Super Treasure Bag

Chapter 227: Managerial knowledge

"Aunt Li, I will go home now, please help me take care of my mother first, and wait for me to talk about anything."

After hearing this, Shi Dali took a deep breath to stabilize his state of mind temporarily, and then said aloud.

After all, he is too far away from home now, even if he understands something, it won't help at all.

So, go home quickly is the best thing to do!

"Don't worry, we are watching, you come back quickly, this time your family really has a big deal."

Aunt Li's words are also sincere, and it can be regarded as a reassurance for Shi Dali.

Immediately, Shi Dali hung up and prepared to go home.

Speaking of which, he had nothing to arrange, just let Tian Xiaoyu and the others take care of Komatsu, and then drove off.

Qingshi Town belongs to a small town under Anbei City, and the distance is not too far. It doesn't take too long for Shi Dali to drive there directly. In addition, the performance of his car is not bad, so the time is naturally shorter.


At this moment, in Qingshi Town, in the most imposing building in the middle of the street, Zheng Musheng, the person in charge of the Redstone Group here, just served a cup of tea and spread out a book with a smile on his face.

As a cultural person, especially a group general stationed on one side, you have to read more at any time.

This is Zheng Musheng's accurate positioning of himself.

He likes this kind of life very much. Everything in the entire town is under his control. Relying on the strong assets of the Redstone Group, it can be said that many things are the same.

As for why the Redstone Group will start a business in Qingshi Town, it is related to the terrain next to Qingshi Town. Because of its proximity to the mountain, the local spring water in Qingshi Town is very high-quality. Ten years ago, Redstone Group Only then set up a water plant here, and now it can basically be said to monopolize the basic water use of Anbei City.

As the person in charge here, Zheng Musheng lived quite comfortably.

At this moment, the door of the office opened, and a person in charge under Zheng Musheng walked in with a flattering smile on his face.

"Manager, the matter has been settled, our announcement was sent to Shi Dali's house, and Axe and the others followed."

Slightly lowered his head, this subordinate named Guazi had already reported the situation to Zheng Musheng.

"Oh? How? Does his mother move?"

Without any emotional fluctuations, Zheng Musheng seemed to ask casually.

"Of course I refused to move, and said that we were robbers, but the axe directly smashed something with someone, and was frightened. Unexpectedly, the old woman passed out.

Guazi quickly replied, explaining the whole process before.

"It's really useless. Didn't I say that? After the axe is gone... it's best to let Shi Dali's mother suffer a bit. Why is it scared?"

Frowning, Zheng Musheng looked unsatisfied.

"At that time, many neighbors came here, and they are not good at using the axe."

Guazi felt Zheng Musheng's displeasure and quickly explained that he was responsible for this matter. If Zheng Musheng blames it, it must be his trouble.

"I'm very disappointed. I can't do anything like this. Tell Axe... I will harass a few more times. Make sure that Shi Dali’s mother collapses. Only in this way can Shi Dali listen to us obediently, knowing ?"

Zheng Musheng continued to flip through the book, and he didn't know whether he looked at it or not, but his voice was quite low.

"Okay, I'll talk to the axe right away."

"Also, we must remember that we are the normal planning of the group, and the information is ready, that is, their yard is an illegal building, so all the faults are theirs and have nothing to do with us! In addition, it has nothing to do with us! They keep their distance, those people are just our tools, don't let them get involved with the Redstone Group!"

After Zheng Musheng said this, he closed the book in his hand.

"Please rest assured, everything will be done beautifully!"

Once again, Guazi promised.

At this time, he should have left, after all, the report has been over.

However, Guazi really couldn't restrain the curiosity in his heart, so I asked one more question.

"Manager, why did the group executives do this to Shi Dali and his family? Why do you let Shi Dali obediently? I asked about their family, they are quite ordinary, no money, no background..."

"I don't know, but you know that we dare not defy the orders of the senior leaders of the group. The chairman of the Redstone Group is a figure we can't even think of. He personally ordered to reach Qingshi Town. It is to complete the task 100%. If the chairman is satisfied, it will definitely benefit."

When it comes to this, Zheng Musheng is really excited. He made a fortune by relying on the Redstone Group. If he could go further at this age, it would be perfect.

"I know, anyway, I'm just following you. It's the greatest honor of my life to work for you."

Quickly nodded, before Guazi left, he licked Zheng Musheng again.

He was quite satisfied in his heart, but Zheng Musheng just nodded slightly on the surface.

He is currently reading this book "The Knowledge of Managers", so he has also learned something. After all, he is now the future middle-level leader of the Redstone Group, and his knowledge reserves must be sufficient.

Then, Guazi went out from here and followed a phone call to the axe.

The so-called axe is actually the most notorious bully in the entire Bluestone Town. His subordinates usually carry more than 20 people who are domineering, doing some sneaky things, or just as they are now, hosting things for gold such as the Redstone Group. child.

"Listen, I'll harass again later. Be more aggressive. If you have the opportunity to do it, do it. It doesn't matter... Redstone Group will support you."

Facing the axe in the phone, Guazi didn't have the look of humility before, but rather stiff in her tone.

"Don't worry, Guazi, just wait for the good news from me, clean up such little people and look at me!"

The axe's voice was raised very high, and after speaking, he laughed.

After that, Guazi confessed a few more words before hanging up, while Axe continued to drink with a group of people.

He planned to go to Shi Dali’s house to make trouble after drinking this wine!

At the same time, Mr. Shi's car was only less than an hour away from Qingshi Town.

The black Maserati galloped on the road like a flash of lightning, and was so engraved in his anxious heart.

he came!



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