Super Treasure Bag

Chapter 317: next round

"You want you to say it earlier, what should I do now? Everyone is making bids."

Hearing Dahu's voice, Teacher Shi was embarrassed and said directly to Dahu.

"I don't care, give it to me! Thirty million!"

However, Dahu didn't mean to give up, and then shouted.

"Give me! 35 million!"

Gritting his teeth, Cao Ziwen suddenly shouted again, and finally another entry card came out, but he was beaten by such a guy, so he was really angry!

It's fine for Shi Dali to bully himself. Now that such a guy bullies himself, who is he looking down on?

Is it possible that Cao Ziwen is not as rich as such a kid?

"Forty million!"

"Fifty million!"

When Cao Ziwen, with completely red eyes, shouted these words, he was full of momentum. He felt that he had finally found some confidence. Since he came to Anbei, he has been frustrated everywhere, and now he can finally raise his eyebrows.

Huo Lang and Liu Mu were standing beside them with weird faces. Before Shi Dali and Dahu quietly said something they were still guessing, but now they all understand.

"Since Young Master Cao is so sincere and sincere, let's 50 million. This entry card is for you."

Taking a deep breath, Teacher Shi looked guilty towards Dahu, and then his voice sounded.

Cao Ziwen suddenly felt a lot of relaxation in his heart, and then, for fear of long nights and dreams, he hurriedly asked people to exchange it, and at the same time gave Shi Dali the money.

After doing all of this, Cao Ziwen held the entry card in his hand, and Cao Ziwen was completely at ease.

Although this time the match made Shi Dali the first place inexplicably, but this is only the first round, so there is still a big chance to meet this kid again later, and he will definitely let him take away today. Give it all back.

Immediately, Cao Ziwen didn't mean to stay here, but before he turned the stretcher bed back, Shi Dali's voice sounded again.

"Why didn't I forget that there are some competition cards here! If there are friends who need them at the scene, you can continue to redeem them with me. A card for two million is enough. Come and get it!"

With a bold expression on his face, Teacher Shi took out all the remaining twenty-two pictures, as if he were happy during the New Year.

Everyone was in an uproar again, including Cyclops and the military division's eyes widened, looking at Shi Dali as if looking at a monster. At the same time, everyone realized that it was not accidental that they lost the entry card together.

It seems that they have something to do with this guy. Otherwise, where did he get so many entry cards?

Cao Ziwen was completely sluggish. He was yelled for several times by the thousands of hands beside him, but they did not agree. At this moment, he only understood what Cao's heart was.

Bitterness with despair, despair with helplessness, helplessness with pain, and painful curses...

I just grabbed a card for 50 million and turned to give someone a two million?

Are you a fool?

Besides, this card is very likely to be his own. Although I don't know what the **** is going on with this kid, it is very likely that this is the case.

Afterwards, Cao Ziwen watched as everyone else ran towards Shi Dali to buy the cards, one by one for fear that they would be gone by the end of the day.

Therefore, Teacher Shi made a lot of money just like that.

In the end, holding a pile of bank cards was satisfied. As for what Cao Ziwen looked like, Shi Dali could no longer care. Similarly, the chaotic crowd didn't notice when Cao Ziwen left with someone. The whole process was completely different from the vigor at the time.

No way, Young Master Cao felt that if he continued to stay in this place for another second, it would be a kind of torture to himself, not only physically, but also mentally.

As for Shi Dali's side, he followed Cyclops and the military division into the low building, and suddenly accompanied him.

Going through the front hall, he finally closed the door in a reception room.

"Congratulations, Mr. Shi, you will be the only player in Sanhe Field to advance to the next round and be qualified for the next round."

The person speaking is a military division, which obviously represents that he is the leader of this place.

"I see, when is the next round? Where?"

Nodding, Shi Dali asked.

"That's what I want to say. The next round will be in Suhai City a month later. At that time, all the Southwestern players who advanced to the second round will play in Suhai. At that time... might need strength. Up."

When Shi Dali told this information, Cyclops' eyes were rather solemn.

What he meant was that you can get the first place by luck here, but not later.

And when he said this, Cyclops also didn't understand why Shi Dali could get all the contest cards in his hands?

"No problem, what I have is the strength, and I will definitely show the glory of Sanhechang by then."

Obviously, I just won the first place so easily, so Teacher Shi is a little bloated, so he waved his hand quite confidently.

Looking at the military division helplessly, the one-eyed blue didn't know what to say, but Shi Dali was indeed the only representative of Sanhechang now.

"There is one more thing I want to tell you. In the second round, you can bring a partner to participate. Two people prepare an initial capital of 300 million yuan, otherwise you will be disqualified."

Continue, the military division said aloud.

Teacher Shi was a little surprised by this.

Actually asked to bring a companion? And prepare an initial capital of 300 million?

"It's me, he will take me to the competition."

Suddenly, Mo Ran said, who had been sitting next to him silently.

Shi Dali was taken aback. He did not expect that Mo Ran would make such a request, but he immediately thought of him just asking to come here with him.

Obviously, he should know this condition, or he came for this condition.

"No problem, as long as he wants to do it, I just tell you the conditions... Mr. Shi, if you can, try your best to make an impact. The higher the ranking in this game, the greater the benefits you can ultimately get. That's why The reason why so many big families are staring at the game, I hope you can continue to create miracles."

The military commander's eyes looked at Shi Dali again, and he spoke very seriously.

As an insider of the Gambling Association, he knows some secrets that other people don't understand, so now it can be regarded as giving Shi Dali some hints.

As for Teacher Shi, I didn't think so much.

He simply nodded and got up.

"If there is nothing wrong, I will leave first. The children are waiting for me to go to class."



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