Super Treasure Bag

Chapter 273: Qi Chunye


After finally knocking at the door, Shi Dali's mood was extremely complicated. He had never been to Qi Fangzheng's home. This was the first time.

However, Shi Dali in the past may not have even dreamed that one day he would come here under this situation.

Almost ten seconds after knocking on the door, he finally heard heavy footsteps sounding inside through the door panel.


Under Shi Dali's gaze, the door was opened, and then the haggard face of Teacher Qi's wife was exposed.

It seems that the related matters have been handled, so she also returned home.

"Hello, my name is Shi Dali. I am a former colleague of Teacher Qi from Boya School. I am here to tell you something."

Taking a deep breath, Shi Dali was already prepared even though it was so difficult to tell the truth.

As for Hong Sifang, he was squatting tremblingly next to Shi Dali, not dare to let out the atmosphere.

"Oh, hello...what's the matter?"

Perhaps it was the heavy blow that made the woman in front of her lose her polite thoughts, she just asked softly.

As she finished speaking, Shi Dali turned around and kicked Hong Sifang to the ground.

"Speak for yourself!"

With three simple words, Hong Sifang shuddered again.

Immediately in this corridor, Hong Sifang knelt down at Teacher Qi's wife, and at the same time a cry of voice sounded.

"Sorry, I am not a human being. I killed Teacher Qi Fangzheng. I confess my guilt to you and apologize to you!"

Shi Dali had already warned Hong Sifang on the way that he would throw him off the skyscraper if he had anything unfaithful.

In the past, Master Hong would not have heard such words as an incident, but after today's incident, Hong Sifang was convinced of the name Shi Dali!

This guy is a madman, a madman who has no brains and can do anything!

Teacher Qi's wife froze for a moment, obviously a little unresponsive, but after a few seconds suddenly realized that this person was actually Hong Sifang of the Redstone Group, her expression finally changed.

"Hong Sifang! You are Hong Sifang! You killed Lao Qi!"

A voice of grief and indignation sounded, and the woman's eyes were red, and at this moment she was filled with an indescribable emotion. She wanted to slap Hong Sifang twice, but found that she did not have the strength to do such a thing, if it were not for Shi Dalifu If she held her arm, she might pass out directly here.


It was also at this time that another crisp voice rang from the room. After Shi Lili heard it, he subconsciously raised his head and saw the girl standing at the door of the cottage.

Slim, but her eyes are covered by blindfolds. At this moment, she is obviously listening to the surrounding movement with her ears.

This must be Qi Fangzheng's daughter!

Knowing Chen Shuke, Shi Dali immediately determined.

It is obviously not appropriate to continue standing in the corridor, especially Mrs. Qi's situation is not very good either, So Xingshi strongly helped her in, and then let Hong Sifang follow into the house, and then closed the door.

"I’m Teacher Qi’s colleague. You call me Shi Dali. I’m here to tell you one thing. Teacher Qi’s car accident was premeditated by Hong Sifang. I’m bringing him here now. , See what you plan to do." was quite quick, Shi Dali explained the situation to the girl.

After listening to the words, the girl was silent, and the voice slowly sounded after about ten seconds.

"Hello, my name is Qi Chunye...I just hope that he can be punished as he deserves, and seek justice for my father."

The trace of strength in the slight choking, on the contrary, makes people feel unspeakable distress.

Hong Sifang was simply lying on the ground at this moment. He felt that if he did something extra, he would be punched by Shi Dali, so it would be more direct.

"I will be responsible for this matter, and he will definitely receive the punishment he deserves!"

Nodding vigorously, Shi Dali made a promise, or said that this promise was also given to him, so it can be considered worthy of Teacher Qi's final explanation before his death.

Sitting on the sofa, Madam Qi was already pale and could not cry.

She could not recall the past, nor could she face the future.


At this moment, Shi Dali kicked Hong Sifang's head again.

This kick made Hong Sifang feel wronged in his heart. I just lay on the ground and didn't move. What else do you want?

"How did you agree to Teacher Qi before? Heal Qi Chunye's eyes, now?"

This question made Mrs. Qi's eyes fixed on Hong Sifang, as if she finally saw some hope of living.

Unexpectedly, Shi Dali would bring up the matter, Hong Sifang was obviously taken aback, then hesitated for a moment and then slowly said out.

"I swear that when I first agreed to this, I thought it should be done, but then I went to a doctor to check her, and both eyeballs including the muscles beside them had all atrophy. In this case, there is no possibility that she will be able to get her To see the light again, unless it is the most cutting-edge biopharmaceuticals, but I have only heard of such things. The Hong family has no channels at all, and there is not so much money to do it..."

Biting the bullet, Hong Sifang explained.

"You bastard, before you kept saying to Old Qi that you could heal my daughter's eyes, otherwise he would not go to Hongzhi, nor would he be ashamed of Boya and unable to sleep! It was your bastard!"

Madam Qi's trembling voice scolded, but in the end she lost her strength again.

"I know I'm a beast, but these eyes are no longer saving me. What can I do? Your old man is threatening me! I told him that I can't save him if the king is here. He doesn't listen to me at all!"

Hong Sifang also used this stall to make an extremely shameless excuse for his shamelessness.

However, with Shi Dali's kick again, this guy immediately became honest.

He is usually domineering and always aimed at people who are weaker than himself, but now facing Shi Dali, he is very honest.

"He's right, my eyes are indeed helpless. I know this very well...Thank you, Teacher Shi! Our family's request only hopes that he can be brought to justice, and you don't need to trouble you for the rest. Up."

Qi Chunye's voice sounded at this moment, and after speaking, she bowed in the direction where Shi Dali was.

Obviously, she had already given up on her eyes.

Madam Qi couldn't cry again, and at the same time she was shrouded in despair again.

But no one thought that Shi Dali would suddenly watch Hong Sifang speak out.

"What was the biopharmaceutical you just said?"



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