Super Treasure Bag

Chapter 31: not that simple

"Stop here, you should thank me for showing up in time to save your life."

Angrily replied, but Guo Li didn't delay at all in his hands, and a few steps forward he tied Jin Beihai firmly.

The serial killer at the moment, both eyes are swollen like table tennis, and indeed he can't move at all.

Seeing Guo Li tying people, Shi Dali was worried about himself, especially since he had seen through the collar the red vest that Jin Beihai was wearing.

"That... can you give me his vest?"

It's past five o'clock, maybe bad luck has come, so you can't sloppy about the vest.

Guo Li, who just called and finished the report with the captain, looked strangely at Shi Dali again when he heard this.

"Aren't you really a pervert?"

"You are a pervert, I am useful!"

"What is the use?"

"Go home and cut a red scarf for the child, okay?"

Anyway, people are caught by themselves, so Teacher Shi is righteous.

Guo Li pondered for a while. There is indeed no major problem with a vest, plus it is estimated that the anti-wolf spray contains anesthetic ingredients, so Jin Beihai went to sleep directly.

Without stopping, she watched Shi Dali take away Jin Beihai's vest.

"Okay, I'll leave if nothing happened."

The people who knew the security team would be here later, for fear that the vest would be taken back again, so Shi Dali stuffed things into his pocket and left in a hurry.

"You leave a phone call, just in case... there is something you need to cooperate with."

Guo Li hesitated for a moment, and stopped Shi Dali.

In fact, she was very grateful to Shi Dali in her heart. If it weren't for Mr. Crow's Mouth, it is estimated that Jin Beihai might really run away.

But she didn't want to express this kind of gratitude, so she wanted to leave a contact information before making plans.

Regarding this matter, Shi Dali didn't make any refusal, and immediately exchanged phone calls with Guo Li.

After finishing this, Teacher Shi left in peace.

After riding the little eDonkey again, he was relieved, anyway, completing the task on the card again.

It was dark now, thinking that my mother was still in the hospital and it had been delayed for a long time. Although it was confirmed on the phone that everything was fine, Shi Dali hurried over.

More than an hour later, Shi Dali had just entered the hospital elevator, and then inadvertently took out a box from his arms.

After being stunned for about five or six seconds, Teacher Shi could think of where this thing came from.

Jin Beihai came here before, but the situation at that time was too tense, and Guo Li suddenly appeared, so Shi Dali completely forgot about this thing.

Without thinking, he planned to call Guo Li as soon as he got out of the elevator.

After all, Jin Beihai's identity is not simple, serial murderer!

If the things he gave to himself are not handled properly, they might be in big trouble.

However, when Shi Dali was about to make a call to Guo Li, he could not hold the box firmly with his other hand, and then fell to the ground.

Then, the contents fell out.

There were a lot of people coming and going in the corridor of the hospital, Shi Dali squatted on the ground quickly and planned to pick it up again.

In this way, he saw a picture and frowned.

This should be a photo taken from a surveillance video. The location on the photo seems to be a hotel lobby with a dozen people in the picture.

The reason why Shi Dali had such a reaction was because he saw a girl at first sight, and he knew that girl.

No way, it is really a little dirty braid too conspicuous.

Wen Xiaotian!

If Shi Dali noticed Wen Xiaotian at first, then in another position of the photo, he saw a man sitting on the sofa playing with a mobile phone.

This man is Mo Yuqing's father...Mo Ran!

Why is there such a picture of Kim Beihai as a serial killer?

At the same time, it can be clearly seen that Jin Beihai made a small cross beside the other four people in the photo.

Are these four people... dead?

Still standing in place, Shi Dali suddenly thought of Jack in his mind.

According to Scar Man, Jack asked them to catch Wen Xiaotian and later kidnapped Mo Ran, all for something.

But what exactly it was, Scar Man did not know.

Originally, Shi Dali didn't care about this kind of thing before, but now because of this photo, he realizes that it won't be that simple.

In the same photo, four people were directly killed by Jin Beihai, and Jack was targeting Wen Xiaotian and Mo Ran...

What are they for?

"Sir... your stuff!"

Suddenly, the voice of a young nurse next to him sounded, and Shi Dali also recovered from the chaotic thoughts.

Hurry up to thank them, and then Shi Dali took a sign from her, and a golden ball with complicated patterns!

These two things were previously contained in the black box.

Shi Dali didn't pay much attention to Xiao Jinqiu, his eyes were completely on the square sign.

To be sure, he hadn't seen this brand before, but there was a similar one in his hand. The only difference was probably the number above.

That's right, it was the brand from Hong Ruhai's urn!

The exact same Sun character, exactly the same appearance, after Shi Dali's repeated confirmation, it was confirmed that only the numbers were different!

What the **** is this?

He tried to find answers from the Internet last time, but in the end he found nothing.

And now, I got the second piece, and it is even more related to a serial killer like Jin Beihai and the leader of an underground organization like Jack!

Of course, there is the most important point...that is, Wen Xiaotian and Mo Ran!

Although Shi Dali knew nothing about the ins and outs of the matter, he had already made up his mind in his heart.

No matter what... he must figure out this matter!

Not for anything else, even for Wen Xiaotian and Mo Ran's safety!

It was out of this idea that he put the box in his arms again, and then put the phone in his pocket again, obviously dispelling the idea of ​​calling Guo Li.

At this moment, he heard a voice from behind.

"What are you doing here? How is Auntie?"

This voice made Shi Dali feel strange all over, and then quickly turned his head back.

Sure enough, Chen Shu, with long hair, was wearing a long black dress, holding a fruit basket in his hand and standing not far away. His faint smile and delicate face attracted everyone else to look over here.

Similarly, I never thought that the daunting President Chen would have such a side, and Shi Dali was actually a little lost.



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