Super Treasure Bag

Chapter 294: And us

Early the next morning, Manager Gu touched the Wen Xing Yayuan plaque for a while on the ladder, and his eyes were red.

"From then on, I will leave this familiar place, the world is far away, and the cold outside the Great Wall..."

"Manager, where's the boss?"

The emotional manager Gu just muttered a few emotions to himself when a fat boy below suddenly shouted.

A shivering and unable to stand still, Manager Gu fell directly from the ladder, got up again, clutched his waist, and gave the fat boy a kick.

"What the **** are you calling? I want to know where the boss is. Do I need this? You want to know where the boss is. I think more than you. Is it useful? Can someone find someone?"

The anger in his stomach suddenly seemed to have found a hole, and Manager Gu directly cursed.

After scolding, he sorted out his mood and began to gather all the employees.

"Clean up, and arrive at Wenxing Pavilion at nine o'clock. Even if this is the last battle of Wen Xing Ya Yuan, even if the boss runs away, but... there are still us!"

After speaking, the employees below were also emotional, and immediately went to pack their things.

So far, they haven't found a chef to compete. Basically, this competition is to show up, but Manager Gu is right. Even if Wen Xing Ya Yuan is going to close down, they have the backbone.

As for Manager Gu, he quietly dialed Shi Dali again, but there was still no answer.

It's over, it's over.


The Wenxin Pavilion competition venue was selected by the Chefs Association. When Manager Gu arrived with people, everything was set up.

Both Li Yide and his son came here, sitting in the area of ​​the Longteng Restaurant team. At the front is Master Jiao wearing special costumes. The four stars on his chest look very shiny.

His four stars are all certified by the Chefs Association. It is important to know that in the entire China, since the death of a generation of chefs, the highest is the current president who has only eight stars.

Therefore, Master Jiao does have his proud capital and qualifications.

On the opposite side of Wen Xing Ya Yuan, Manager Gu brought a group of employees with a large number of employees, but the most important chef in front of them was no one.

In the middle of the confrontation between the two sides, Ma Dangxian took the representatives of the Chefs Association to form a jury. In the end, it was for them to decide who was better.

But the game hasn't started yet. Basically everyone knows that Wen Xing Ya Yuan will lose.

On the one hand, they have not had a candidate for the contest until now. On the other hand, even if they had someone to compete, the fact that Chongshi vigorously grabbed the leading master chef illustration book would never let them win.

What's more, the plaque of Lin Yong, vice president of the Chefs Association, was destroyed by that kid.

"When will your people arrive? The game will start on time at ten o'clock. If your people don't come, it will be deemed to have voluntarily abstained, and it will be closed tonight."

Looking at the time, seeing that there were only ten minutes left before ten o'clock, Ma Dang first got up and said to Manager Gu.

Manager Gu looked depressed, and could only nod his head without saying anything.

The boss ran away, and he is a good manager even now.

Afterwards, the entire Wenxin Pavilion fell into a quiet wait.

In this way, Li Yide and his son talked quietly.

"No, Shi Dali still has something."

Shaking his head lightly, Li Chunjiang's attention to Teacher Shi may be surprised by Shi Dali himself. "Maybe he can do it elsewhere, but today he is absolutely impossible to come back to life. I have already gotten through the chefs association. The four-star chefs in the surrounding urban areas will definitely not He will come. As for the five-star chef, Shi Dali really has no ability to invite him, so he chose not to show up and directly admit defeat."

Quite confident, Li Yide said directly.

He thought he had done this very beautifully, and it could be said to be perfect.

"That's fine, letting Wen Xing Yayuan go bankrupt is a lesson...In addition, be wary during this period of time. People from the Wang family are coming soon. Don't leave a bad impression on them. You can cooperate as you should. We must show our attitude."

Li Chunjiang was obviously satisfied with Li Yide, but in the end he gave another order, especially when it came to the Wang family, that attitude was completely different.

"I see, please rest assured."

Immediately, Li Yide said.

It was almost that the conversation between the father and the son had just ended, and Ma Dang stood up again. At this time, there were only two minutes left before ten o'clock.

"Okay, I announce..."


Just when everyone thought the game was over, suddenly a voice rang out, and the big guy saw a man rushing in with a bunch of kitchen utensils on his back.

"Fortunately it is too late, hahaha..."

At the same time, after wiping a handful of sweat from his forehead, the guy smiled with joy.

When the audience was stunned, Manager Gu rushed over in the first few steps.

"Boss, you finally came... what should I do? What about the chef?"

With eyes widened, Manager Gu asked in a dumb voice.

In fact, he wasn't alone in caring about this issue, including Ma Dang, who was also speaking coldly at this time.

"It's not bad that you still have a face to show up. How about the participating chefs of Wen Xing Ya Yuan? The competition will start immediately. If no one participates, it will be considered abstention."

Unceremoniously, Ma Dang stared at Shi Dali after speaking.

Then, Mr. Shi first put down all the kitchen utensils behind him, and then threw the previous scroll over.

"Give it back to you first! Who said Wen Xing Ya Yuan does not have a participating chef? It's far in the sky, right in front of you!"

Teacher Shi raised his voice, looking quite confident at this moment.

However, following his words, the audience was quite at a loss, looking around and wondering who Shi Dali said would be.

As a result, the next moment, a person stood up.

"Hahaha, now you know to beg me to do it? It's impossible for me to tell you! Huo Youliao, as the first chef of Anbei City, is also spine and dignified. You looked down on me before, but now I make you unaffordable. !"

That's right, this person is Master Huo who was invited by Manager Gu before, but was questioned by Shi Dali and then left in anger.

When he came here just before, Manager Gu actually tried to invite him to shoot again, but this person directly refused, and said that he would watch Wen Xing Yayuan's death with his own eyes.

And the words of Shi Dali just now made everyone think that he was talking about Master Huo, because no one in the audience had such qualifications except him.

However, following behind, Shi Dali rolled his eyes and rolled over, and then raised his head!

"You don't want to be here with me, you can die if you don't be affectionate? I'm talking about myself, and the one who played on behalf of Wen Xing Ya Yuan is me!"



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