Super Treasure Bag

Chapter 454: Who is your big brother

"What do you mean? Why don't they line up? Why?"

Originally, it was quite boring for the big guys to stand in line, but now that they saw such a scene, some people suddenly became unhappy.

And as the first such voice sounded, other people around also started yelling.

"No, why don't they line up? Get fat? Who do you look down on?"

"Can't let them in, otherwise I will call to report."

"Recording, I have already started recording video."

Sure enough, the power of the masses is great. More and more voices joined this condemnation, and the group of crooked nuts who could not understand Chinese also stopped, especially the long-haired man in the front. I immediately guessed what happened.

However, this guy did not have the demeanor of an international friend at all. Instead, he sneered, and the next moment he pulled the collar like a beast, revealing the strong muscles underneath.

Along with his action, other people in the tour group followed suit, which looked like the gorilla in the zoo.

But let’s not say, gorillas are indeed quite bluffing sometimes, especially since these people look quite strong from the outside, they look like professional fitness trainers, so the voice of opposition around them was immediately small. A lot.

"These are all American fighters who have come from far away. It is the meaning of the leaders to open up privileges to others. If you have any comments, please reflect."

The staff next to him made a sound at the right time, with a look of righteousness.

To say that this guy is also short-sighted, and it's over with just a few words. He has to put on such a posture that who can take me like this.

At this moment, the sentiment was infuriated. Although it was said that they had not yet erupted together, they were already restraining their emotions from the looks of them, and they were obviously on the verge of anger.

"Hahaha, a bunch of idiots."

The blunt Chinese sounded from the long-haired man's mouth. This guy was proud of his face, and laughed with the others as he was about to enter the playground.

At this time, with a dirty braid shaking his head, Wen Xiaotian stopped in front with a forward somersault.

"People in the rivers and lakes are most concerned about drawing out the sword and helping each other when the road is uneven. You guys met my eldest brother today, so luck is over!"

Raising her voice, Wen Xiaotian was so excited that she uttered a roar.

Following behind, the little bald head also rushed out.

"Yes, my eldest brother is jealous, and tidying up your waste is like cutting melons and vegetables, are done!"

"Hahahaha, don't hurry to kneel and beg for mercy and let my eldest brother let you go, otherwise you will cut off your children and grandchildren one by one!"


In this way, in the stunned expression of Teacher Shi, Wen Xiaotian made a sigh at the beginning, and then the little bald and the others rushed out, who was full of confidence, and Shi Dali who listened was stunned.

Where did these little guys find such a great brother? Why didn't you tell yourself?

The staff before these crooked nuts all said that they are professional fighters from abroad.

To put it simply, this is a group of brave and fierce villains. Most people who stop in front are probably torn to pieces, right?

So think about it again, this big brother is really awesome!

"Little guy, what are you talking about? Where is your big brother?"

Gritting his teeth, it is obvious that the long-haired man understood what Wen Xiaotian said. The group of people actually came to Suhai to fight. Now they heard being so provoked, and their ability to understand Chinese is limited. , So I think that all these kids say are the meaning of their older brother.

So when he asked this sentence, the long-haired man had already regarded the mysterious eldest brother as the first target to be defeated.

"Our eldest brother is far away in the sky, close in front of you, you die!"

After a long sip, Wen Xiaotian pointed directly at Shi Dali, the little bald heads immediately lined up in two rows and stood on both sides of Shi Dali, full of momentum.

As for Teacher Shi, the brain suddenly made a loud noise.

What do you mean?

After doing this for a long time, this awesome elder brother is himself?

Are you crazy?

You must know that Teacher Shi dislikes fighting fiercely with people the most. Although he is a real martial arts master,...that is just for self-defense.

What's more, if you rush to do it, you will be exhausted.

"You are their eldest brother, and you want me to cut off my children and grandchildren?"

Continue to maintain the blunt Mandarin, the long-haired man said, especially the four words Jue Sun said quite clearly.

After swallowing, Shi Dali couldn't help but cursed in his heart, do you **** understand idioms?

But after that, Teacher Shi calmed down.

"Well, I think we might have a bit of a misunderstanding, or else..."

How can I say that I have a bunch of little guys around me, and only Tian Xiaoyu is the only helper. Shi Dali is not too scared to actually do it. The key is that if something accidentally hurts Wen Xiaotian and one of them, then it is really a big deal. Up.

Therefore, although these little guys said they had pitted themselves, Shi Dali still thought that it would be best to solve them peacefully.

In the end, he didn't realize what he said just halfway through. The long-haired man, like an old bull, screamed and then tore his jacket to pieces.

The other fighters behind him also immediately tore their shirts to pieces one by one, staring at Shi Dali as if staring at killing his father and enemy.

Teacher Shi was stunned again, thinking about explaining again.

Then, the voices of the people from all directions rose.

"Fuck it, these grandsons called Dad!"

"What's the name of Dad, grandpa! Grandson is called Dad, this is a younger generation!"

"Yes, **** him, **** him to death!"

"The eldest brother, you are Wu Song alive, Monk Hua is going down the mountain, we all support you!"


In the great sound, Shi Dali felt that he was suddenly pushed to the forefront by the power of the people, unable to resist, and even if he was not beaten to death by the foreign devils on the opposite side, he would be sorry for the big guy so hard.

Especially Wen Xiaotian, waving his fist excitedly about to fly.

For her, this is not the most yearning arena.

As for Teacher Shi, in the end he could only take two steps forward, and then look at the **** American big guys in front of him.

"Well, let me make a call."

"You want to call a helper, right? I'm scared? Hahaha...but it doesn't matter, no matter what helper you call, I will hit you all crying today!"

With a sneer, the long-haired man is still confident.

The next moment afterwards, the phone rang from Shi Dali's pocket and took it out to connect. Before Shi Dali took a breath, a killing intent sounded from the other end.

"Sleep my wife! You **** dare to sleep with my wife, let me tell're done!"



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