Super Treasure Bag

Chapter 199: I'm guilty

Whale special team? Honorary instructor?

Such a concept appeared in Teacher Shi's mind for the first time, and it made him a little unresponsive.

"Hurry up and promise."

Guo Nuxia's heart set off stormy waves, and at the same time she said to Shi Dali for the first time.

She knows that Shi Dali must have never heard of this, but she herself knows it very well, and it is because she is so clear...that's why it is so incredible that her father will actively throw out the olive branch like this.

The Whale Special Team, one of China’s three major special teams, is also a very well-known China’s special combat force in the world.

As for the honorary instructors, it is even more serious.

You don't need to be subject to any control, but you can enjoy all the benefits and benefits. Simply put, it is actually a specially-appointed teacher!

Such an identity is what many people dream of, at least Guo Li has never seen his father invite someone like this.

Shi Dali was the first.

"Promise? But..."

"What is it? Hurry up and promise!"

Seeing Shi Dali still hesitating, Guo Lina was anxious and almost agreed to Shi Dali.

Just like that, Teacher Shi looked around and nodded.

"okay then."

"Welcome to the whale."

With a slight smile, Guo Wanhai said simply.

Teacher Shi was still confused and didn't know what happened, but he smiled and nodded.

Afterwards, Guo Wanhai got into the car, and Guo Li followed behind.

Obviously, the father and daughter should have something to say.

"Why do you do this?"

After closing the car door and looking at his father next to him, Guo Li directly asked her doubts and didn't mean to avoid anything.

"How much do you know about this person?"

However, Guo Wanhai did not answer his daughter's question, but instead followed up.

"I don't know much...not much."

Guo Li was taken aback and answered subconsciously.

"He is not simple, I can't read it wrong, so your choice is correct, keep working hard here, your mother and I will support you."

Facing his daughter, Guo Wanhai suddenly smiled this time, full of his father's love.

Guo Li's nose suddenly became slightly sour because of these words.

From the beginning of the quarrel, to when she went to the Anbei City Security Team by herself, everything was because she was unwilling to bow her head to everything in front of her, and insisted on telling everyone that she was right.

And now, she got the recognition she wanted, and this recognition came from her father.

"If the opportunity is right, I will let you return to Beijing, but you did a very good job in Anbei, and the security team also values ​​you very much..."

Guo Wanhai continued to speak out, his expression more serious, after all, these things he was talking about were related to his daughter's future.

"I like to stay in the security team."

Immediately, Guo Li expressed her thoughts.

"Then follow your own opinion, but you must come back to Beijing three months later. If you can solve a few major cases during this period... Then there will be a chance waiting for you."

Nodding, Guo Wanhai said suddenly.

This surprised Guo Li a little. Why did he return to Beijing with Shi Dali?

"What's the important thing?"

"You will know then, but you must remember that Shi Dali... is very important."

Guo Wanhai didn't say much, but in the end he specifically mentioned the name of Shi Dali again, so that Guo Li must remember it in his heart.

In this way, he took someone and left.

Teacher Shi is still a bit offended.

Is this gone? Didn’t you talk about honorary instructors? Why don't you even have a certificate?

"What do you think about you?"

Guo Li was in a good mood, and asked after seeing him patted his shoulder.

However, before Shi Dali could reply, Hong Xiaozhu, who was next to him, rushed over quickly.

"Sir, I want to confess, I am guilty!"

Hong Xiaozhu, who had already spared his life, was still thinking about this matter in his heart.

"Well, let's get in the car first."

Hearing this, Guo Li was taken aback, then pointed to the car of the security team nearby and said.

"Okay, uh... you handcuff me first, I'm worried that I will run away."

He immediately nodded, but Hong Xiaozhu extended his hands again and said seriously.

This made Guo Li a little bit confused about what this guy was thinking, but there was no ambiguity in his hands, he immediately locked him up, and then drove him into the car.

Teacher Shi was very pleased to see this scene, but he didn't expect that doglegs like Hong Xiaozhu would be so influenced.

But look at Brother Zhou next to them, Shi Dali also explained what happened before the 15th and 10th Generals, including the project arrears and the kidnapping threats.

Guo Li immediately understood what was going on, and Hong Xiaozhu was obviously planning to give a thorough explanation, so there was no ambiguity in what he promised.

Moreover, Hong Xiaozhu's doglegs surrendered completely, this time the Redstone Group is estimated to be out of luck.

In this way, the matter is completely over, and a group of people are leaving from here.

Teacher Shi made a call with Tian Xiaoyu and learned that the company's location has not been settled yet.

However, it was not so easy to make up such an important decision, so Teacher Shi also told him not to worry and take his time.

Then Wen Xing Yayuan called and told Shi Dali that Ye Jianen had woke up.

This was a big deal for Shi Dali. He immediately rushed to Wenxing Yayuan without any hesitation. On the way, Shi Dali always felt that there was something that had not been handled cleanly, but in the end, he really didn’t think of it. Can only give up.

That's why, in the warehouse where they were locked up, an extremely stern voice was still heard until the evening.

"Untie me! Someone untie the rope for me... Shi Dali!"


"Boss, are you here?"

Wen Xing Yayuan, Manager Gu saw Shi Dali coming in from the door, and immediately greeted him and said.

"How about people?"

For Manager Gu, Shi Dali didn't think he was an outsider, so he immediately asked.

"Upstairs, I woke up, but the situation is not very stable."

When Manager Gu answered, Shi Dali had already entered the elevator.

The two of them exchanged the situation as they entered the room where Ye Suan was.

As soon as the door was opened, Shi Dali saw Ye Zan'en, who was sitting on the bedside with his hair completely white, and his eyes...turned gray.

Similarly, Ye Jianen also saw Shi Dali when he came in.

And those eyes fluctuated for the first time since waking up. The next moment... this guy suddenly rushed towards Shi.



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