Super Treasure Bag

Chapter 359: Hu Jia

Zhou Huaili is now no longer wary of Shi Dali, so these secrets are directly exposed.

As for what he might be worried about because of this, he is really not afraid.

The Wang family has the capabilities of the Wang family, but the Zhou family also has the skills of the Zhou family. After so many years, Zhou Huaili's confidence does not need to be afraid of the Wang family.

As he finished speaking these words, Shi Dali was taken aback.

What did Dad leave to the Wang family back then?

He really didn't know anything about this matter, and he hadn't heard of any related news. It was a bit sudden to hear from Zhou Huaili's mouth now.

"What it is?"

Subconsciously, Shi Dali asked aloud.

He really wanted to understand this question, especially that Wang Jiaruan would have something to do with his father's leftovers, which was really intriguing.

"I don't know, many people have been skeptical about this matter for many years, and they have also tried to figure it out, but so far there is no reliable statement."

Immediately shaking his head, Zhou Huaili answered this question.

There were no more extra voices during the dinner. Everyone saw that Shi Dali was thinking, but no one knew what he was thinking.

"Speaking of your father's absence for so many years, many people have indeed forgotten those things. This time, when the Wang family started to attack you, it can be seen that they have completely ignored the love of the year. Wang Qingyue is also engaged to Cao Zian...Dali, Don't be sad, I believe you can solve these things."

In the end, Zhou Huaili smiled slightly, saying these words obviously also wanted to ease the mood of the big guy.

However, just after he finished speaking, Shi Dali suddenly looked at Zhou Huaili, and then asked a question.

"Do you know a person named Hu Sheng?"

Shi Dali was hesitant to ask such a question, because if he hadn't mentioned his father in a conversation like this today, he would have almost forgotten about the man named Hu Sheng.

Everything was sudden at that time, Shi Dali remembered quite clearly. The man suddenly appeared and said some messy things, but the most important part of Shi Dali remembered, that is, his name was Hu Sheng.

Suddenly hearing such a question, Zhou Huaili was stunned.

Following behind, he obviously thought for a moment, then shook his head.

This person, he really has no impression.

But almost when this action was almost over, Zhou Huaili's expression suddenly changed drastically.

"Family name Hu... Last name Hu? Two words, last name Hu... Is it him?"

Taking care of himself, Zhou Huaili murmured in a low voice, but it was probably because he was too nervous, so his hands trembled slightly.

It was too rare for such an expression to appear on Zhou Huaili, and it was simply impossible for people to understand.

After all, his identity is extraordinary. The Patriarch of Su Haizhou's family, now he has recovered from a serious illness, should be more ambitious. How could he show such an attitude?

"Uncle Zhou, what did you think of? Who is that person?"

Extremely urgent, Shi Dali asked.

Hu Sheng said a lot about his father, but Shi Dali felt that he was not worthy of trust. He always wanted to figure out the identity of the man, but he did not have the right opportunity.

Judging from Zhou Huaili's reaction, that person... is really not easy!

"Yes, who did you think of? Say it quickly."

Zhou Zilong looked more anxious than Shi Dali, and stood up directly.

The atmosphere around the entire table was also a bit stagnant because of Zhou Huaili's weird reaction. Several people looked at each other and finally calmed down, and then waited for Zhou Huaili's following.

Finally, after a full ten seconds or so, Zhou Huaili looked up again.

"I don't know if my guess is correct, but I know very few people with the surname Hu, and if it is really the Hu family, it would be extremely dangerous... But in theory, it shouldn't be that Hu. Home, because the Hu family I know was destroyed decades ago."

With a deep voice with extreme uncertainty, Zhou Huaili looked at Yi Hong after finally speaking.

It was also quite timely, and Yi Hong narrowed his eyes slightly.

"Are you talking about the Hu family from Yixiantian?"

Old Man Yi had obviously guessed something, and he was quite uncertain in the same tone.

"Yes, all I can think of is the Hu family from Yixiantian, but... really?"

Shi Dali had been listening patiently to such a conversation between the two people, but in the end he was confused.

"Yi Xian Tian Hu family, a very famous family sect in the rivers and lakes, 18 generations of single biography, the most mysterious. According to the rumors, they know the mountains and rivers, the five elements, the hexagrams, and the life and death... But the entire Hu family was missing more than ten years ago And Fei, Yixiantian's manor also disappeared overnight, becoming the biggest mystery in the world."

I didn't want to continue to hang Shi Dali and their curiosity, so Zhou Huaili said this.

Then, Shi Dali's face also became solemn.

Missing! Mysterious disappearance again!

He felt that he seemed to be trapped in a huge mystery, from the mysterious Xiao, to Mo Ran, then his father, and now even Hu Sheng, all related to the disappearance.

Is this a coincidence, or is it an unknown connection?

"Of course, this is just my guess. The Hu Sheng you mentioned is not necessarily from the Hu family. After all, there is no evidence."

Maybe I also felt that these remarks made the atmosphere too dull, so Zhou Huaili said with a light smile again.

This time, Shi Dali shook his head.

He felt that this might be somewhat related, but he still couldn't understand it now.

Afterwards, it may have been a subconscious consensus. From Zhou Huaili to Yi Hong, they did not mention these messy things before, and even the Wang family did not mention them, but casually said some interesting things about Su Hai.

However, Shi Dali obviously has no interest, he has been thinking about it, even when lying in bed at night.

Until the next morning I got up from the bed with dark circles under my eyes, my mind was messy.

Finally looking at himself in the mirror, who was quite embarrassed, Teacher Shi couldn't help but smile.

"Father, I thought you just wanted to go out and see this colorful world, so you never come back. Why are you leaving such a pile of mysteries now? Your son, I am not Di Renjie. Where can I figure it out?"



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