Super Treasure Bag

Chapter 267: Act quickly

However, it is a pity that the early contents of this A Lang have just been torn out.

In other words, it is really difficult for Shi Dali to find him immediately. Who knows where this creator who will shine in the future is now?

However, the difficulty must be solved when the difficulty was in front of him, so Shi Dali directly notified Sun Li and Yuncheng to come over after carefully saving the half of the book.

The two people who had just walked on their front legs looked a little at a loss when they entered the office. They didn't know what Shi Dali planned to do, but it was impossible to think of a way so quickly.

"Chairman, what are your arrangements?"

"That's the case, immediately notify the company, all the non-profitable projects of the company will be cancelled, and the number of copies that can be returned is counted. Throw away the losses!"

With an order, Teacher Shi was quite decisive.

After all, as long as you find A Lang, even if you only rely on the box office of the work in his hand, the Redstone Group can definitely go to a higher level, so there is really no need to waste time elsewhere.

"Ah? Wouldn't it be too hasty? And...what are we doing?"

With a look of embarrassment, Sun Wei was quite horrified. He was now worried that Shi Dali really decided to close the Redstone Group.

"Free up all the manpower and find me a person named A Lang. He has a work called "Super Hundred Treasure Bag" in his hand, and he must get it in our hands anyway!"

Quite firm, Shi Dali informed the other party of his plan.

At the box office of 8 billion in a month, this is simply picking up money!

Yun Cheng and Sun Mi were once again taken aback at the same time, both of them were completely at a loss for Shi Dali's words.

Who is Alang? What is "Super Bag"?

"Chairman, is this person important? Free up all hands to find him... Is it a waste of resources?"

It was very difficult. Sun Milli looked at Shi Dali and asked. He always felt that the boss was like a child, and when he thought of it, he came out every time, so it is really necessary to remind him.

"Just listen to me and do it. The sooner you find this person, the sooner Redstone Group will get out of its current predicament. If someone else robs you, no one can save the company."

It is also possible to see Sun Mi's mind, so Shi Dali reiterated again.

"Okay, let's do it right away!"

Yun Cheng took a deep breath and said directly.

Sun Milli didn't dare to ask more questions at this time, and immediately turned around and left the office to arrange the following things after agreeing to the same.

In this way, the entire Redstone Group started the largest recruitment operation in its history. Even the heads of the dignified department have become errand workers. They issued announcements in various places in the circle of friends to find this man named Alang!

At the same time, on the green train from Suhai to Anbei City, a man with slightly curly hair just woke up from his sleep leaning on the window. The smell in the air was very complicated, and chaotic sounds sounded from different directions. It is the tiredness and sleepiness of life.

After shaking his head gently and taking a sip of the hot water on the table, the man opened the backpack next to him carefully.

This is the work he was most proud of in the first half of his life, and it is also the result of his almost bankruptcy for his dream!

However, dreams are always out of reach. He no longer remembers how many times he was rejected, and the expressions of those people, A Lang, are still vividly visible.

Cold, without any emotion! "Anbei city...maybe the last hope."

With a light sigh, the man closed his backpack again, and closed his eyes again following the shaking of the train.


"Brother Wolf, have you eaten with Komatsu? I'm done with my affairs, let's eat together!"

Coming out of the building of the Redstone Group, Shi Dali immediately made a call to Huo Lang.

The original plan for everyone was to have dinner together, but because Sun Mi's phone call was delayed, now looking back, Teacher Shi is naturally thinking about it again.

"It's right next to the school. We just planned to eat. Come over."

Huo Lang knew that Shi Dali must be hungry, so he continued.

In this way, I hung up the phone and hurried to Boya. Huo Lang has not been back in this period of time. Mr. Shi is too tired to talk about it. Now everyone can have a meal together, and I feel better when I think about it.

It was not far from the Redstone Group to Boya. After Shi Dali reached the place, he stopped and walked along the road to the restaurant.

It happened to be at this time that he saw a man across the street with gray hair, standing in place rather desperate, his gaze was in the direction of Boya, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

In fact, there are strange people and strange things every day, and Shi Dali didn't need to pay more attention to it, but he knew this person.

Qi Fangzheng!

Dinghai Shenzhen used to be the graduating class of Boya Group, but after the last collective job-hopping incident, he is now the head of the graduating class of Hongzhi School.

But now he is not going to class, why is he coming over to Boya?

I was a little puzzled in my heart, but the two of them couldn't talk about how familiar, so Shi Dali murmured and planned to enter the restaurant, especially since he had seen Komatsu waving at himself through the window!

Hey... bang!

However, it happened at this time when an extremely sharp sound suddenly sounded. He followed after Shi Dali turned his head, and happened to see Qi Fang being hit by a truck directly.

I don't know why he crossed the road at that moment, and it happened to collide with the rushing truck.

I was shocked. I really didn’t have time to think about it. Shi Dali rushed over there, especially the cars on the road basically stopped, so in about ten seconds, Shi Dali had already arrived. Next to Qi Fangzheng.

At this moment, Qi Fangzheng, lying on the road, looked extremely painful, half of his head was full of blood, and his injuries seemed very serious.

"Ms. Qi? How are you? Hurry up and call for an ambulance!"

Without daring to shake too much, Shi Dali just yelled at Qi Fangzheng when he got close, then raised his voice and said to the onlookers beside him.

Following his words, everyone started to take action, and the rest of the call rushed over.

The truck driver came over in a panic at this moment. Standing next to him seemed completely out of ideas, but at the moment nothing is more important than Qi Fangzheng's safety, so few people paid attention to him.

Just like this, naturally no one saw him cast a look at the corner of the street.

Following behind, the car on the corner left and quickly merged into the traffic.



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