Super Treasure Bag

Chapter 378: The only change

"What do you want to do?"

Finally, obviously reaching a critical point that can be endured, the woman's voice sounded.

Although still calm, Shi Dali's back is cold again.

It was also at this time that he suddenly realized a very important thing. Why did he believe what this woman said? Is she really a person?

Not so what?

As this thought emerged, Shi Dali immediately shivered again. The faint warmth on the woman before now made him feel quite cold.

"Well, I just want to try to scratch the squeak...Is it itchy?"

He smiled serenely, and Teacher Shi felt that his reason was like a double stroke.

But if you are in a hurry, you can give an explanation, which is already pretty good.

"It's gone, we want to leave as soon as possible, how to leave?"

Trying to get off Shi Lili, the woman sat on the ground, her voice sounded, but from the physical state, it should be because of some reason that she couldn't exert her strength.

Hearing this, Teacher Shi muttered in his heart.

Wasn’t it just a moment ago? Why are you out of ideas now?

I know I should leave as soon as possible, but how do I know how to leave?

Of course, this was just a mess of thoughts in Shi Dali's heart. He quickly turned on the phone in his hand and observed the surrounding conditions, and his heart sank after seeing this.

too difficult!

There are almost smooth stone walls all around, and you can't see the scene above at a glance, so it's not clear how deep they fell.

Under such circumstances, even if Shi Dali is a martial arts master, he still has to plug in his wings to go up, right?

"Can you reach outside with your mobile phone?"

The woman's voice sounded again, which made Shi Dali react immediately, and immediately went to look at the screen, but disappointment followed.

Without a signal, there is no way to contact the outside.

In fact, think about it a little bit, in such a deep underground sinkhole, it is too difficult to get the signal from the mobile phone.

You can even say unceremoniously that this is completely impossible!

"No, there is no signal at all, we are trapped."

Shaking his head, Shi Dali looked at the woman sitting next to him.

It was also at this time, with the slight light in his hand, he could see clearly what the woman in front of him looked like.

To be honest, even if Shi Dali should remain awake in the current situation, he still has such a moment of uncontrollable trance.


That face is like a word that must be described, it must be perfect.

Especially since she was pulled out of the coffin by Shi Dengli before, and the two people running wildly in the mountains were quite embarrassed, but now she is still sitting there revealing a kind of temperament like a fairy in the dust.

Especially those eyes seemed to contain endless depth, coupled with the problem of light, so that Shi Dali would have such a daze.

"Have you seen enough?"

Probably, Teacher Shi did not notice the passage of time, so she didn't know how long the woman's calm voice sounded.

"Hahahaha, really white."

By the way, Shi Dali originally wanted to ease the atmosphere, but after finishing speaking, he realized that it seemed to make the atmosphere even more embarrassing.

Of course, there was no change in this woman's expression, as if she hadn't heard what Shi Dali said at all, but looked at the top of the tiankeng.

Obviously, she was wondering how to get out of here.

"What the **** is outside? What are you doing inside the coffin?"

Anyway, being idle at this time is also idle, so Shi Dali asked aloud with curiosity.

If he doesn't understand this question, he is really itchy.

"I have already said that I don't know what the outside is, but they are meant to kill me... Why are they in the coffin, because I was calculated."

Still speaking in a calm tone, the woman felt like she was telling someone else's story.

After listening, Teacher Shi stretched the rhythm and nodded, and then felt that this statement was quite reasonable.

"Will anyone save you?"

"Time is too fast, and the other party's strategy is perfect. My people shouldn't notice something wrong."

When she said this, the woman paused slightly while looking at Shi Dali.

If it were not for Shi Dali, the consequences would be disastrous.

The most direct situation is that she has been suffocated alive in the sarcophagus, and now thinking about the changes between the electric light and flint, Wang Qingyue still feels the terrible mysterious power.

Her most trusted subordinate suddenly turned against the water, and immediately lost her ability to move through that special toxin, and then took her from the room directly into the wilderness, and buried her alive!

All the changes from the beginning to the end were in the other party's calculations, even if Wang Qingyue had absolute trust in herself, this time she was shocked.

It can almost be said that if it were not the only change, she would never have survived.

And the only change... is Shi Dali!

Why would this unknown man appear behind the old temple at that time and then dig himself out of the tomb?

Wang Qingyue couldn't understand this point.

Even now, she still wonders whether this man belongs to the other party's method as well?

However, Wang Qingyue quickly rejected this idea, because she felt that the other party would not choose such an undisguised person as another hole card, or to put it in another way, this man was too clear.

"Why did you dig up that grave?"

Thinking of this, Wang Qingyue suddenly said, looking at the man who looked a little stupid to her and asked.

"I actually eat too much at night, so I exercise. In this case... after all, it's easy to digest."

After speaking in a serious manner, as the atmosphere became a little embarrassing, Teacher Shi could only smile.

No way, he really has no way to explain the task card, so he can only find a reason.

Fortunately, the woman on the opposite side did not intend to continue to ask. As for what she was thinking in her heart, only she knew.

Once again, the bottom of the tiankeng fell into silence, and neither of them spoke. They were both looking around, obviously trying to find a way to get out of here.

After that, at that very sudden moment, the woman who had already risen slightly shuddered all over, the next moment her cheek showed a strange dark red, and she fell to the ground.



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