Super Treasure Bag

Chapter 206: I killed you

Didn’t you call it to get people?

Why are you planning to send yourself in with this mouth? Don't come out forever?

"Representative Zhang? Did you make a mistake?"

With his mouth open, the big white dog asked. He really couldn't turn his head and asked immediately.

Just as he said these words, several other people also walked out from the next room, and the big white dog became even more excited when he looked at it.

The representative of Boss Zhang, the representative of Boss Chen, the representative of Boss Liu... are here!

These people are all bosses who cooperate very closely with Dabaigou. This time Dabaigou had something like this, so of course he notified these bosses without any hesitation and asked them to help take him out of the security team. .

"Our evidence has already been provided. The big white dog buys murder. Please investigate carefully."

"Our evidence is also provided. He violently demolished and severely injured several households."

"And us, the evidence is here..."

Following behind, without waiting for the big white dog to say anything, these representatives directly spoke out, saying all they wanted to say.

After listening, the big white dog felt as if the sky had fallen.

Are you kidding me? Is this crazy one by one?

"Thank you for providing evidence, we will handle it impartially."

Guo Li's expression remained the same. Why these big white dogs' closest comrades would stabb the knife one by one without hesitation at this time, the reason is too simple.

That's right, those little videos provided by Shi Dali.

I have to say that this dog is still quite powerful, and actually convinced all the wives of these bosses.

However, this kind of shameful deeds can be done in private, and he actually left a video. Isn't this what it means to die?

After explaining everything, several representatives chose to leave without any hesitation.

The big white dog standing inside the fence suddenly felt at this moment that he might really not be able to get out in this life. When he thought of Shi Dali's words in his mind, he only felt cold in his hands and feet.

However, he still couldn't understand what happened, why would people like Hong Ye treat him this way?


"Boss, it's already done, and that dog is probably finished this time."

Sitting in the office, Hong Ye threw the cup on the table when he heard the news.

Thinking of the video he had seen before, this CEO of the Redstone Group only felt that the blood donated all over his body would gush out of his throat.

That **** actually hooked up his wife, and he didn't know anything about it, and in the end it was the video sent to him by the security team!

To be honest, Hong Ye had never been so humiliated before, and he even felt ashamed to go out to see people again.

However, after throwing the teacup and hanging up the phone, he forced himself to calm down.

Because the current Redstone Group is in huge trouble.

Although it was said that the video was sent from the security team, it was already known to many people in a small area, which caused the shares of the Redstone Group to suddenly plummet, and several big deals were all ruined.

And this is just the beginning. Just when he got new news, Hong Sifang's dog-legged man named Hong Xiaozhu has been in the security team for two hours and basically explained what he knows about the Redstone Group and the Hong family. All those activities have been explained, and it can be described with extreme detail.

Therefore, the security team launched an attack within an hour, and all of the Hong’s projects were stopped. Many middle-level backbones were involved. An unprecedented storm has arrived. If it is not handled well, the Redstone Group may That's it.


It was at this moment that a knock on the door sounded.

When Hong Ye looked up, he happened to see his son Hong Sifang walking in nervously.

The next moment, Hong Ye rushed over.

"I killed you!"

With a loud shout, Hong Ye had never been so excited about his son before, but this time he really couldn't hold it back. After all, Hong Xiaozhu had been following Hong Sifang.

Especially through Hong Xiaozhu’s account, Hong Ye knew that the **** Hong Sifang had done so many bad things on his back, so he immediately called Hong Sifang over.

Seeing Laozi rushing over, Hong Sifang turned around and planned to run, but he was knocked on the ground with a scissor leg by Hong Ye. After all, Hong Ye once learned a little fighting, and now he uses it to beat his son. It couldn't be more appropriate.

"Dad, let me go..."

A stern shout rang from Hong Sifang's mouth, but Hong Ye, who was already impatient, could not control those. Riding on Hong Sifang's back, there was a stance of Wusong fighting a tiger.

Ten minutes later, Hong Sifang, with a blue nose and swollen face, stood at the door, and Hong Ye, who was sweating profusely, turned his head and drank his saliva before putting his hands on his hips.

"Go ahead, what should I do?"

Taking a deep breath, Hong Ye looked at his son and asked.

"Dad, don't worry, don't we spend a little money on such things?"

Hong Sifang murmured, and the two dark circles under his eyes looked quite resentful.

Upon hearing this, Hong Ye took off his shoes and threw them out.

"Spend some money? Do you **** think the Hong family is rich? Let me tell you, your grandfather put two-thirds of the Hong family's property into the Sun Exchange before he died! So now Hong The family has already lost money. If you can't make it through this time, it will be completely finished.

I had never told Hong Sifang about this kind of thing before. This time Hong Ye really couldn't help it, so he almost shouted.

Of course, this also includes his resentment towards the old man!

"Huh? The Sun Exchange? Then... take it out."

With a blank promise, Hong Sifang continued to ask questions quite reasonably.

A slap on his forehead, Hong Ye took a few breaths abruptly, he was restraining himself... Otherwise, I guess he would choke this son who looked like a pig to death.

"Take it out? Do you think it's that simple? The Sun Exchange only recognizes their number plates, and other things are of no use to them, but in the past few years we have almost searched the Hong family several times, but still haven't found that number plate!"

With a trembling voice, Hong Ye continued.

"What should I do? Dad... shall we go bankrupt?"

At this moment, Hong Sifang really panicked. He has made many enemies in Anbei City over the years. If the Hong family goes bankrupt... the end is probably terrifying.

Seeing his son's appearance, Hong Ye's heart felt soft again. After shaking his head, his voice finally calmed down.

"I have already contacted the representative of Sun's Exchange, and reported that the number plate was lost. They will come to Anbei City for verification in the next few days. Then I will see what happens. Maybe there are some ways."



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