Super Treasure Bag

Chapter 376: Start work

When he came out of the barbecue restaurant, Shi Dali drank two bottles of water in one breath. Obviously... the meat was a bit salty.

But as long as you are full, after all, tonight is to do some physical work.

Although it is not the first time that Teacher Shi has experienced this kind of grave digging, the situation in Anbei was different last time. This time he was the only one.

Besides, who knows what's in the grave, after all, thinking about it, Teacher Shi will make a whisper in his heart.

After buying some tools on the side of the road, I stopped a taxi and explained where I was going, but they refused directly, saying that it was too far away and it would not be cost-effective to come back in the past.

Unexpectedly, Mr. Shi continued to take a taxi, and finally added two hundred yuan before anyone was willing to take a trip.

"Little brother, why do you run in places like that at night? I can tell you that I won't be able to find a car when you come back."

The driver's master was wearing glasses, but he kindly reminded Shi Dali.

"Thank you, I have friends over there, I don't expect to be back tonight."

Randomly dealt with, Shi Dali was also muttering in his heart now, what is in the tomb behind the old temple in Xijiao?

If something unclean comes out, it's a big deal.

Of course, as a steadfast materialist fighter, Shi Dali still doesn't really believe that there will be those things, of course... because he has nothing to do, so he can only bite the bullet.

"It's somewhere, goodbye."

When the car stopped, the master said.

After paying people quickly, Shi Dali turned his gaze around after watching the taxi leave.

It was dark, and there was a feeling that you couldn't touch the south, east, and northwest, as if all the light sources in this place had been swallowed.

As a result, Shi Dali was nervous in his heart, but he felt his heart beat faster.

But at this point, it would be impossible to repent anymore, so after turning on the light, Teacher Shi took a few deep breaths.

"Shi Dali, you are a master, a real master, hold on!"

Secretly encouraged a few words, with the help of the light teacher Shi began to carefully look at the scene next to him.

Now it’s not long before the time required by the task. He planned all this before, because based on the experience of all the tasks in the past, the time required on the task card is basically justified. So since the task card said that I should dig my grave at three o'clock, it must be impossible before that.

His mind was fairly clear, Shi Dali looked for the old temple while analyzing the situation.

After all, if you want to dig a grave, the first thing you need to do is to find the old temple. If you can't find the temple, it's completely finished.

Originally in Shi Dali’s imagination, it should not be easy to find an old temple in such a large wilderness.

However, it turns out that finding this temple is much easier than expected, because there are signs along the mountain road.

Honestly following the sign, Shi Dali continued to look around while walking along the mountain road. The surrounding woods became denser and denser. At the end, there was basically no path to see, but this old temple still didn’t. turn up.

"You won't be deceived?"

Looking at the time, it was the last half an hour before three o'clock, Shi Dali couldn't help muttering, and at the same time became more nervous.

However, not long after he had spoken these words, a dilapidated temple flashed out from behind a big tree in front of Shi Lili.

That's right, I found it!

There was a lot of peace in my heart, and I looked at the time again now that it was very close to three o'clock, and then Shi Dali did not want to delay any time, so he quickly walked towards the old temple and walked around to the back.

As the lights illuminate everything inside, Teacher Shi almost stepped back.

This densely packed tomb looks like a big bun.

Perhaps this analogy is not appropriate, but this is indeed the most intuitive feeling.

The time required on the task card cannot be sloppy at all, so Shi Dali stabilized his emotions and moved forward again and began to search quickly.

He didn't know the difference between the new and the old, but soon Teacher Shi's feet stopped.

That's right, it's the grave in front of you!

The reason for this is that Shi Dali can see the strange color of the soil, and even the footprints next to him are quite messy.

It seemed that the tomb had just been finished, and those individuals had just left, leaving only such a dumpling.

"Start working!"

With a low growl, Shi Dali himself felt that his voice was a little strange in such a quiet night.

Obviously a teacher with lofty ambitions, but now he is doing the job of a tutor on the big night. It is really unpredictable!

I sighed like this in my heart, but there was no pause in Stone Strong Hand, turning the shovel quite quickly.

At this moment, Teacher Shi once again sighed that becoming a martial arts master really has too many benefits. Even if he runs out to do this kind of thing, he can still support his family!


Originally, in Shi Dali's expectation, it would take some time for him to dig this place, but it was about ten minutes. The pit didn't go down much. With such a sound, Master Shi immediately stopped.

It's time for the coffin!

Is it so shallow?

It felt a little strange, but originally he was doing the strangest thing, so Shi Dali quickly accepted it. All in all, he felt like someone rushed here to bury the coffin, and then left in a hurry.

In this case, he will naturally become more curious. What is there?

The soil above was quickly cleaned up, and as the entire sarcophagus was exposed below, Shi Dali was able to see clearly.

It's not very big, but the whole body is made of stone, which makes people feel weird. After all, not many people here would like to use stone as a coffin. This thing is a coffin at best.

Shaking his head, after seeing that the time was almost up, Shi Dali simply threw the shovel aside, then jammed the lid of the sarcophagus with both hands, and lifted it vigorously.

Immediately, the lid was moved aside by him.

Subconsciously lifted the phone next to him, and planned to look inside with the help of the light stone.

Then abruptly, one hand took his arm.



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