Super Treasure Bag

Chapter 535: Eyeless old man

The eyeless old man is here?

Knowing that such a moment will always come, but Shi Dali did not expect it to come so soon.


For the first time, Shi Dali had arrived at the window.

Through the gap again, he looked outside.

Sure enough, just at the entrance of the tavern, there was an extra shadow, standing there alone, as if it was full of despair.

Is this the old man without eyes?

With eyes wide open, Shi Dali was indeed a little curious as he watched the raging characters spread across the rivers and lakes.

Just like the gentleman Yizhi, this shadow was completely covered by the big hood at this moment, and his face was also deliberately wearing a mask, and I didn't want to be seen by anyone.

In any case, it is also a legend full of mystery, so the method of the eyeless old man is understandable.

The people in the second branch in the front hall seemed to have become the most dedicated actors at this time. They didn't care about the shadow at the door at all. They just drank on their own and fulfilled their tasks as required as possible.


It was just that suddenly, a hoarse voice was heard in the compartment where Mr. Yizhi was.

Obviously the front hall was extremely noisy, but the sound seemed to penetrate everything.

He didn't agree, and didn't make any special actions. The eyeless old man just walked toward the compartment, then entered, and the door closed.

"What should we do now?"

Ren Haoran was observing the situation outside from the other side. Since the eyeless old man has already appeared, the plan should be carried out smoothly.

Therefore, what to do at this time depends on what Shi Dali means.

"I'll go and bring wine."

One step forward, Huo Lang said.

Knowing what Huo Lang meant, Shi Dali did not refuse. Although the group of invincible fighters seemed quite bluffing, Huo Lang's strength was also quite clear, and it was definitely not simple!

The world's first knife, such a name, is enough to laugh at Qunhao.

It is most appropriate to let him find out the situation.

In this way, with the prepared wine, Huo Lang entered the front hall from the back kitchen.

Immediately, these assassins who pretended to be guests focused their attention on him.

Then Huo Lang would enter the compartment, and at the same time would see the mysterious eyeless old man.

Shi Dali's eyes had been staring at Huo Lang, and when he finally saw him push the door in, the whole person's heart was hanging in his throat.

It can be said that the surrounding area is densely covered with killers, and an accidental battle will break out, so no one can completely relax at this time.

At the same time, Huo Lang had reached the table.

It's not a very big compartment, and there are two people sitting on each side of a wine table.

It was probably because Huo Lang came in, so neither of them spoke, but watched him stand beside the wine table, and then put the prepared wine on the plate.

"Longkun Shoal was caught in a prawn scene, Tiger Luo Pingyang was deceived by a dog, the glory of the past, after all, disappeared..."

Suddenly, Mr. Yizhi said such a sentence.

Huo Lang's movements stagnated slightly, his mood was a little weird.

Who is this sentence referring to?

"Everyone has ambitions, don't you know that it's all tastes, but it's interesting."

Then, the voice of the eyeless old man sounded for the first time. Compared to Mr. Yizhi's hoarseness, his voice carried a mighty righteousness.

But after two sentences, the two people lost their voices again.

Huo Lang couldn't help staying any longer, then turned around, especially since he could clearly feel the killing intent coming from the compartment.

Come to think of it, those iron bucket fat guys are already ready to go, just waiting to be exposed.

Walking through the front hall again step by step, Huo Lang returned to the back kitchen. At this time, the task that seemed to belong to their third division had been completed.

The net of heaven and earth laid out at the Hokkaido exit has been fully deployed, especially the goal of the eyeless old man has also fallen into the net, and the rest is a matter of course.

"Their position is not blocking the tunnel partition, go!"

The moment he saw Shi Dali, Huo Lang didn't introduce the situation in the compartment, but said in a low voice.

Teacher Shi was stunned for a moment, he didn't know anything about tunnels and partitions.

However, several younger brothers had already acted and arrived at the door for the first time, and then Huo Lang pulled the stone vigorously into the stove.

"Be careful, here I am watching."

Ren Haoran wanted to understand what Huo Lang meant, so he looked at them and said aloud.

Nodding, Huo Lang didn't give Shi Dali a chance to speak, and he didn't know where his right hand was, and then the floor under his feet turned over, and the two of them had already entered a secret passage.

"The previous owner of this tavern set up a lot of secret roads and institutions. We only found out when we checked this place carefully these two days. Do you remember those ninjas before? They were hidden in the secret road. It was a secret killer move prepared by Hokkaidokou, but we killed it. The other branches probably don't know about this..."

While bringing Shi Dali forward, Huo Lang quickly explained.

He was already quite familiar with this place, so there was no obstacle to walking in the dark.

In fact, they didn’t talk about it before. Huo Lang was observing whether Mr. Tian Er and the others knew about the secret path, and finally watched them enter the compartment instead of mentioning the secret path. At that time, they were completely determined I don't know the existence of the secret path.

Now that this is confirmed, it is natural to use this secret passage safely now.

"That's it."

There was also a burst of joy in his heart, Shi Dali really did not expect such a good thing to happen.

But after thinking about it, it seems that the information obtained before said that there are secret roads in the Xilin Tavern.

Just when he was thinking so secretly, the two of them had reached the position under the compartment.

Looking outside with a ray of light, Shi Dali suddenly understood what Huo Lang was talking about. Now this gap is a corner on the side. If it is blocked, you can't see anything, but luckily, here Unobstructed.

Trying to restrain the curiosity in his heart, Shi Dali watched the outside carefully, while Huo Lang squatted beside him.

As for the two people in the room, namely Mr. Yizhi and the old man without eyes, they still looked at each other across the table. They didn't know what they were thinking, and they didn't say a word for a long time.

When Shi Dali was in a hurry, Mr. Yizhi finally took the lead in moving.

Clang clang!

Very random, a few coins were spilled on the table by him.



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