Super Treasure Bag

Chapter 324: Take a walk

Shi Dali still understands the words "good pains and hard work".

So he felt that he should agree to Chen Shu at this time, otherwise he would be too disappointing to the principal's kindness.

"It's good to go out for a few days, at least there is not so much worry about school."

Upon hearing Shi Dali's decision, Principal Chen followed with a smile.

The current situation is simply precarious, especially Chen Shuke has no one to trust.

And Shi Dali directly carried the graduating class on his shoulders at this time, so only she herself understood the gratitude and touch in Chen Shuke's heart.

"Alright, don't always keep it in your mind if you have anything else, you can continue to invite me to dinner and talk."

Seeing Chen Shuke's smile, Shi Dali also joked again.

Then the atmosphere between the two people was completely relaxed, just like two old friends, chatting about the past, simple and warm.

Shi Dali and Chen Shuke described the scene when they got the matchup. Chen Shu was very happy to hear, and at the same time, he said that he would try Shi's egg fried rice next day.

As for Chen Shuke, it was talking about some things about studying abroad in the past, which gave Shi Dali, a kid who has never gone abroad, gained a long experience.

Time passed quickly like this, and finally when the two came out of the cafe together, there was a drizzle in the sky.

"It's raining, but it's very comfortable."

Chen Shuke took a deep breath and looked very happy. During this period of time, the pressure from the senior management of Boya really made her breathless. But tonight, chatting with Shi Dali, and after the drizzle, Let her have a sudden sense of openness.

"Yeah, it's really comfortable, why don't you walk together?"

Inexplicably, Shi Dali put forward such a suggestion, but after finishing speaking, he also felt that it was a bit inappropriate. He was his immediate boss. What could be better for him to go in the rain if he didn't go home and sleep at night?

"Okay, let's walk together."

As a result, Chen Shuke became more and more happy. She had already stepped out while speaking. At this moment, she was like a child, full of excitement for the whole new world.

Teacher Shi followed, and the two of them walked along the street together toward the front, continuing the topic that was not over before.

Just chatting like this, Chen Shuke suddenly said something that made Shi Dali slightly stunned.

"When I was a kid, I liked to go out with my dad, just behind him, but after he left with my mom, I don't remember his appearance anymore."

Chen Shu didn't appear heavy when she spoke, but Shi Dali clearly felt the loss in her tone.

It was also because of her words that Teacher Shi realized a very important issue for the first time.

Where are Chen Shuke's parents?

The last time Mr. Chen's birthday, he met quite a few people from the Chen family, but he did not see Chen Shuke's parents, and he never heard anything about her parents from beginning to end.

"Uncle and aunt...Where did they go?"

After hesitating a little, Shi Dali still asked.

Chen Shuke's footsteps stopped abruptly, looking at the front and wondering what he was thinking.

Because the two of them chose a trail relationship, there are no people around here, and a street directly faces the front, making the atmosphere more inexplicably cold.

Just as Teacher Shi was waiting intently for Chen Shuke to follow, suddenly he was cold all over.

This feeling came very suddenly, as if at that moment, Shi Dali felt the pores in a certain part of his body opened. is dangerous!

God knows how short this idea came about, following behind Shi Dali directly protected Chen Shuke behind him while leaning down.

At that moment, something must have flew along his scalp.

It can be said that if he hesitates for a few more seconds, the result may now be that he has fallen underground, including Chen Shuke.

"what happened?"

Chen Shuke was completely at a loss. She didn't know what had happened. She only felt that Shi Dali's behavior was very strange.

However, Teacher Shi's brows were tightly furrowed, and his eyes were looking at the corner in front. Fortunately, Teacher Shi is a master now, so he can know where the hidden weapon just came from.

Someone is going to kill himself!

Has long been drawn into the quagmire of the rivers and lakes, so Shi Dali reacted quickly.

Even if the other party hasn't shown up yet, things are already clear.

There is no time to answer Chen Shuke's questions. He is on guard, and he has a foreboding that there will be a big battle next year. If he is not careful, it may be his death day next year.

Although it is quite unlucky and even extremely unlucky to say such words, this is how he really feels.

Da da da!

Finally, a group of people came out from the corner in the drizzle.

The man in the front is wearing overalls, big sunglasses and a top hat.

This person Shi Dali didn't know him, especially such a weird dress that made people feel indescribable.

Of course, when I saw these people, Teacher Shi had already determined who was going to do it to himself!

Because he saw Cao Ziwen, that guy’s **** seemed to recover quite quickly in a day, he was already limping and he could walk, but the young master of the Cao family was now specially supporting the man in work clothes in front an umbrella.

His eyes were watching Shi Dali, which was full of pride and bitterness.

Finally, this scene happened. Cao Ziwen tried every means to invite the master of Meihuazhuang, just to see Shi Dali's desperate struggle.

Now he saw it.

Without speaking, Teacher Shi just pulled Chen Shuke closer to him again, and then stared straight at the people in front of him.

Obviously, the hidden weapon just came from this man with sunglasses, and Cao Ziwen used him as the center of the group.

"You are very good, but still dying."

A low voice sounded, and a group of people stood at a distance of only about 30 meters from Shi Dali. The bright rain made the environment a bit noisy, but the voice clearly passed into Shi Dali and Chen Shuke's ears.

Chen Shuke, who was initially at a loss and nervous, changed his face again when he heard these words.

But she was really calm, standing behind Shi Dali and watching the front with her right hand sneaking into her pocket.

As a normal person's reaction, all Chen Shuke can think of at this time is to notify the security team.

However, the man's voice sounded again.

"Madam, it has nothing to do with you. If you make a call, I will kill you."



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