Super Treasure Bag

Chapter 471: Donate generously

Shi Dali on the stage, seeing his group of students seemed to be crazy, it was anxious in his heart.

Even at the back, he wanted to smash the toilet directly.

I can't shout anymore. Even if Wen Zai'an has money, seeing his daughter spend so much money to buy a toilet, I guess his brain will be black.

However, he couldn't stop this kind of thing when he was on stage.

As for Wen Xiaotian, it must be the only thing that he said is useful. Other people's words are probably the same as if they didn't.

The price was still soaring, and finally Teacher Shi realized that he could not continue to stand still.

Ever since, after another Wen Xiaotian bidding ended, he laughed.

"It seems that only the children really know the goods, but I was disappointed that Boss Hu didn't do anything. He told me that the person he admired the most was Mr. Evans Young, and said Evans. Mr. Yang is his idol. He has collected a lot of toilets in his house... As a result, when he truly demonstrated his ability, this man flinched. I was disappointed, really disappointed!"

Shi Dali's voice spread to everyone's ears with the microphone.

For a while, everyone's eyes turned to stare at boss Hu.

But Boss Hu himself felt that the sky was dim and he didn't understand.

what's the situation?

However, time is running out. Seeing Evans Young and the strange gazes of other bosses, it is too late for him to explain.

As a rich man with a wide range of contacts, Evans Young really knows something.

The identity and status of this old man is beyond doubt in America, otherwise there would be no title of aesthetic master.

In this situation, if he didn't stand up and say something, he would really offend Evans.

As a result, when his brain heated up, Boss Hu stood up.


"Applause for encouragement, I want to see your enthusiasm, boss Hu has stood up!"

As a result, without waiting for boss Hu to say anything, Shi Dali interrupted directly, followed by applause from the audience.

Standing in place, Boss Hu's face was flushed, he could no longer control himself.

So Hua, almost crying, he called out the price.

"Thirty-six million!"

That's right, the price of this toilet at the moment has reached a terrifying figure of 36 million.

After calling out the price, the audience was boiling, but Boss Hu's heart was still quite stable.

He had already figured it out before that those little guys who were crazy raising prices were Shi Dali people, and they seemed to be really rich, and they were even comparing each other.

So, if he is paying the price now, those little guys will probably follow up immediately.

However, the development of some things was beyond everyone's expectation. Time passed by every minute and every second... For ten seconds, the venue was silent.

At this time, boss Hu panicked.

If he really bought a toilet for 36 million, he would probably fall inside and not crawl out of it for the rest of his life.

"Hehe, why doesn't this little woman make a bid?"

With a strong laugh, Boss Hu asked Wen Xiaotian in the air.

"You have money, I'm afraid, spend more than 30 million to buy a toilet and go back, you treat me stupid!"

As soon as he waved his hand, Wen Xiaotian was quite happy, threw out a sentence and sat down and continued to eat.

Then, boss Hu on this end was dull.

He felt as if something was wrong, but he couldn't tell what was wrong...

"Okay, let us congratulate Boss Hu, this royal treasure belongs to him!"

Quite joyously, Shi Dali yelled out this sentence, and at the same time he was a little bit happy. He had just tried it out before, but he didn't expect this boss Hu to be a true temperament.

There was thunderous applause from the audience, and a pair of eyes stared at Boss Hu. As for what is thinking behind these eyes, no one knows.

Never before has Boss Hu felt like a fool.

Especially Wen Xiaotian's words, like a band-aid, directly stuck to his forehead, there is nothing to say...

In the end, he could only accept this fact gloriously, yes, the toilet is his!

Next to Liu Qiyue, Wang Gang was sitting, but compared to Liu Qiyue's relaxed expression, Wang Gang was quite angry.

Because he felt that Boss Hu was insulted, and Shi Dali became the limelight.

"Boss Shi’s royal treasure was finally sold at a high price of 36 million yuan. Let us congratulate Boss Hu and thank Boss Shi for his generosity."

After the host said these words, Shi Dali stepped down.

When he stepped down, he just passed the position where Liu Qiyue and Wang Gang were.

It was really a sudden whim, Shi Dali didn't care about the gaze around him, and stopped directly beside Liu Qiyue.

Such an action caused Liu Qiyue's dim sum to fly out of her mouth.

She knew that Shi Dali... completely unpredictable.

Boss Hu just got out of luck. What are you going to stop here now?

"Don't leave in a hurry. I have something I want to talk to you. It is very important to you."

In this sentence, Shi Dali didn't mean to be joking. It can be said that he is very serious.

Liu Qiyue was taken aback, and even a small face felt hot again. After all, so many eyes around him were staring, especially Wang Gang.

Therefore, she did not give an answer, and Shi Dali had already turned and left.

"This Boss Hu... really has no brains, right?"

Lin Yu, with his bald head sitting next to him, still couldn't understand this matter.

In fact, it's not just that he doesn't understand. There are many people who don't understand about this matter.

"Boss Hu may be really thoughtless, but this Shi Dali is really interesting. Did you see where his toilet came from?"

Leaning on the chair, Lin Yu's mouth was smiling, but his eyes were quite deep.

It was also his words that made the pupils of the bald head shrink slightly.

Because of the toilet, many people didn't pay much attention to this issue. Now that Lin Yu raised it like this, and recalled it in his mind, it suddenly became quite solemn.

His strength is undoubtedly strong, this bald head has never doubted anything.

It can even be said that he can beat anyone in the feeling of bald himself!

That's the case, but he doesn't know where the toilet comes from?

It was as if Shi Dali stood there, and then suddenly a toilet bowl fell out in front of him.

"Could it be that the organizer arranged it?"

Trying, the bald head put forward a conjecture.

However, Lin Yu shook his head.

His eyes were staring at Shi Lili's back.



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