Super Treasure Bag

Chapter 441: Whim

Shi Dali paused for a while, he was also hesitating whether to expose Mo Yuqing's lies of deceiving him.

In the end, he still intends to pretend not to know.

Because since Mo Yuqing would tell herself this, she must have her own reasons.

And in the final analysis, Shi Dali's relationship with Mo Yuqing has not yet reached the point where one must know everything about them.

Therefore, he can only smile.

"I just have time today, so I want to have a meal with you."

"I'll just say, you are a busy person, but I'm not in Anbei right now, and I will call you when I come back."

Mo Yuqing's tone was rather relaxed, and she smiled happily after speaking.


Shi Dali didn't know what to say more, so he could only reply like this.

After hanging up the phone, his heart was very weird. Anyway, one question that he didn't understand was...Why did Mo Yuqing deceive herself on this matter?

The reason is simple? Or is the reason complicated?

With such chaos in his mind, Shi Dali drove the car along the road just like this, not fast, and completely aimless.

Anyway, he is really an idler now, so he is not afraid of losing time at all.

In this way, I don't know how long I have been walking. Suddenly, Shi Dali saw a cafe on the roadside.

Cozy cafe!

It was already dark, so at this time the cafe's sign was also lit up, and it was this stone that was able to see clearly.

If some things hadn't happened by chance, he might have completely forgotten.

Almost the moment he saw this cafe, Shi Dali immediately remembered what happened in this place.

Jin Beihai!

It was the serial killer. He was caught with Guo Li in this cafe before, and Jin Beihai also gave the box to himself.

Originally, these memories flashed past in his mind, but Shi Dali suddenly thought of what he said when he met Jin Beihai in Suhai.

The reason why Jin Beihai appeared in the cozy cafe at that time was because this place was the place where he and the joint person met at that time.

But who expected Shi Dali to appear at that time, so there was such a misunderstanding.

Then just imagine, why didn't the person who joined Jin Beihai come?

What if... that person comes?

Just because of some accident, I was late for a while, and then everything was done by myself?


This thought came out of his mind, and Shi Dali directly stopped the car.

He is going to see in the cafe.

A few minutes later, Teacher Shi entered the cafe and looked around and saw that there were not many customers, only three to five.

After all, this place is also suitable for quiet chat. Now the people in the night are too impetuous, not many people like this tune.

"Boss, remember me?"

He clearly knew what he was doing here, so Shi Dali didn't have any delay, and directly looked at the boss in front of him and asked.

For a moment, the boss obviously didn't react, and then he took a closer look at the face of Shi Dali.

"I remember, you are... from the security team, who arrested someone!"

Speaking of that incident is not too far away from the present time, so this boss really remembers Shi Dali, not to mention the experience of catching serial killers for a coffee shop, which is rarely seen in this life. Of course, the impression Is profound!

"Yes, it's me, that... I want to ask you, was the surveillance video in your store still there that night?"

When this question was asked, Shi Dali was a little nervous.

When he came in and looked at the surveillance video, he was just an idea that suddenly came up. If someone has deleted it, there is no way at all.

Unexpectedly, the shop owner actually smiled.

"Yes, that night was too exciting, I left a copy of the surveillance video."

Hearing this, Shi Dali felt fortunate in his heart, but also very interesting.

The owner of this shop is definitely thinking about taking this thing out to show off to others, and it's quite fun to watch it for yourself if it's fine.

Immediately, Shi Dali stood by and waited, and then the store owner called out the monitoring.

I was idle anyway. I was holding someone’s computer in this shop. Teacher Shi ordered a cup of coffee, and then began to recollect the events of that night from the perspective of monitoring.

Everything was pretty simple before. Shi Dali was still fast-forwarding while drinking coffee. After Jin Beihai appeared, he began to observe every scene seriously and put the coffee in his hand down.

The rest of the matter is naturally the same as before, appearing by herself, and then Guo Li appears, fights, and subdues...

It can be said that Shi Dali was convinced that he had not let go of any details, but in a full hour, he did not find anything wrong, so that when Guo Li and the others finally retired and left, Shi Dali was quite disappointed.

After all, he rushed over very excitedly, thinking that he should find something unusual, but everything was normal. This feeling was really uncomfortable.

Then, after looking back for a few minutes, he started to fast forward the video, and at the same time planned to clean up and leave.

As a result, who could have thought that a figure just appeared.

It was a woman who arrived almost 40 minutes after Jin Beihai was taken away. At that time, she entered the store as if she was really just drinking coffee, ordered with the owner of the store, and then sat by the window.

That location happened to be where Jin Beihai was sitting.

After holding a book and drinking coffee, the woman got up...and left.

If the person watching the video is not Shi Dali, if Shi Dali has not experienced the arrest of Jin Beihai, and if he has not chatted with Jin Beihai in Suhai, there will be no problem with all of this, because it is in someone else’s The angle is that a very normal girl enters the shop for a cup of coffee, then turns and leaves.

However, this person is Mo Yuqing!

That's right, Shi Dali confirmed this as soon as he saw the figure. It was definitely Mo Yuqing, not someone else!

Because of that figure, he didn't know how many times he watched it in school, maybe others would admit it wrong, but this shadow will definitely not be a problem.

Then, the severity of the incident was completely different from the previous concealment of her resignation on the phone.

Why did Mo Yuqing appear in the cafe at that time?

Could it be that she is the connector?



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