Super Treasure Bag

Chapter 196: Aircraft cannon armored vehicle

"What's the matter? Talk!"

Hong Sifang's face was blank, and he had no idea what was wrong.

Isn't it safe to do so? what happened?

Could it be that... Shi Dali’s helper is here?

Just as Hong Sifang was thinking about it, Hong Xiaozhu's group of people almost split their brains from the inside, and their eyes seemed to be frozen.

Because what is happening right now has completely impacted everyone's eight-life psychological defense.

You can imagine yourself sitting at home drinking tea. Suddenly the roof of your house was broken open, followed by the heavily armed special fighters who jumped from the helicopter. Dozens of people used dozens of guns to complete it in ten seconds. Surround everyone.

Following behind, the machine gun convoy, the tank convoy, the blast convoy, the crash convoy...what is this?

Is this world crazy?


The next moment, Hong Xiaozhu knelt directly on the ground, his jaw trembling vigorously.

Never mumble about the bones of a dog's leg, especially when everything that is happening before him makes him feel that there is no way to explain his dream.

"Don't shoot, I surrender, I explain!"

Shouting loudly, although Hong Xiaozhu didn't know why he had surrendered, and he should explain something, but...under this situation, it was a burst of emotions, and I couldn't help myself!

That's right, this group of people is indeed Williams and the Hurricane.

Everything was indistinguishable from the previous plan. They arrived at the warehouse as soon as possible and completely occupied it.

It's just that the situation is not the same as Williams thought. He thought he would encounter very fierce resistance here, but that's not the case.

Especially this group of people is really not like well-trained robbers.

The most important thing is that in the shortest time, they have detected all the people in front of them through the detector, and they haven't found the mission badge.

"problem occurs."

I just felt a little throb in my heart, Williams secretly said.

Although he is very reluctant to admit it, the fact is... there may be something wrong with his plan, and the information he received before should be wrong.

In other words, their mission goals are not here!


Immediately, Williams had issued the order, and the group immediately retreated.

This guy, come fast and go fast.

By the time Hong Xiaozhu and the others reacted, the surrounding armed forces had all left.

"This... what is this?"

After muttering to himself blankly, Hong Xiaozhu realized that his whole body was actually drenched with cold sweat, and then his mobile phone rang at this time.

That's right, Hong Sifang's call has passed again.

Halfway through the conversation just now, Hong Sifang felt quite uncomfortable in his heart for a long time. After all, he didn't even know what happened.

"what happened?"

"Master, just... a bunch of people came, driving tanks, planes, machine guns, and armored vehicles..."

At one point, five to ten, Hong Xiaozhu told what he saw, especially now that he said it by himself, he still felt quite unreal.

As for Young Master Hong here, his brain hummed even more.

"What the **** are you talking about? Airplane cannon? Where are you?"

Very irritable, Hong Sifang couldn't help but cursed.

"Master, really! And... they're here again."

Hong Xiaozhu was anxiously trying to explain, but halfway through, he knelt on the ground.

That's right, the scene was exactly the same as before. The helicopter fell from above again, and the black muzzle was directly facing this side. At the same time, tanks and collision convoys, as well as machine guns and demolition teams entered the arena.

The only difference is that the tank was on the other side before, but now it’s on the other side.

"Don't shoot, I surrender! I explain!"

Hong Xiaozhu made a decisive decision and immediately followed the previous steps to continue without daring to raise his head.

That's right, this is the second team to arrive. It's the same as before. They also want to completely control the situation here in the first place.

But just like the previous hurricane team, they immediately realized that they might be fooled, because there was no signal for that special medal, and the previous hurricane had retreated, so they immediately realized that something was wrong.

So, without leaving a word, they also retreated immediately.

Then Hong Xiaozhu got up from the ground, with a trace of exhaustion that was undecided on his face.

It's so scary, it's almost like my heart pops out of my mouth.

I'm just a shit, what's this for? Can it be done?

Then, Hong Sifang's call came again...

"What did you say? What's the matter? What's coming again?"

"Master, the aircraft, artillery and armored vehicles are here again."

Crying without tears, Hong Xiaozhu explained again. He suddenly felt that it is so good to be an unpretentious farmer. Why should he experience these killings?

"Hong Xiaozhu, what are you kidding me?"

Hong Sifang felt that his IQ had been insulted, so his voice suddenly rose a lot.

"Master, please believe me, and... here again."

At the end of the remarks, Hong Xiaozhu cried directly and knelt down again looking at the group of people in front of him.

"Don't shoot, I surrender, I explain..."

But this time, he didn't finish his words, and they immediately retreated, leaving him messy in the wind like a second fool.

Tears fell from Hong Xiaozhu's face. This time he didn't have the strength to get up again. God really likes to make jokes... and jokes again and again.

So, kneel down, who knows if a bunch of people will rush in again.

Teacher Shi had been standing behind, holding the disc in his hand, and after witnessing what had just happened, he had a vague guess.

These people should have been summoned by the distress signal before, otherwise there would be no way to explain it.

So, after understanding this, Teacher Shi stood in place very carefully.

After stabbing the hornet's nest, the best way is not to move around, after all, there will be a big man who will stand in front of you and be beaten.

For example, Hong Xiaozhu at this moment, in the eyes of Teacher Shi, the figure suddenly became great.

Until the fourth group of men and horses rushed in, Hong Xiaozhu cried directly. He thought of his hometown, Xiaocui, and even running in the sunset.

That was the case, so after the group retreated, he took the initiative to call Hong Sifang.

"I'm sorry...I'm going to resign."

"Hong Xiaozhu, what are you doing?"

"I'm **** with your eight generations of ancestors, I quit!"

Then, the phone hung up.



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