

"Do you know where Yi Hong is?"

With a hint of surprise on his face, Huo Lang turned his head to look at Shi Dali.

Regarding the name Yi Hong, it may be the most widely mentioned among the world, because birth, old age, sickness and death are the fate that everyone can't get rid of, so no one knows when Yi Hong will be asked.

Coupled with Yi Hong's own medical skills, it can already be described in the words "resurrection from the dead", which is why he deserves to be the number one genius doctor in the world.

However, this person disappeared completely a few years ago. No one knows the reason, only that he seems to have evaporated, and there is no news.

Too many people are looking for him, but no one can find him, even this has become a mystery.

As a result, Shi Dali actually knew.

"Dongqiao Bay, Baishui Town, lives near the mountains, under the alias of Mr. Yihong."

After blinking, Shi Dali gave the answer.

Huo Lang kept silent, watching Shi Dali's eyes with quite complicated things.

This man... is really too mysterious. On the surface it seems to be just an ordinary elementary school teacher, but judging from what happened to him one after another, this man is not that simple at all.

"Sure it's really there?"

"Yes, if you rent a car in Baishui can get in in one night. If it weren't for the rugged mountain roads and no other means of transportation, it would be faster and it would not be far from Anbei City.

Shi Dali nodded immediately, and at the same time took out his cell phone and checked it.

It seems that Shi Dali has not encountered any problems with the things in Book One of the World, so this should be correct.

Huo Lang looked at Ye Jianen again before speaking again.

"If you find Yi Hong, there should be no problem with his illness. The reputation of the first genius doctor... is not for nothing."

"That's fine, we will set out tonight to invite Mr. Yi Hong out of the mountain!"

Nodding quite joyfully, Teacher Shi couldn't wait.

If there is any slightest possibility to get Ye Zhien out of danger, Shi Dali is absolutely unhesitating and will do his best.

Not to mention anything else, it was only Ye Jianen's extremely perverted detective ability that made Teacher Shi admire the five-body cast.

There is a saying that you are thirsty for talent. As a young teacher, Shi Dali didn't understand them clearly, but now he really feels the same.

If such a powerful character can join his team, then the height of the future must be raised to a higher level.

Moreover, it also allowed Shi Dali to be more confident to face the pressure from the Wang family. Of course... it was also possible to find his father again.

"What are you going to do? No one knows why Yi Hong retired, and he has been hiding in one place for so many years. He must not care about the troubles outside. Do you think he is willing to come?"

Soon, Huo Lang was splashed with cold water from Shi Dali's head.

His analysis is quite reasonable. How could the best man in the world change his mind so easily, especially if Shi Dali is not related to others, so that the chance of success in the invitation is naturally even lower.

Calm down and ponder for a while, and finally look at Ye Jianen on the bed, Shi Dali gritted his teeth and made a decision.

"Forget about it, go to Baishui Town to have a look, and then think of a way!"

In today's situation, instead of continuing to spend time here, it is better to go on the road first, just like Shi Dali said... After getting to the place, let's see what this Mr. Yi Hong means.

Huo Lang also agreed with Shi Dali's decision, so after the two had discussed it, they decided to set off immediately.

As for the hospital, Mr. Shi directly talked to Manager Gu and asked someone to come and take care of Ye Zhien.

According to the route that Shi Dali found, they rented a minivan and set off before dark. According to what the driver said... they should be able to reach Baishui Town the next morning.

After all, this road is surrounded by mountains, so it is not easy to walk.

That is, after Shi Dali entered the mountain, Miss Leah dialed his phone, but it was turned off.

At the same time, Principal Chen of the Liberal Arts School is experiencing quite complicated hesitation. She was originally apologetic because Shi Dali was suspended by the training team, but then she did not apologize.

As a result, she learned that Chen Shuyu had been given a valuable car by Shi Dali yesterday. This incident made Chen Shuke's mood even stranger.

Especially the girl Chen Shuyu told herself mysteriously that Shi Dali specially asked her to let her help say something nice to her, obviously intending to pursue herself.

Speaking of all these years, the last thing Chen Shuyu lacks is the suitor.

It is no exaggeration to say that it can be described as countless.

However, after hearing Chen Shuyu's words, Chen Shuke didn't fall asleep all night, and his mind was filled with strange pictures, and even that cold face would show a hint of blush.

However, Shi Dali did not give her a call.

Whether it's about school suspension or other... this guy has no news.

Therefore, Chen Shuke took the phone and fell into constant wandering, and finally dialed the number with his teeth.

"Hello, the number you dialed is not in the service area..."

In the end, the complexity of the heart was all because of the prompt... it became a kind of melancholy.

Teacher Shi knew nothing about Chen Shuke. At this time, he had already entered the mountain with Huo Lang, rolling dangerous peaks, steep cliffs...

"You said a good genius doctor, why do you want to retire suddenly? Still staying in such a place?"

As the weather got late, Teacher Shi felt a little dizzy, thinking that it would take another night to reach Baishui Town, so he chatted with Huo Lang.

"I don't know, I have only heard about Yi Hong, but few people know why I retired."

Huo Lang also leaned on the seat and said to Shi Dali at the same time.

"Then what do you think he has shortcomings? Let's bring him something? For example, instant noodles? After all, things like this are scarce in the mountains."

After that, Teacher Shi asked again, he still had no idea how to get Yi Hong out of the mountain.

"It's better to get some sleep, and I will keep it for you."

After looking at Shi Dali a little speechlessly, Huo Lang simply closed his eyes.



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