Super Treasure Bag

Chapter 434: Is an idiot

Just like the sentence Lin Yu just said, this time it doesn’t depend on how many calls you make. The key is that it is useful or not. However, Shi Dali obviously has no confidence. Maybe he just put it out for the sake of looking better. posture.

"You and Redstone Group are both over today."

Lin Yu shook his head. He felt that it was no longer necessary to stay here.

After all, it was just a small person, too far behind Lin Yu.

What's more, Young Master Lin Yu was arrogant enough. He hadn't put Shi Dali in his eyes before, but now he didn't take it as a thing.

At this time, the head of the film and television association, that is, the fat man, suddenly his cell phone rang again.

Everyone looked at him subconsciously, which was quite strange.

The fat man looked around, then looked at the number, his face changed a lot, and he was connected immediately.

In the following time, everyone was wondering what news the fat man had received on the phone, just watching him nodding in agreement, but didn't mean anything.

Finally hung up the phone, even ignoring Lin Yu's feelings, the fat man walked forward a few steps in front of Shi Dali, and then bent over and bowed directly.

"Mr. Shi, what happened before was offensive. All projects of the Redstone Group can be carried out without any trouble. Your publicity ceremonies will also be held as usual. It is a misunderstanding."

In a few simple words, the fat man said trembling.

As a result, everyone around immediately opened their mouths, and they were quite unbelievable about this scene.

Even Lin Yu, that jealous face with disdain is more of other flavors.

There is no doubt that Shi Dali’s phone worked. As for which phone worked, it is not known...

"How is it possible? Didn't it have been dealt with just now? Why is it okay now? Is it a mistake?"

To say that this Dong Fang is indeed a stupid woman, she actually screamed at this moment.

She was quite angry and quite dissatisfied. Of course, the bigger reason was that Lin Yu was right next to her, so she was quite confident.

But when she finished speaking, the fat man turned his head and looked over, then immediately changed another face.

"In the above notice, all the publicity of Dong Fang's crew has stopped. In addition, Dong Fang personally decided to ask her to reflect on some issues, and works related to her will not be broadcast in the future."

The result of a very simple treatment did not give Lin Yu any face.

The people around continued to remain silent, but from these words, the big guys had already heard quite clearly.

Dong Fang is finished, and it's still that kind of completely finished!

In other words, what happened to her was actually what Lin Yu said before...blocking!

Hearing this result, Dong Fang stood silly on the spot. She never dreamed that things would turn out to be like this, so that it took more than ten seconds for the whole person to react.

The next moment, she turned around and hugged Lin Yu's arm.

At this time, the only person she could count on was Lin Yu, and she couldn't think of any other way.

In fact, the reason why Dong Fang was able to reach the current height was largely due to Lin Yu's relationship. If Lin Yu didn't help her this time, then this woman would really be completely finished.

However, facing Dong Fang's pleading, Lin Yu did not respond, and the bodyguard behind him directly pulled Dong Fang away.

auzw.comFor people like Lin Yu, it’s just a celebrity. It is said to be a girlfriend outside. In fact, it is just a temporary playmate. Sometimes you can be together, sometimes It's over.

And there is no anger into anger as everyone imagined, Lin Yu's performance is still calm, but there is a smile on the corner of his mouth.

Seeing Shi Dali, he took the initiative to move forward and finally stopped a few meters in front of Teacher Shi.

"You are a very interesting guy, but I was blindsided before."

Speaking openly, this sentence is actually equivalent to directly saying that Lin Yu lost in the previous confrontation.

Of course, if Lin Yu continues to use the power of the family, he believes that he can keep Dong Fang.

However, everything has to be looked at whether it is worthwhile. Dong Fang's value is not yet that level in his opinion, so naturally it is not worth it.

"I'm just an ordinary person, I don't need to make you look up."

Teacher Shi's expression was calm, he was actually still wondering when he was speaking, which one of the three phones helped?

But I didn't say that I would block Dong Fang, so this call killed a first-line star?

But who is it?

I knew it would be enough to make a phone call, and now I owe three favors...

No one knew what Shi Dali was thinking at the moment, especially when Lin Yu turned his eyes and saw the movie poster next to him.

"Super Treasure Bag? I heard that the Redstone Group has a lot of confidence in this movie? Or you have a lot of confidence? Still saying that there is hope to surpass the movie "Empty Inside the House"?"

Aloud with interest, Lin Yu's attitude left many people uncertain.

It is reasonable to say that he has been refuted before, so he just turned around and left. Why should I discuss the Redstone Group movie here?

But these words also made the colleagues around him look at each other.

Are you crazy?

What is the scale of this movie? It is an unprecedentedly luxurious lineup. The domestic directors are truly super first-tier, and there are more than four first-tier stars in it alone, plus the word-of-mouth script, overwhelming publicity...

Find any one of these, Redstone Group certainly can't match!

Let's just say it directly, this movie by the Redstone Group has no qualifications that can be compared with the empty room inside!

By the way, the biggest investor in the house seems to be the Lin Group!

Someone suddenly thought of this, and then vaguely guessed what Lin Yu meant.

"I haven't heard of the empty room, but I can tell you that our movie...will crush all the movies in the same period, and then it will be included in the history of Chinese movies forever!"

How to say such impassioned words in a calm tone, Shi Dali performed quite well.

However, the atmosphere around him was suddenly quite weird. Although he had shown considerable background and energy before,...this did not prevent others from thinking that he was an idiot.

That's right, that look is similar to looking at an idiot, although it is obviously restrained.

A company that has never dabbled in this industry, just found a movie, and opened his mouth to say such unmatched big words...what is it not an idiot?



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