Super Treasure Bag

Chapter 329: Boss is crazy

After the late-night meeting, Shi Dali returned to his rental house without any stay.

The tremendous mental pressure can make people sleepless, and this night is just like that for Teacher Shi.

After returning to the rental house, he didn't hesitate at all, sitting directly at the table and opened the first book of the world again!

He usually flips through this booklet. His previous idea was that if he had the opportunity to meet the characters above, he would be prepared and understand.

After all, the masters recorded above are all weird, and they are located in all parts of the world, and those lives are even more different, and it will happen when they are not uniform.

But after the events of this evening, Teacher Shi's mind changed completely.

He must take the initiative!

Time is definitely not such a generous concept for him now. Although he said that he would say hello to his friends if he was alone, he still said that...Who knows if this guy is reliable?

Besides, the most indispensable thing for them in the arena is their enemy. If someone happens to be alone and hears the news and then deliberately picks up their own task, it will be miserable!

Therefore, the first book of the world is equivalent to Shi Dali's next action guide. He must do everything possible to gather the masters recorded above, and then join the big family he has formed.

Anbei city will be the starting point for the big guys, and the ultimate goal is to kill Meihuazhuang!

"The closest to Anbei City is these three people, one who plays piano, one carpenter, and one who makes vinegar? What's the use of this?"

After watching the lights for a long time, I finally screened out the top masters near Anbei, but after watching it, Teacher Shi was depressed.

The piano player and the carpenter are fine, but the vinegar maker is too much.

If this is recruited, what can be done?

Make some vinegar... and kill the grandsons of Meihuazhuang?

Shaking his head, Teacher Shi temporarily put these three names aside, and then remembered that he was about to go to Suhai again, and he immediately regained his spirit.

Anbei City is just a small place, so no one who is too awesome can come over to understand it.

But Suhai is different. The center of the entire southern region, especially Huo Lang, was brought by Shi Dali from Suhai.

So if you look at it this way, maybe you will have a big gain in Suhai!

That's it, Teacher Shi continued to study on the booklet. The level of sleepless nights and foods was so bad that he didn't notice it after dawn, and he didn't realize it suddenly until the alarm clock that he adjusted went off.

"Su Hai must go, these two...must bring back!"

Wiping his face in the mirror, Teacher Shi expressed some determination and conviction to himself, especially when he wrote down the names of two people and all related records in front of him, just like this sentence said, these two The master must get it done!

Maybe it’s because the body has become stronger after eating the dragon fruit, so even if he didn’t sleep all night, Mr. Shi was very energetic. After cleaning up, he planned to go to school. The result was this time. He received a call.

This call came from the Redstone Group, and it was made by Yun Cheng and Sun Wei together.

"Chairman, do you have time? If you can... can you come and see the company?"

On the phone, the two general managers' voices were very careful, and there was also an unspeakable sadness.

"what happened?"

"That's the case. We want to report to you in person on a lot of situations, but it is not clear on the phone." Sun Li replied, and he heard that his emotions are very complicated.

"Well, I'll come over later."

After thinking about it, Shi Dali agreed.

The explanation of the genre questions is quite simple now, so it won’t take long. It just so happens that after I finished it earlier today, let the children rest. They are also very tired these days.

So he hung up the phone, Shi Dali went to school and spent two classes to finish the task today, and then went directly to the Redstone Group.

While walking on the road, Teacher Shi kept muttering something good that made Sun Mi and Yun Cheng so nervous.

When he got to the place and looked like this again, he suddenly guessed something.

There are a lot fewer cars in the parking lot, which can be described as depression!

When he entered the building again, he felt even more deserted, and many people were packing their things.

"Why is this? Not going to work?"

Really could not help, Shi Dali asked an ordinary employee holding a cardboard box.

The clerk glanced at him. He probably hadn't seen Shi Dali, so there was nothing special on his expression.

"What kind of work is there? The boss is crazy, and everyone in the company is almost finished. Who still works?"

Out of anger, the brother said something.

This was a surprise to Teacher Shi.

Why is the boss crazy?

"What's wrong? What did the boss do?"

"Don't you know? All the company's business stopped, and brought back a stunned kid who had to use all the remaining funds of the entire Redstone Group to invest in a work without any future. Now the Redstone Group has become an entire film and television. A joke in the industry, I really don’t know if this boss is 250? I don’t know if I am a piece of film and television by taking a pee photo. Now I am joking about everything about Redstone. Who dares to continue working here? "

Like shelling, the brother rolled up his sleeves after talking.

Teacher Shi was a little embarrassed. He thought everything was quite simple, but now it seems that he really thought it was too simple.

It sounds like no one believes in themselves, and no one believes that A Lang's work will explode directly!

Without delaying the departure of the other brothers, Shi Dali went straight to the chairman's office. He now understands how much pressure Yun Cheng and Sun Wei are under.

Since an appointment had been made before, when Shi Dali entered the office, Yun Cheng and Sun Wei were already waiting.

When Shi Dali appeared, the expressions of the two people were complicated.

"I just saw the things outside. How many people have left?"

Teacher Shi was quite relaxed. For him, the Redstone Group had already embraced the towering tree the moment A Lang was signed, so there was really nothing to be nervous about.

"You all know? It's more than half gone, and the number of people is still growing. I heard that Hongye has established a new company to dig people. We are truly embarrassed now."

With a wry smile, Yun Cheng said, the days of the past few days are more difficult than before.



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