Super Treasure Bag

Chapter 406: Brainstorming

"Who is this guy? Why are you sitting in the first row?"

"I heard that it was an airborne honorary instructor. It seems that there is some credit for hitting and colliding by mistake, and he has no ability."

"Let's just say, what kind of character I thought it was. It doesn't look good at that look. Why can he be an honorary instructor?"

"I'm not convinced!"


A mess of voices rang around, saying that the people gathered in this place are not ordinary characters. What they believe most is the word ability!

Shi Dali, a guy who had never heard of it, suddenly pressed one of them, naturally not very convinced.

Teacher Shi heard these voices clearly, but didn't say much.

He was not very familiar with such an occasion, and even the process of becoming this honorary instructor last time, he was a little confused, and now he is here to show his face, after all, the captain made a phone call in person.

When the meeting was over, he just turned and left.

While talking, someone came in again in the venue, and in the end there were almost a hundred people.

The voices between each other were getting smaller and smaller, until finally a tall man came in, and the whole venue could be said to be silent for an instant.

"I am Zeng Yi."

It was such a simple sentence that showed his identity, and Zeng Yi's tone was full of majesty.

"Everyone is a hidden force of the special operations team. This meeting should be the first time. The reason is that a very important urgent task requires your assistance... First, let me introduce a few instructors who were present."

While speaking, Zeng Yi pointed to the front position.

Following his words, the crowd immediately turned their gazes.

In the organization of special operations teams, instructors are a very special position. Basically, those who can become instructors are absolute masters. There is no doubt about this!

You can take this opportunity to get to know a powerful instructor, and it is really not to be missed.

"Zhan Guoqiang, I don’t need to introduce him more, everyone should know that he is powerful, known as a special sharp knife! And the second one, Yue Zhongshan! Fighting master, one of China’s top ten strongest fighters! The third Su Ming, the Jaguar Seal Third place in the honor list for the special training program..."

Six instructors were introduced in one breath, and then Zeng Yi stopped.

Then naturally, the big guy's gaze turned to the end of the first row.

There are a total of seven people in the first row of seats, and now six are introduced, so now there is the last one, and it seems that he is also the only honorary instructor.

"And this one is... I look at the list... Yes, Shi Dali."

After the pause, Zeng Yi actually looked at the list, and then said the name of Teacher Shi.

Such a move caused a little laughter from the audience.

Shi Dali, who was planning to stand up and say hello like others, was suddenly embarrassed.

Is this Captain Zeng Yi deliberate?

Besides, people are so solemn introductions, how come it becomes so simple when you get to yourself, you can hardly even remember the name?

Of course, these thoughts flashed through Teacher Shi's mind. For him, he didn't plan to develop in this industry, so it doesn't matter if he came to join in today.

"Close to the subject, everyone is here today because extremely dangerous international criminals have recently emerged in Suhai, including the Hokkaidokou and some monsters in the Southeast Asian Association..."

Suddenly turning on the screen, Zeng Yi's voice sounded again and became very serious again.

And his remarks also made the players on the scene nervous.

As members of the special operations team, they are no strangers to the two organizations Hokkaidokou and Southeast Asia.

To put it simply, it is a group of evil elements who have lost all conscience, and involving them has always caused quite serious disasters.

However, it was also because of some fears, so although the people of these two organizations said that they looked at China, they still had no way to get in.

It's quite disturbing to actually show up on Su Hai's side now.

"We have been investigating, but the specific reasons are still unclear, and this time the number of people sent by the two organizations is more than any one time. According to our estimates, the total number is at least 50 people!"

Continuing to announce their investigation data, Zeng Yi also transferred this pressure to the players on the scene.

"There are so many people here? We should act now and then kill them all at once!"

"This is just the data that has been investigated. Are there other dangerous elements hiding in the dark?"

"No wonder there will be a meeting suddenly, this is indeed a big deal!"


There were discussions from all sides, obviously the big guys knew that this matter must be dealt with as soon as possible.

"I can tell you very directly that our people are ready and ready to act at any time! But... there is no way to gather these guys. So many dangerous elements are scattered around, all affected by one move. Now this problem It's difficult to solve."

Frowning, Zeng Yi said that he was facing the biggest trouble at the moment.

Then, the meeting place fell into silence.

There is nothing wrong with it. This is indeed a big trouble. These two organizations are originally independent, and their people are distributed in all directions. It is not difficult for the special operations team stationed by Suhai to kill these people, but it is the most difficult thing. The place is how to bring them together?

This kind of thing is really helpless.

"Who has a better way? Everyone is brainstorming, and it's best to mobilize the forces around you... Instructor Zhan? Instructor Su? Instructor Yue..."

Zeng Yi directly repeated the names of the six instructors, but again, he ignored Shi Dali.

Obviously for this Captain Zeng Yi, Shi Dali is naturally not as capable as the other instructors. He only became an honorary instructor by luck. If it weren't for the above request to convene such a meeting and ask him to be present, it is estimated that Zeng Yi Certainly not let Shi Dali come over.

Now this attitude is the most direct expression!

But as Zeng Yi's question ended, these instructors shook their heads.

But quite suddenly, the instructor named Su Ming suddenly looked down at a message, and then looked up very excited!

"According to the news I just got, people from Hokkaido and Southeast Asia will meet at Xilin Lane tomorrow afternoon. That time is the best opportunity!"

Such a remark immediately surprised everyone.

Shi Dali sat aside, but frowned.



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