Super Treasure Bag

Chapter 445: Bold ideas

It is not easy for a person to meet what he likes to do in his life. Shi Dali can figure out that he likes to be a teacher in his twenties, which is really rare.

So Tian Xiaoyu was right. In this case, he simply opened his own school and became a teacher by himself. It happened that Chen Shuke also resigned and asked her to come over to become the principal.

He sees many problems in the Boya Group as a teacher, but there is no way to change it. In this way, all problems can be solved.

If possible, the school will be expanded from Anbei City to Suhai, Beijing, or even overseas to spread the Chinese culture and cultivate more outstanding talents...

Whether it was initially planning to open an exchange with Tian Xiaoyu, or taking over the Redstone Group later, and then confronting Huo Lang and the others against the pressure from Meihuazhuang, these things... are not what Shi Dali likes to do. It will happen more like a kind of helplessness and homeopathy.

But now that Tian Xiaoyu proposed the idea of ​​opening an educational institution, Shi Dali really became interested in it the moment he heard it.

So what Gao Lin, Lu Youqi, and what Boya... All go to death, Teacher Shi builds a school by himself and teaches students by himself, and he must be a hundred times better than them!

"Boss, what do you think?"

After taking another sip of wine, she suddenly noticed that Shi Dali's condition was a little weird, so Tian Xiaoyu turned around and asked.

"You are right, I plan to open a school, is there any good place to recommend?"

This is really just do it. When Shi Dali spoke, he stood up, his eyes seemed to be shining with a light.

How could Tian Xiaoyu think of hearing such a sentence, so that the whole person was taken aback.

"I just said in passing, do you really plan to open a school?"

With his eyes widened, Tian Xiaoyu was going to ask clearly. He also knew that the boss of Shi Dali was unbelievable, so no one knew what his next thought was, so this matter must be asked clearly.

"Yes, I have made up my mind. This must be the thing I want to do most."

With a smile, Shi Dali gave Tian Xiaoyu an affirmative idea.

In this way, Tian Xiaoyu understood completely, so he immediately brainstormed with the other brothers. After all, although they said that they were involved in a lot of business, it was the first time to start a school, so from the classroom playground to Tables, chairs and benches, all of which need planning.

As for Shi Dali, he dialed Chen Shuke again.

"When will you come back to Anbei City? I found a job for us."

With a somewhat beaming taste, Shi Dali said to Chen Shuke on the other side.

Chen Shuke was obviously stunned. How long did Shi Dali find a job after hanging up? And also her work?

"What job?"

Subconsciously, she asked.

"I plan to open a school. You will continue to be the principal. We will hire the best teachers, and then recruit students to be liberal arts, so that it will become bigger and stronger and become the most powerful educational institution in China."

Seriously, Shi Dali said.

In the later time, his blood was already boiling, as if he couldn't wait to start working in it.

"Open school? You?"

Chen Shuke's voice still remained calm, but it was indeed surprised. After all, this happened too suddenly, and she was not prepared at all.

"Yes, I think it's totally feasible. Money is not a problem."

Continue, Shi Dali said.

During this period of time, Teacher Shi felt that his money was too much, as if there was no place to use it. Especially that number was still growing at an alarming rate every day, whether it was from Yuan Yuan on Bao Daya's side. The rental fee of Qinghua is still the income of Wenxing Yayuan.

What's more, the Redstone Group's movie will be released immediately. There is no doubt that the final box office will be an unimaginable number, and most of the money will inevitably fall into his own pocket. Even if Shi Dali has no intention of calculating, he knows this. Things are inevitable.

So, since he plans to do this now, then money is really not a problem.

"If money is not a problem, you can figure out the rest, you really plan to do this? Not on a whim?"

Obviously, after careful consideration, Chen Shuke also had considerable interest.

In a sense, she and Shi Dali are the same kind of person. Shi Dali likes to be a teacher, and she also likes to work in this profession.

That being the case, it is really exciting to open a school of your own and do a vigorous career.

"Of course not. My teacher, you know best, that is a person who really likes office work, so what? Are you interested in becoming a principal?"

Leaning against the window, Shi Dali smiled happily.

He felt that he had mixed feelings when he was fired in the morning, but now he is just happy and grateful.

If it hadn't been for the Boya Group to fire himself, it is estimated that he would not have such an idea now.

Of course, I also want to thank Tian Xiaoyu.

"Is this a hiring? I'll come if I count."

Also smiled, Chen Shuke was in a good mood.

"Of course it is, but the salary must be negotiated face to face."

Afterwards, the two people had a brief chat. Chen Shuke here also intends to use the contacts around him to find out what kind of formalities are required for this school to be opened, as well as some others. Steps and processes.

As for Shi Dali, he will start preparing related hardware facilities tomorrow. After all, these problems are the first to be among them. If there is no way to solve it, all subsequent work will definitely not be able to proceed smoothly.

So he hung up the phone, Shi Dali had no idea of ​​going to bed anymore, and hurried directly to the manor with Tian Xiaoyu's group.

So-called brainstorming, old man Yi Hong, Huo Lang and Ren Haoran, and a group of old comrades from Fengyunhui are all there, so it is quite necessary for him to talk to them about the school opening.

And Shi Dali's heart had a bold idea.

If possible, the school he is going to set up wants to be more eclectic. So, can Yi Hong and Huo Lang be invited to the school as teachers?

Others of these characters may not meet one in their lifetime, but Shi Dali will inevitably be more and more around him.

Then again, absolutely no school can invite such an awesome person to serve as a teacher.

However, this can only be done by a partial stone, perhaps...only he can do it!



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