Super Treasure Bag

Chapter 529: Strange friend

"We are Jiakang Hospital. Your friend was sent here after he passed out on the street and was found. He only has your phone number, so we can only contact you."

Then, the other side continued to explain.

Hearing this, Shi Dali immediately realized that the people who were sent to the hospital should not be Huo Lang and Ren Haoran.

But who is it then?

"Don't you even know his name?"

After a short pause, Shi Dali continued to ask.

"I don't know, he only has your phone number, and nothing else... Are you coming over? He can still be saved if you come over, and we don't care if you don't come."

What is this?

"I'll come over right away, you can see how to treat it, it will be there soon."

Quite helpless, Shi Dali said.

He really couldn't think of where this inexplicable call would come from, but since he was here, he couldn't just sit idly by.

In case it is really an acquaintance, something will be over.

If not, you can't watch a person die, even if it doesn't matter.

Immediately hung up, Shi Dali looked at Chen Shuke.

"Principal Chen, do you have time now? If you have time, can you take me to Jiakang Hospital?"

"If you have time, let's go."

Without any refusal, Chen Shuke directly agreed.

After that, Shi Dali also called Huo Lang to inquire about the Xilin Tavern, and at the same time determined that the injured person had nothing to do with him.

In this way, thinking along the way, Shi Dali and Chen Shuke arrived at the Jiakang Hospital.

It didn't take much trouble to get inside. Shi Dali was on a simple stretcher bed and saw the comatose man.

His complexion was pale, he looked very painful, he had a lot of blood stains on his body, and it seemed that it had been some time.

The location of the shot was in the abdomen, which looked very hideous now.

But after looking at this face carefully for ten seconds, Shi Dali was completely affirmed that he really hadn't seen this person before, never before!

"Is it your friend? His wound has to be dealt with, or he will die."

A nurse next to Shi Dali said aloud.

Shi Dali knew that this was a private hospital from the time he entered the door. It was not the first time he had encountered such a patient, so the nurse was quite calm.

"Save people first. He should be my friend. I will pay for his medical expenses."

I don't know what kind of fate this is, but at this point, that is, to spend some money, Teacher Shi has nothing to bear.

What's more, he just won a lot of money in the gambling contest.

"Okay, let's pay the money, but the operation will take a while. Now all the doctors have gone to condolences the dean's wife. The dean's wife was discharged from the hospital today for appendic surgery."

Then, the nurse nodded and said, but finally the conversation changed.

"What? Condolences to the dean's wife? There is no doctor now?"

Not expecting such an answer, Shi Dali was a little surprised.

"Yes, they are all in the VIP room on the sixth floor. You should pay the money first."

The nurse nodded and said honestly. "Then when will this condolences end? He was wounded by a gunshot. If he does not have an operation, he may die."

Inexplicably angry, Shi Dali asked the nurse.

"What are you yelling at me? How much do I get in a month? Besides, it's not that I do surgery. The dean wants all doctors to go. What can I do?"

Unexpectedly, the female nurse was unambiguous at all, and instead yelled at Shi Dali.

"Okay, isn't it on the sixth floor? I'll go up and find the doctor down."

Taking a deep breath, knowing that it is not clear to reason with such a person, Shi Dali said immediately.

Although the man said he didn’t know him, he was injured like this and he had his own phone number. Maybe it was sent by Ye Zhanen. In case he brought news from Wen Xiaotian and Tian Xiaoyu, It is even more not allowed to miss.

"Then you go find it, but you have a better attitude. Ours is a private hospital. No one can do it when people are upset. The dean likes to be ostentatious. Pay attention to yourself."

The nurse saw that Shi Dali was really going to go, and then said something, which was a bit of exhortation.

Without saying more, Shi Dali restrained his emotions as much as possible.

Standing next to Chen Shuke was also able to understand the whole story, because he was worried that Shi Dali might quarrel with others, so after thinking about it, he followed.

The two reached the sixth floor in one breath, and almost came out of the elevator and saw the whole corridor full of flowers.

Going further, I saw all the doctors singing, and a middle-aged man was walking slowly in a wheelchair. A woman sat on the wheelchair with a red face and looked quite happy.

"Next, we will hold the second item, ask the chief physician to speak, and tell her own treatment experience and insights."

Just when Shi Dali was stunned, another woman followed and said with a microphone.

Then, all the doctors applauded enthusiastically.

The atmosphere is quite nice and harmonious.

I have never seen a hospital like this before, and Shi Dali does have an eye-opening feeling.

But afterwards, he directly stepped forward and said aloud.

"My friend is in a critical condition. Please arrange a doctor for an operation. I will pay all the money."

Speaking these words in one breath, Shi Dali's tone was as gentle as possible.

As a result, he suddenly uttered his voice, which interrupted the condolences ceremony.

The other doctors looked at each other, and the middle-aged man with glasses frowned immediately. Obviously he was the director of this hospital, and his radiant wife beside him was obviously unhappy.

"Go downstairs and wait. Surgery will be arranged here. Who told you to come up? We are busy here!"

Before the dean could speak, someone had already spoken out, directly trying to drive Shi Dali away.

"My friend is in a dangerous situation, can you understand? Can you arrange an operation quickly?"

At this moment, Shi Dali was really angry.

Even if the person below does not know him, but when life and death are at stake, the doctor in this hospital is accompanying the dean and his wife to do these boring things, and anyone will feel angry.

As Shi vigorously raised his voice, the atmosphere immediately changed.

Obviously, Shi Dali did not consider the problem that the nurse said, and his current behavior has angered the dean.

"I have already given you an answer. The hospital has regulations for the hospital. Do you think this hospital belongs to your family? Wait, we will arrange an operation when our business is over."

Very official answer, the dean's face is full of seriousness.

"Yes, it's great to pay? If you can afford to buy the hospital..."

His chubby wife rolled her eyes and said at this time.



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