Super Treasure Bag

Chapter 262: Again

I don't know how long it took, and finally couldn't help rubbing his eyes. Mr. Poisonous felt that he might have a cold.

No way, the clothes on his back have not been dried. The cold wind blowing this night, he is not a golden bell, he can't hold it.

As for the golden bell, the poisonous insects can't bear to look directly.

To tell the truth, the poisonous insect at this moment is full of admiration for the golden bell, he never knew that this man was such a famous man!

But this time, he has been lying on the ground for almost two minutes without getting up.

Both legs were broken, one was broken directly by kicking on Shi Dali, and the other was broken on the ground by rebounding.

His arm had already been fractured, but he still insisted...I don't know if it was for glory or for eighty yuan.

"Or... forget it?"

Finally couldn't help it, Mr. Poison Worm said something, especially when he saw that the golden bell, which had no personality, got up again.

"Yeah, or forget it, you have already made 3,360 yuan, which is a lot."

Shi Dali's voice followed. After all this tossing, Teacher Shi was truly alive and well. He had never felt that his body was so great before, and the abundant energy before it almost faded away.

The so-called draught not forgetting the digger, at this time Teacher Shi's gratitude to the golden bell jar is quite real. If it were not for the golden bell jar, God knows how dangerous he was at that time, so this kindness can not be forgotten casually.

Completely stiff, the golden bell did not speak, or that he was already speechless, his chin was broken, his face was about to droop on his shoulders, and he would say a fart!

"Why don't I give you four thousand yuan, you really have worked hard tonight."

Again, Teacher Shi said from the bottom of his heart.

It was these words that completely pierced the softest part of the heart of the golden bell. The next moment he choked and lay directly on the ground, crying.

The forty-year-old martial arts master was crying like a child at this moment.

For a long time, the Bell Bell liked the pleasure of hitting others, but tonight... he almost gave himself up.

The rivers and lakes are really sinister. As expected, he is a frog at the bottom of the well, so let's go back to farming after I get the four thousand dollars.

With this kind of thought, the Golden Bell Cover, who had completely collapsed, regretted it inexplicably. At that time, he should talk to Shi Dali about the price. One punch was too little.


Teacher Shi was a little bit embarrassed to look at the golden bell, but when his eyes turned to Mr. Poison, his eyes became sharp again.

This guy is not a good thing, especially after his body seems to be reborn, Teacher Shi can smell the cold odor of poisonous insects.

The poisonous insect was stunned for a moment, only then realized that he was in danger.

Gritting his teeth, he stood still and didn't move.

Just kidding, what can he do in the face of such a stone power?

Therefore, he must be calm, and then use his last hole card to give Shi a fatal blow!

"Who asked you to come? For what?"

Shi Dali walked towards the poisonous insect step by step, looking quite relaxed.

Although there were some more fluctuations in the whole process, Shi Dali felt that he must be considered a master of martial arts, so under such circumstances, absolute self-confidence is inevitable.

Keeping silent, the poisonous insect didn't speak, in fact he was very nervous.

"Don't speak, right? If you don't speak, just say you can't resist beating, right?"

Teacher Shi's voice continued to ring, while looking at the poisonous insect and asked.

But this time, the poisonous insect suddenly laughed, and the distance between the two people was only about 20 meters.

"Do you know what my Mr. Poison likes best?"

It seemed inexplicable, the poisonous insect looked at Shi Dali and asked.

"what do you like?"

I feel inexplicably that this guy may have some tricks, or he won't be so calm, but to be honest, Shi Dali doesn't think he can do anything.

The insects have been absorbed by the ancient dragon descending tree, including the weirdest thousand corpse insects.

And he feels full of strength, and it is estimated that Mr. Poisonous insect can hit the ground with one punch.

So in this case, what hole cards does he have?

"I like you the most arrogant and arrogant people who think that everything is under their control! The methods of our poisonous insects are definitely not imaginable by ordinary people, because no one knows whether we have insects."

The smile on his face was even worse, and Mr. Poison's voice carried an inexplicable confidence.

Shi Dali was indeed a little worried this time, so he stopped.

But at this time, suddenly Teacher Shi felt that the position of his trouser pocket was a little changed, and he lowered his head subconsciously, just to see a white touch directly into his pocket.


"'re done! Do you know what was just going in? Bone spider! The pet I raised since I was a kid is my biggest hole card!"

In the eyes of this scene, the poisonous insect was completely excited, and it could be said that he laughed unscrupulously.

Shi Dali was initially a little at a loss. After hearing the words "white-bone spider", he was taken aback.

"Bone Spider?"

"Yes, it seems that you don't know what it is, ignorant kid... Let me tell you, from the moment the bone spider enters your pocket, everything about you is over. Now I just need to count down. In ten seconds, you will become a powerless corpse! It's time to end this! Ten, nine, eight..."

Poisonous insect's face showed the ease of winning, he had absolute trust in his last hole card.

Especially this white-bone spider, no one even knew, which is why Shi Dali would be defenseless.

Then, in the cold night breeze, the countdown to the poisonous insects ended.

"At the last second, you...fall down for me!"

With a loud shout, the excited poisonous insect even had a bit of sound.

However, nothing happened, Shi Dali just looked at him quietly, as if looking at a Sabi.

"Impossible! How could it be like this, do it again... at the last second, you fall down for me!"

Finally panic appeared on his face. Obviously, the poisonous insect could not accept the scene before him, so the countdown came again.

However, it is still weirdly quiet, and everything remains the same!

"How about... do it again? You ride a broom, take a magic wand, I guess I will fall."

After blinking, Teacher Shi looked sincere.

It was the same sentence that caused the poisonous insect to slump on the ground, looking at Shi Dali like a devil.

"My spider!"



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