Super Treasure Bag

Chapter 24: Anxious


When he heard the news, Shi Dali was struck by lightning.

He didn't expect such a thing to happen!

When did my mother come to Anbei City? Why didn't you tell yourself?

The county town where Shi Dali’s family is located is several hours’ drive away from Anbei City. Since Shi Dali’s father left the house that year, the two of them have depended on each other.

This is also the case, so Shi Dali is even more aware of how difficult it is for his mother to go to school to this day.

Hearing the news suddenly now, he only felt a pain in his heart, but at the same time it seemed that Liushen Wuzhu.

"When did it happen? How is my mother now?"

Hurriedly walked towards the door, at the same time Shi Dali asked Uncle Zhang quickly.

"I didn't say too much on the phone. Go to the hospital and see it."

"I'll go over now... Children trouble you to take care of it first, thank you."

"give it to me!"

In a hurry, Shi Dali spoke a few words to Uncle Zhang, and then went straight out.

Uncle Zhang calmed down for a while, and then planned to help the children to calm down.

When he turned around, Wen Xiaotian had already jumped off the table.

"Big brother has something, how can we stand by and go!"

With an order, she rushed out from the side of Uncle Zhang, shaking her head.

"Yes, if you call, let the driver drive over, hurry up!"

The little bald head also yelled, and the bottom of his feet was also quite neat, and rushed out following Wen Xiaotian.

"Where are you going? Stop all!"

Uncle Zhang didn't expect such a thing to happen, and desperately shouted that he wanted to stop these ancestors from going out, but no one listened to him at all.

In fact, this kind of thing has always been the norm for Class 6 of Six Years.

Twelve or thirteen-year-old children have their most stubborn character. This is when Wen Xiaotian chooses to run away from home because of the lack of interest in going to school, and even tries on the edge of the reservoir!

And children in Class 6 of Year 6 are almost in the same situation as Wen Xiaotian.

Families that are either rich or noble make their children feel more lonely as they grow up day by day. They like to make life full of adventure, because this is exciting enough!

They like to be noisy and like to be called bad boys because they totally disagree with that mainstream idea!

And now the arrival of Shi Dali made the situation a little different. On the one hand, Wen Xiaotian was completely convinced by him, and on the other hand, the Azure Dragon Yanyue Sword!

No teacher could do this kind of thing in the past!

It's like Wen Xiaotian said, she is a knight, so the sixth class of the sixth year is naturally the most moral!

Shi Dali is their elder brother, not their teacher!

This is a matter of course for the sake of the big brother!

Whether this idea is right or wrong, no one knows... But in the eyes of these children, this is right!

Shi Dali, who rushed directly to the school gate in one breath, was obviously distraught, but waited for a few minutes without seeing a taxi coming.

Just as he was thinking of someone to borrow a car from, suddenly a black Mercedes-Benz car had come to a stop next to him.

There was no reaction, and there was the second one, but it turned into a red sports car!

Then, it's the third one!

It took only tens of seconds before and after, and dozens of cars surrounded this place.

"Brother, get in the car!"

The windows of the car rolled down in all directions, and the sound rang from all directions Shi Dali was dumbfounded, until he realized that these were all the little monsters in his class, he didn't realize it.

Especially the co-pilot of the car in front is not Wen Xiaotian.

"Why don't you run out of class?"

Now that there is no time to be gentle, Shi Dali directly asked Wen Xiaotian, his brows furrowed, and his voice was full of sternness.

Wen Xiaotian was taken aback for a moment, then looked serious.

"Big brother's business is our business. Get in the car and go to the hospital!"

"Yes, let's go to the hospital quickly!"

"Don't waste time, Brother gets in the car first!"


Seeing these sounds from all directions rang again, causing the pedestrians around to look at him frequently, Shi Dali was helpless.

Indeed, the most important thing now is the hospital. Although these children are naughty, they have drivers in their cars, so it shouldn't be a big problem.

Immediately, as Shi Dali got into the car.

This colorful caravan set off from the Liberal Arts School in a whistling manner. Under the urging of the young ancestors, the drivers sweated profusely and drove to the fastest speed.

After more than ten minutes, he stopped downstairs in the hospital.

In this way, Shi Dali rushed into the hospital building with a bunch of dancing children.

After asking the nurse's station where his mother was in the ward, Shi Dali went upstairs immediately.

At this moment, he was really anxious, and when he really pushed the ward door open and saw the mother lying on the bed covered with blood, his eyes became flushed.

"Mom... how are you doing?"

Immediately rushed to the bed, Shi vigorously held his mother's hand.

However, the pale mother just opened her eyes slightly now, and she was obviously speechless.

"You are a family member, right? I told you in advance that your mother hit my car by herself. It has nothing to do with me!"

"That's right, don't think about ruining people!"

At this moment, a man and a woman's very mean voice suddenly sounded from the side.

Looking up sharply, Shi Dali noticed that there were three people standing next to the bed.

In addition to this man and woman, there is also a doctor in a white coat.

Without time to pay attention to other things, Shi Dali asked the doctor directly.

"Doctor, how is my mother's condition? Why don't you arrange for treatment?"

Indeed, Shi Dali could see blood still oozing in these areas of his mother's arm, but the hospital did not take any measures.

Hearing Shi Dali's inquiry, the middle-aged doctor looked at the man and woman next to him before he said with an indifferent expression.

"No problem, just a simple scratch, now the family members are here...sign and you can go."

Hearing these words, and looking at the faces of the three people in front of him, Shi Dali immediately understood what happened.

Obviously, this doctor is a friend of the man and woman who caused the accident, so he wanted to suppress this matter, and he didn't even plan to carry out the basic examination and treatment.

There was a anger in his heart, and Shi Dali stepped forward and planned to say something.

Instead of waiting for him to speak, the doctor's face was cold.

"What? Do you want to make trouble? Then I will notify the security now!"

After he said these words, the corners of the mouths of the men and women who caused the accident also showed a trace of pride.

From the clothes of Shi Lili's mother, they can judge that it is a completely ordinary family with absolutely no background!

So what if it is angry? It is destined to be handled casually by them!



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