Super Treasure Bag

Chapter 458: Inexplicably sad

Obviously, Sun Milli remembered the bet last time, so he came up with such an aggressive method.

"Lin Yu? Is that kid coming too?"

Through the phone, Shi Dali was obviously interested.

He didn't have time to compete with others for other things, but Shi Dali couldn't forget the bet he made at the movie box office, so Lin Yu had to be considered.

"Yes, this time the charity auction, basically all the powerful and powerful in Suhai will come, and there will also be a lot of people from Beijing and the Americas. It is a pleasant surprise that our Redstone Group is invited to I heard that Lin Yu has prepared several valuable treasures and plans to participate in the auction and then donate them. Look at..."

Worried that Shi Dali still didn't know the importance of this matter, Sun Mi hurried to tell the news he knew, hoping to let Shi Dali raise his attention again.

"That's it, then I know, I will contact tomorrow."

The tone was flat, but it was considered that Teacher Shi had an answer and hung up after the call.

After hanging up the phone, Shi Dali planned to return to the hotel.

Although he didn't know what was going on with Zhou Zilong, it was very difficult to think about it.

"Brother, you finally wrote a letter, how about people? When will you come back? I can't deal with these ancestors."

After making a call, Zhou Zilong almost started to cry.

Originally came rushing for handsome men and beautiful women, now it's okay...It's a bunch of little handsome men and little beauties, even if he is a beast, it's not embarrassing to have a little thought, so this is a long time to toss silly.

"Five minutes, I'll be there in five minutes."

Looking at the time, Shi Dali felt embarrassed, and said immediately.

After getting such an answer, Zhou Zilong saw the dawn of hope, so he hung up the phone and waited patiently.

On Teacher Shi's side, he stopped the car and hurried over. He didn't realize that he just got in the car and a card popped out of his pocket.

Arrived at Suhai Zoo in an hour, pretending to be a gorilla and staying in a cage, and got a feather letter!

Both eyes are like lanterns, and Shi Dali's brain also feels hypoxia.

He always felt that his pocket was unpredictable, as if it were a two-stroke... and now it is coming again!

In the zoo, pretend the gorilla stays in the cage, and then what do you get?

What kind of task is this?

Are you sure this is not playing with yourself?

"Brother, where are you going? Why don't you make a sound?"

After such a pause, the taxi driver in front of him couldn't wait, and immediately urged.

"Oh, go to the zoo, please drive faster, I'll add more money."

Adjusting his mentality in time, Shi Dali didn't care about the piles of questions in his mind. No matter what, the task card has come, so now the most important thing is to arrive at the zoo at a specified time, and the rest will be discussed when they arrive.

As the taxi moved, I followed Teacher Shi to reach Bao Daya with a call.

Just use your brain to understand that places like Suhai Zoo are definitely not simple, naturally not everyone can pretend to be gorillas inside.

This is the case, so you have to think of a way.

So naturally, Bao Daya should be the most reliable.

On the phone, Bao Daya was also dumb for a moment when he heard Shi Dali's request.

It's not that this matter is too difficult for him, but because he doesn't quite understand what kind of medicine is sold in Shi Dali's gourd?

What can't you do well? Going to the zoo to pretend to be a gorilla, this is really not a brain problem.

"Brother, what are you... planning to do?"

"I don't have time to explain, I'm anxious, big brother, hurry up and help, try to keep it secret."

By this moment, Teacher Shi was completely calm.

Anyway, I'm a strange flower, and I can't manage that much.

When Bao Daya heard what Shi Dali meant, he didn't ask more, and then hung up to arrange.

The rest of the matter went smoothly. As expected, Bao Daya’s energy was unimaginable as the owner of the Family Fortune Wanguan Group, so Shi Dali took only fifty minutes. He had changed a special gorilla costume and successfully entered one of the cages. .

Looking at the tourists coming and going through the fence, Teacher Shi felt a sense of vicissitudes in his heart.

Who would have thought that I received a call from Sun Mi in the hospital an hour ago and learned about the charity auction, but now, an hour later... staying in a cage in the zoo, staying with the gorillas and being **** by others? Take pictures.

"Ji Maoxin...what the **** is it?"

Lie down bored, Shi Dali murmured a little bit. In order to make himself as comfortable as possible, Teacher Shi also raised his legs.

The result was such a posture that almost all the tourists around screamed.

"Look, that gorilla has grown up."

"Maybe he is going to evolve? My mother..."

"Take pictures quickly, take pictures quickly."

"This gorilla weighs so much, I don't know if the meat is delicious..."

A mess of discussions sounded from all directions, and Teacher Shi almost rolled his eyes.

But nothing, in order to worry about causing unnecessary trouble, he can only scream up to the sky, then pat his chest and scratch his head.

At that moment, Shi Dali almost collapsed.

Lao Tzu came to Suhai to play, not to act as a gorilla.

Especially because of his behavior, it attracted the attention of other gorillas, slapped his chest and yelled in the same posture, and a big guy who was several heads higher than Shili patted his ass.

That kind of feeling is like a rush of electric current across the body, so numb, it is indescribable...

In the end, when the zoo got off work, another group of gorillas from other locations were transported in a cage. By the time Shi Vigorously reacted, there were already more than 30 gorillas in this cage.

Squatting in the corner and watching the sun go down, Shi Dali suddenly felt a little sad.

What kind of trouble is this?

There are so many weird tasks, but this time it really makes people wonder, what exactly is Ji Fei Xin?

The task card only said that I had to wait to get the chicken feather letter, but when would I have to wait?

Is it possible that after three years and five years have not waited for news, and then they have to stay here forever?

If that is the case, is it true that when the time comes, he will become a gorilla?

The more I thought about it, the more helpless Shi Dali felt, and almost burst into tears while holding the fence with both hands.

However, no one took care of him. The zoo staff were all off work, and only the chimpanzees stared at him with bright eyes. Maybe... they came back to pat his butt.



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