Super Treasure Bag

Chapter 394: Unexpected

"Thank you Mr. Shi for your help, we will have more opportunities to cooperate in the future."

Captain Xia's smile was very bright. Obviously, the successful completion of this mission made him very clear about Shi Dali.

"It's easy to say, I also want to thank Captain Xia for his help. All in all, it is to serve the people."

With a grin, Teacher Shi is also quite natural.

"That's right, you are a teacher, I am a security team member, everyone is indeed serving the people... Haha, don't waste your time, follow me in. Those two people are inside."

He patted Shi Dali's arm, Captain Xia was already leading the way while speaking, while Guo Li was silent beside him.

Originally, Captain Xia didn’t need to do things like Shi Dali personally, but this was an initiative expressed by others, and she would definitely not stop it, because in a sense, Shi Dali was in the same group as her, so she was It is always good for people to lift up.

It was also when entering the security team that Captain Xia and Shi Dali exchanged contact information. It was also through this opportunity that Shi Dali knew that Captain Xia was quite extraordinary on Su Hai's side.

Of course, this was just a moment of his personal thoughts, and now there is nothing more important than seeing Jin Beihai.

After a round, Teacher Shi saw Jin Beihai in a closed room.

This serial killer, who was arrested by Shi Dali and has been under strict control since then, seemed a bit decadent and stupid at the moment, even if Shi Dali had stood opposite him, there was no unnecessary reaction.

Guo Li is right next to Teacher Shi. She is not saying that she wants to monitor anything. She just wants to protect Shi Dali. If this dangerous element makes any unexpected actions, it is very likely to hurt Shi Dali. of.

"You should know me? The box is in my hand. I want to ask you, who are you doing for? Why do you want to do something with the person in that picture?"

Taking a deep breath, Teacher Shi said directly.

It was originally to figure out this problem, so he had nothing to avoid.

It's just that his question was exported, but Jin Beihai didn't have any unnecessary reactions. He just looked at Shi Dali, his eyes were like cold beasts.

"He has always been like this."

Guo Nuxia said, no one could help this guy with such an attitude.

People just keep silent, what can you do with him?

"What are you hiding?"

Shi Dali was rather helpless. This guy should be very clear about his current situation. He made such a terrible mistake but still kept a secret for someone. What was it for?

"I didn't hide it, because I don't know who that person is."

Suddenly, Jin Beihai's voice sounded.

This time, instead, Guo Li and Shi Dali were stunned at the same time. After all, there was no expectation. Before, it was a posture of killing and not talking, but now they suddenly opened their mouths.

"What do you mean? You don't know who that person is? Why do you want to kill for him?"

Taking a deep breath, Shi Dali kept calm and continued to inquire.

"Because I have a life in his hands, he told me to search for something from the person in the photo, and release that person as soon as he finds it."

Staring at Shi Dali, Jin Beihai's eyes did not fluctuate, and it felt like he was talking about something that had nothing to do with him.

Guo Li made a quick record. After all, Jin Beihai finally made a sound. It was not easy.

"That means you don't know who that person is? What is that thing?"

"That's right, so I collected all possible related items and put them in the box and planned to connect with him that night. In the end, you were the one who showed up."

In a voiceless voice, Jin Beihai continued to watch Shi Dali. also because of his words, Teacher Shi has a feeling of sudden realization.

He finally understood why this guy would be willing to say this to himself, and at the same time appeared in that position that night... So he thought he was a connector.

Thinking of this, Teacher Shi was also secretly grateful, if it wasn't for the mission card that popped up in his pocket, he would definitely not go to that place.

Guo Li stopped writing, she did not write these things down, because she felt that this involved Shi Dali's secret.

As for Shi Dali's secret, she wanted to keep it.

"I understand……"

After a full pause for a minute, Shi Dali nodded.

He had already obtained what he wanted from Jin Beihai. The facts proved that the forces behind it were too mysterious, and Jin Beihai didn't have much valuable things.

Now that the question was clear, Shi Dali got up and planned to leave, and Guo Li naturally followed.

Seeing that he was about to leave, Jin Beihai suddenly shouted vigorously at Shi.

"If you catch that guy, you must kill him, he is terrible..."

It seemed that there were some inexplicable requests, and after speaking, Jin Beihai lowered his head and stopped speaking.

Shi Dali and Guo Li glanced at each other, but did not choose to answer, and then left from here.

It was almost that they had just come out of this room, and suddenly Captain Xia on the other side hurried to the front.

"Something happened."

A low voice rang from Captain Xia's mouth, making Shi Dali and Guo Li both stunned.

"what happened?"

"The Yang Tianlin you are going to see... just died."

A short sentence surprised Teacher Shi.

How could this be?

He finally found the opportunity to meet Yang Tianlin, why did such a thing happen at this time?

Besides, here is the Suhai Security Team, how could such an accident happen so easily?

"A doctor is already checking, I'll take you over and have a look."

Seeing Shi Dali and Guo Li's surprise, Captain Xia said after thinking about it.

He also thinks this kind of thing is incredible. Although it is best to keep it secret at this time, considering that Shi Dali does have special skills, let him see and maybe find some clues.

In this way, the three people went to the room together, and as expected, several doctors were already examining it.

Shi Dali stood by, even if it was just a silhouette, he had already determined that this person was Yang Tianlin. After all, he was familiar with this person, so he shouldn't be mistaken.

Standing next to him quietly, Teacher Shi knew what was going on and should wait for the doctor's examination results.

After almost a few minutes, the results came out.

"Unknown death, everything in the body is normal, there is no sign of trauma or poisoning, it seems that the heart fails suddenly..."

Hearing such a report, Shi Dali's brows were tightly locked together.



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