Super Treasure Bag

Chapter 314: Generous

"Yeah, you guys are here too, early everyone."

Teacher Shi was quite open and greeted the group of people in front of him directly, even though they obviously hated him.

But what does it matter?

It's not just a spanking, and it's not a big deal, these's really a small belly.

"I really look forward to the next bet, and I hope you can have good luck."

Clenching his teeth, Cao Ziwen continued, but after finishing talking, he almost broke his teeth.

The thousand hands next to him suddenly pulled out a knife, and then placed it around his arm in a circle. Those eyes were always staring at Shi Dali.

A bit at a loss, Teacher Shi can't figure out what this kid is doing?

"He means, as long as you meet him in the gambling game, it will make you dead and ugly."

At this moment, he suddenly made a noise, and he could explain it to Shi Dali.

Teacher Shi, who suddenly realized it, nodded, it turned out to be such a meaning.

Immediately there was no intention to say anything more. Cao Ziwen and the others walked to the entrance of the venue. After the opening ceremony was held here, the game would be held inside the venue.

"Listen, as long as you meet Shi Dali, I want him to have at least two arms."

Almost the two sides had just separated, Cao Ziwen immediately told Thousand Hands and the long-haired man that these three people, together with a woman in black, were definitely the strongest players in this game. After all, they were all invited by Cao Ziwen from Beijing. The master over here.

In a small place like Anbei City, the strength is undoubtedly strong.

"Please rest assured, you are bound to win."

Eight words are the answer from Thousand Hands, obviously they have absolute confidence in the next game.

At the same time, in a low building next to the meeting place, looking at the huge monitoring screen in front of you, Sanhechang's nominal boss One-eyed Qing and his mysterious military commander were observing the situation outside.

"Who do you think can beat a thousand hands?"

Wei Wei leaned back, and Cyclops asked the military instructor.

Anbei City, as a pilot for a gambling competition, has also been preparing for a long time at Sanhe Field. After all, this is a large-scale competition organized by the China Gambling Association, and every link cannot be made wrong.

And the military division next to Cyclops is actually a member of the Gambling Association, and he understands how important this game is to the entire Gambling Association, and even the entire China!

"From the gambling level, no one can win a thousand hands. At least in Sanhechang, he can enter the top 50 nationwide. There are no opponents here."

Gently shook his head, the military commander's gaze had been staring at the monitor, and his mouth was a simple answer.

"Unexpectedly, we still failed to get rid of the monopoly of the big family. The previous entry cards were all misread."

It seemed to be a little depressed, said one-eyed green.

The reason why his sentiment arose is actually because of the expectations of the Gambling Association this time. The reason why the game will be spread across the country for the first round is actually to get rid of the monopoly of the big family. The folks select some masters.

Because the situation of a generation of gambling kings is very dangerous, and he also personally said that China's hope lies in miracles, not other things.

But now it seems that a miracle will not be born in Sanhechang.

"I hope something unexpected happens, otherwise, according to the rules... the three hands will win."

The military commander also said softly after a short pause, and his gaze followed Shi Dali's body or Huo Lang's body in the monitoring screen.

This one-armed master is here again, but it seems that they haven't brought any gambling experts.

... "When will this game start? I can't wait."

Dahu was eating barbecue, quite excited.

This kid came here today as if he was on vacation, as if it was a grand party, where you can see beautiful women and eat, drink and have fun. It's not too cool.

If you think about waiting for the exciting game, the mood will naturally become more and more impatient.


In contrast, Shi Dali was a bit nervous. On the one hand, someone planned to use the game to kill him, and on the other hand, it was Mo Ran's promise.

Although this old man was mysteriously making people chill behind his back, this did not affect Shi Dali's continued absolute affection for Mo Yuqing.

It was almost that he had just finished saying this sentence. With the sound of a huge gong, the eyes of the audience suddenly focused on that side.

One-eyed blue appeared on the raised platform.

"Welcome everyone to Sanhechang, our game will begin soon!"

With his throat, the one-eyed green shouted directly.

This guy was already very appealing in Sanhechang, and he immediately attracted a group of people to shout. The level of excitement was beyond words.

Following behind, the dark crowd began to approach the position of the high platform, and the atmosphere was extremely warm.

"I don't have so much time to waste. I will just announce the bonus pool. The initial amount is now 5 million. Does anyone want to inject capital? You can start."

Seeing everyone watching him, One-eyed Green continued.

He had just finished speaking, and there was another uproar around him.

Teacher Shi seemed a little puzzled, because he didn't know the prize pool and capital injection.

"In this competition, the Gambling Association gave out 5 million as the top three rewards, but before the start of the game, everyone can inject capital to increase the rewards. In the end, all the money in the prize pool can be returned by the top three at 70%, 20%, and There is a 10% share. Under normal circumstances, some big bosses have particularly promising players, or they will invest money when betting against others."

Liu Mu responded very quickly and immediately explained to Shi Dali.

Teacher Shi suddenly realized it, and then heard Cao Ziwen's voice sound.

"80 million!"

He shouted out, and the audience was stunned for a while, and then one after another horror sounded.

Big money, this is really big money, it's 80 million in one go!

At the same time, Cao Ziwen had asked his subordinates to send the card to the stage, and at the same time looked very provocatively towards Shi Dali.

"Thank you, Master Cao."

Thousand Hands was the most excited, and directly bowed and said to Cao Ziwen, as did the long-haired man and the woman in black.

The top three are basically theirs, so Cao Ziwen's change is giving them more rewards. All thanks are taken for granted.

"No thanks, good luck."

With a wave of his hand, Young Master Cao lying on the bed said directly, and he didn't need to say a few more people to understand the meaning of the words.

As for the other people, following Cao Ziwen's words, they also continued to speak up.

Especially the flower shirt and several other young masters in Beijing, together they also throw in more than 10 million.

When the capital injection is finally over, the prize pool has reached a terrifying 120 million!



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