Super Treasure Bag

Chapter 285: Buy a building


Seeing Tian Xiaoyu kicking the warehouse door in front of him, Shi Dali's eyelids jumped.

Sure enough, this kid regarded all his piles of things as waste, and he would actually throw them in such a broken warehouse. In case of any thief, wouldn't he just get it with a kick?

Muttered in his heart, Shi Dali's eyes followed the hundreds of kitchen knives again, and then suddenly felt that Tian Xiaoyu did nothing wrong.

Who wants such a thing!

"Boss, look, it's all here! I also looked around casually, none of these kitchen knives worked well, and several of them were simply broken off."

After turning on the lights in the warehouse, Tian Xiaoyu turned his head and said to Shi Dali. He still doesn't know what his boss is doing and has been studying these things. It is better to spend some money in the supermarket than these things.

Nodding, Shi Dali adjusted his mentality, and then walked forward.

Since I came here to discover a miracle, I must correct my attitude, otherwise, I might pass by the miracle.

So for the next half an hour, Shi Dali had been studying these pots and pans, and finally saw his head sticking out when Tian Xiaoyu was yawning.

"Let's stop here."

Obviously, Teacher Shi was very unhappy, because he really didn't find any treasures in it. It was really a pile of pots and pans. At best, there were some messy scratches and fractures on it, as well as some trademark graphics.

Anyway, there is an antique in it!

"Okay, let's go quickly. It's almost time to see those places. There are two buildings that are quite beautiful and are surrounded by mountains and rivers. I think even if our exchange expands, it will be enough..."

Tian Xiaoyu had been thinking about his affairs all the time, watching Shi Dali finally got it done, immediately said aloud.

In this way, Teacher Shi didn't have the interest to look back in the warehouse again, and left with Tian Xiaoyu.

Obviously, he had a clear plan in his mind, so Tian Xiaoyu took Shi Dali and started to visit different places in the city later, and the time was as short as possible.

After going back and forth, Shi Dali’s attention has also shifted to this side, and it is true that he also thinks that several places are quite good. The living behind, including starting a company, are good. Now the people’s lives are also rich, so improve their living conditions. It's still possible!

"Boss, did you see the building in front? It's an entertainment company, but it will soon go bankrupt. Their building only cost 20 million. I think it can be considered, but the price is slightly higher..."

Driving the car, Tian Xiaoyu pointed to a tall building in the distance, and introduced to Shi Dali as before.

Across the glass, Teacher Shi glanced over the building, and then looked at the surrounding environment and traffic. It felt that it was pretty good. As for the price of 20 million... he really didn't know whether it was appropriate.

"Let's go in first, the place is great."

"No problem, I just called their boss, and I'm waiting for us at the door, let him introduce us again when the time comes."

With that said, Tian Xiaoyu had already parked the car downstairs.

Sure enough, just as he said, the CEO of this production company and more than a dozen leaders stood at the door eagerly. They saw Shi Dali and Tian Xiaoyu, and immediately greeted them.

"Welcome, welcome, the boss is welcome to visit, the inside is ready." has narrowed his eyes into a small fat man, watching Shi Dali speak as if his teeth are all smiling.

Knowing that this company is going to close down, it is estimated that now I am counting on this building to be sold to make up for the deficit, so Teacher Shi can understand his attitude.

In this way, after a few simple greetings, Shi Dali followed them into the building.

After all, what Teacher Shi cares about is the condition of the building. After all, it is very likely that he will choose to open an exchange here. This is the first step for him to compete with the Wang family and kill Meihuazhuang, so he must be cautious and careful. Row.

Starting from the first floor and moving up a little bit, Teacher Shi listened to the introduction of the little fat man and was quite attentive.

It took more than 20 minutes. Basically, when the whole visit was almost to the end, the group was suddenly interrupted by the humming at the door of an office.

"How many times have you said this, your thing has no value, don't you understand, right? I have to call the security guard?"

"Look again, it's really good, I think this work will definitely be liked by many people..."

"What use do you think? I don't like it anyway, and our company will definitely not like it, so hurry up!"

Hearing this sound, it happened to be in front again, so Shi Dali looked at it twice.

The little fat man frowned, and immediately let people know the situation. He finally waited for the big rich man to wait to sell the place. If the following people were embarrassed and the business failed, then he estimated that he would have the intention to kill.

As for the two people who are arguing here, one is the director of the company, and the other is a man with curly hair carrying a bag. It was this director who was berating the curly man just now.

Hearing the company's boss's question, the company director's face changed, and he no longer meant to talk to the curly-haired man. He turned around and ran to Shi Dali and the others.

As for the curly-haired man, after a bleak look in his eyes, he realized that there was no need to stay, and went downstairs to the other side.

"Boss, you call me over."

When he hurried to this side, the company director asked the little fat man cautiously.

"what happened?"

Looking at Shi Dali, the little fat man lowered his voice and asked.

"I don’t know where a kid came from. He took a filmed work to buy investment. He told me that his work must be a big seller. I saw that it was of no value, so I let him go, but he didn’t mean it. Do you agree..."

Hurry up, the company director explained.

After hearing such a thing, the little fat man nodded and waved his hand.

"Okay, hurry up and go to work, don't make too much noise in this kind of thing in the future."

For companies like them, such things are too common, so the little fat guy didn't mean to pay more attention to it.

Seeing that the director nodded and was about to leave, Shi Dali stood by and suddenly couldn't hold back another question.

"What is the name of his work?"



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