Super Treasure Bag

Chapter 311: Angry teacher Shi

Originally, I was muttering in my heart because of the scene I saw before, so I felt Mo Ran's attitude after hearing this, and Shi Dali immediately decided to leave.

"It's okay. We can go to Sanhechang together tomorrow morning. I will pick you up at that time."

After speaking, Shi Dali turned around.

Almost the moment he turned around, a cold breath suddenly spread from Mo Ran's direction.

If it was Shi Dali in the past, he would definitely not feel any difference, but after swallowing half of the dragon fruit, he is already a master, so naturally he can understand that this kind of breath should be murderous.

Mo Ran killed himself!

Realizing this, Teacher Shi is really nervous.

Last time I said I wanted to be my father-in-law, and now I plan to kill myself. This person is really not easy!

Keeping his face still, and at the same time fully guarded, Shi Dali finally left the yard safely. Although he still hasn't figured out what secrets are hidden in Mo Ran's body, these things are absolutely mysterious, and he must also be with Lopez. Having a relationship with that man named Xiao is not ignorant as he said.

But is it a corpse under the bed?

If so, whose body is it?

Before getting into the car, Shi Dali glanced at the small courtyard for the last time. His emotions were extremely complicated, but he finally took a breath and got in the car and left.

But also in the attic, Mo Ran's gaze had been watching Shi Dali until he watched the car go away before he retracted his gaze and turned around.


Without delay, Shi Dali rushed to school directly.

He now has his own courses to teach every day, although there are indeed a lot of things to deal with, but the school is the least capable of sloppy.

Especially these children are about to face entrance examinations, which are very important moments in their lives, so Shi Dali, as a teacher, should also work hard as much as possible.

When Teacher Shi arrived at the school, his courses started normally.

It may really be because this model of daily types of questions allows the little guys to fully adapt, so the master is very fast, and Teacher Shi thinks that the main reason is that his teacher is too good, no matter what he teaches children can meeting.

The only thing that made Shi Dali a little strange was that Wen Xiaotian did not come!

However, the attendance office called him and said that Wen Xiaotian had asked for a leave of absence, which made Shi Dali a little relieved, otherwise the girl was lawless and he was really worried that something might have happened.

As a result, in the afternoon, something really happened that caught Shi Dali off guard.

Wen Xiaotian is here, but she is not the only one, and her father Wen Zai'an.

And after arriving at school, Wen Zaian directly told Chen Shuke to meet with Shi Dali.

After receiving a call from Chen Shuke, Teacher Shi was quite strange at the time, what's the matter?

Thinking in his heart, Shi Dali went directly to the principal's office, only to see Wen Xiaotian chewing bubble gum and shaking her pigtails, and of course Wen Jiaan with a serious face.

Seeing Shi Dali coming in, Wen Xiaotian bounced around, but she was restrained by Wen Zaian's gaze, so she still blinked at Teacher Shi.

"Teacher Shi is here, let's talk, I will avoid it."

Chen Shuke stood up at the same time, gave Shi Dali a look while speaking, and then left the office.

As for the look in her eyes, Teacher Shi was quick to appreciate it, she meant to say...what happened, she didn't know.

"Mr. Wen, what happened to you looking for me?" As the office door closed, Shi Dali did not sit down, and directly asked Wen Zai'an straightforwardly.

Nodding, Wen Zaian glanced at his daughter, and then turned his gaze to Shi Dali.

"Teacher Shi, did she tell you that someone asked me to deal with you?"

Instead of answering Shi Dali's question directly, Wen Zai'an instead asked Chong Shi Dali.

Teacher Shi was taken aback. Of course he remembered what Wen Xiaotian said last time. This girl installed an eavesdropping device in his father's house, and then overheard that someone in Beijing had commissioned him to take action.

But does Wen Zai'an know?

"Yes, she told me."

No denial, Shi Dali admitted.

At the same time, Wen Xiaotian continued to shake his head and vomited a bubble.

Taking a deep breath, Wen Zai'an's chin twitched slightly, obviously in a rather complicated mood.

"Last night, she burned our house."

A deep voice rang from his mouth, and God knows how bitter Wen Zaian's heart is.

When the fire ignited, he almost collapsed. Not to mention that at least tens of millions of furnishings in the house were completely burned out. What is even more frightening is that Wen Xiaotian is lying on such a high roof. God knows how she got up.

" it a mistake? Why did Xiaotian do this?"

To be honest, Shi Dali's mind was stunned. This girl burned his house?

"That's right, I burned it! Brother, I am here to avenge you!"

As a result, just after he finished speaking, Wen Xiaotian waved his hand and said with seriousness.

After that, Teacher Shi suddenly felt a weird touch, and he also understood why Wen Zaian's expression was so complicated.

"And this one, do you see where it came from?"

Then Wen Zaian opened the backpack again, and then took out a box from it and opened it.

Shi Dali, who was already quite horrified, shuddered when he saw the contents of the box.

A sniper rifle!

And this sniper rifle stone is not unfamiliar, because it came out of his pocket at the beginning, but later he threw it into the reservoir, how come it reappears now?

"I said that you might not believe it, but the purpose of her fire last night was to cause confusion, and then she lay on the roof with a sniper rifle and sneaked up to kill the guest in the house."

Speaking out these words forcefully, Wen Zaian thinks about it again last night in the scene at home where the back was cold.

This girl is simply a little demon!

This was a real gun. If the fire went off at that time, the consequences would be disastrous. The face of the Cao family was green, especially when Wen Xiaotian jumped from the roof and was still pointing at him.

"Who asked you to do this?"

With a fierce, Shi Dali's voice sounded, staring at Wen Xiaotian with extremely serious expression.

To be honest, Shi Dali was angry, and he also knew that this girl was naughty, but such a thing has exceeded the limit of naughty, as a teacher he has a great responsibility!



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