Super Treasure Bag

Chapter 209: vigilance

Shi Dali, who was thought of by others, didn't know how despicable the other party's methods would be at this time.

Teacher Shi had just returned home and put together all the things related to that mysterious person Xiao.

Including the photo that Jin Beihai gave him, the two number plates of the Sun Exchange, and a few other things.

Sitting cross-legged on the ground, Shi Dali looked at one by one, especially a few photos, looking very carefully.

It was also at this time that he was very fortunate that he was suspended, so he just had time to study these things.

However, after watching this for a full half an hour, Shi Dali still found nothing. After all, the things in his mind are really messed up. God knows what it is. If you want to find useful things from these things, is it really something? Easy thing.

It was also at this time that there was a knock on the door outside.

Feeling a little strange, Teacher Shi got up and opened the door, and then he saw the couple of Brother Zhou standing outside.

"Brother, are you back? I knew you were back when I heard the news."

Sister Zhou was quite enthusiastic, and she spoke directly, and at the same time passed a bag of fruit in her hand to Teacher Shi.

"You are too kind."

Teacher Shi also made a sound and smiled at the same time, but he was obviously a little strange about this bag of fruits.

"What are you polite? We came here to tell you that your eldest brother's work injury has been resolved. I didn't expect Redstone Group to act very quickly this time. The compensation is not less than a point, and we agreed to wait. He is back to work again after he is injured in his leg."

Insistently stuffing the fruit into the stone power hand, Sister Zhou continued.

Hearing this, Teacher Shi understood what he was doing so well. The two men have to buy something for themselves. That's why!

However, he also felt very happy. After all, it was great happiness for such an ordinary family to be treated fairly.

"That's a good thing, congratulations, Brother Zhou!"

"If it weren't for you, brother, who knows when the matter can be solved, this fruit must be held!"

All of a sudden, Shi Dali couldn't continue to decline, so he nodded and took the fruit in his hand.

People’s kindness, if they keep rejecting, will make the family uncomfortable.

"By the way, there is one more must always lock the door in your house. We have seen people quietly walking around the door several times."

Originally planned to leave, but Big Brother Zhou suddenly turned his head and said with a serious face.

Hearing this, Shi Dali was really surprised.

But following behind, he immediately guessed that someone must be inquiring about himself.

Speaking of the recent period, Teacher Shi has indeed done a lot of weird things, and it is true that he has not offended enemies. Such things are not so unexpected.

Of course, it is also possible that it is really a thief.

"I see, I'll change the lock when I look back, thank you, brother."

Thanks quickly, Shi Dali's heart also attracted considerable attention.

Afterwards, without any delay, Brother Zhou and his wife left, and Teacher Shi returned to the house.

After closing the door, Teacher Shi's expression became very serious.

In the past, he did ignore this very important issue. Now that Brother Zhou reminded him of this, he immediately realized...this rental house is indeed not safe.

Not to mention, just the few rough stones are worth a lot of money. Besides...there are also these number plates, as well as a few other objects of unknown origin that popped up in the pockets, especially Yuan Qinghua! Although Shi Dali is still not sure what these things are for now, but the opportunity is right in the future, he can definitely figure it out. If it is lost, it would be a shame.

Thinking of this, Teacher Shi quickly put the two number plates, the white pill and the small golden ball with complicated patterns into his pocket.

Before finding a place to put people at ease, he planned to take these things with him.

As for the rough stones, he immediately called Tian Xiaoyu and asked him to bring the rough stones and Yuan Qinghua.

If you want to come, the other party will not move towards Tian Xiaoyu and the others, after all, there are more than 30 people.

After arranging these things, Shi Dali felt quite relieved in his heart, and it happened to be this time...a call came in.

Teacher Shi was quite surprised when he saw the number.

Mo Yuqing!

Speaking of coming from the end of the Qinghua incident last time, Shi Dali has not contacted Mo Yuqing, not that he doesn't want to... it's too busy.

Of course, he still had such thoughts during this period. Because of Mo Ran's matter and that strange photo, he planned to ask Mo Yuqing about it, but he was still hesitating here. As a result, Mo Yuqing called Up.

It just so happened that you could use this phone call to get to know Mo Yuqing about her father.

After taking a deep breath and adjusting his emotions, Teacher Shi connected the phone.

"Are you busy? Wouldn't it bother you?"

Immediately, Mo Yuqing's clear voice sounded.

"It's not busy. I've been running around recently. What can I do as a suspended person."

He laughed at himself, and Teacher Shi said quite relaxedly.

"Why were you suspended?"

Mo Yuqing was very surprised, she naturally didn't know about this.

"It's hard to say... why don't we meet and talk?"

"Yes, I actually happen to have something to tell you."

The two people just talked about it, and then hung up the phone and made an appointment at random, but because Teacher Shi deliberately took care of Mo Yuqing's work relationship, she was quite close to the Cultural Relics Association.

After the meeting, Teacher Shi saw Mo Yuqing in casual clothes, and she was in a good mood for some reason.

This kind of meeting with a girl who has been watching her back for several years, even chatting is a very satisfying thing.

"Why are you suspended? Are you lazy at work?"

After blinking, Mo Yuqing asked Teacher Shi.

"Almost... Haha, go in for a cup of milk tea."

"It's your treat?"

"My treat."

"That's fine, let's go... hit the local tyrant."

Just kidding, the two entered the milk tea shop next to them, and after finding a seat by the window, Mo Yuqing's expression became much more serious.

"I'm going to tell you business, do you remember Zhang Shouye? He is missing... It is said that he was taken away by a wild boar that night, and he has not been found until now."



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