Super Treasure Bag

Chapter 545: Almost like me

"Brother, here is..."

For a smart person like Bao Daya, he would never ignore a woman next to Shi Dali at any time, so I asked immediately.

"This is my leader."

I didn't think so, Shi Dali explained directly.

It was just this explanation that made Bao Daya a little unreflected.

Shi Dali’s leader, what kind of character is this?

In particular, he doesn't quite understand why a person like Shi Dali wants a leader?

"Hello, my name is Chen Shuke"

Chen Shuke nodded lightly and also took the initiative to say hello to Bao Daya. Although she said that she didn't know who this person was, she wanted to be an important person in the Family Fortune Group.

As for the Family Fortune Wanguan Group, she certainly knows it.

"My brother's leader, that is my leader, sit down quickly."

With a haha ​​smile, Bao Daya invited two people to sit down, and then all the messy people left the room with a glance, and the door was closed.

This kind of battle and atmosphere made Chen Shuke more aware that things would not be easy.

It is precisely because of this that she feels a bit weird in her mood, such an important scene...Why did Shi Dali bring herself?

"Brother Tooth, take it."

As for Teacher Shi, he directly took out a bunch of sub-Hunyuan beads in his arms.

He originally came here for this, so of course there is nothing to hesitate now.

It's just that Bao Daya looked at the string of Hunyuan beads and his eyes were straight.

Even if he knew about it on the phone, he still felt a sense of unbelievableness, and now he saw his emotions reach the culmination.

Taking a deep breath, carefully took the beads from Shi Dali's side.

Then Bao Daya took a closer look, and then determined...This is indeed true, and there is no possibility of fraud!

As a wealthy boss, Bao Daya's research on these things is naturally extraordinary, so although he only took a look at it, he already knows the true and false.

"Brother, don't you have a specific price? Things are more sensational than I thought. Since I released the news, the company has received more than five hundred calls, and they are all powerful and powerful people, and they They are all rushing over, and some people even come directly from America by private jet."

Putting the beads on the table again, Bao Daya looked at Shi Dali and said very solemnly.

At this time, he realized more and more that this matter was really generous. It seemed that there had never been such a sensational scene and opportunity in the history of wealthy family.

"Is it so fierce?"

Indeed, Teacher Shi was also a little surprised.

Even if he knew that the four words for the old man without eyes seemed to represent another meaning in the arena, he did not expect to achieve such a degree and momentum.

"I don't have a specific price. You can watch it, Brother Ya. I just wanted to make some money on a whim."

Quite honestly, Shi Dali replied. In fact, this incident was originally his sudden thought, but he did not expect it to be like this.

"Brother, you are really a character I have never seen before. Everyone wants to see the eyeless old man at Fengbo Pavilion tomorrow. Even if it's just a bit of guidance, there may be endless benefits. You really don't want to?"

Bao Daya was really curious about this matter, so he couldn't help asking it at this moment. Hearing this question, and then looking at Bao Daya's eyes, Teacher Shi was a little bit embarrassed.

He has already seen the eyeless old man, and he stayed on the boat for three days and three nights, that's not it... The problem is that the people in the storm pavilion tomorrow will be their own!

Therefore, Hunyuanzhu must not be wasted.

"Maybe I think the level of the eyeless old man is about the same as mine."

After a dry laugh, Shi Dali thought about making a joke.

The result was this joke, in exchange for Bao Daya's serious face.

"You can't make this kind of joke. You don't know the abilities of the eyeless old man. You know everything about the sky and the earth. You know for five hundred years, and you know for five hundred years. You can count on the inheritance of the family...sloppy!"

Bao Daya said seriously, Shi Dali opened his mouth and didn't know what to say, so he could only nod.

Just do it, I don't understand it anyway.

It happened to be this time when suddenly there was a knock on the door.

Bao Daya immediately put the Hun Yuanzhu away before letting in the people outside.

"Boss, more than two hundred representatives have come, and there are people sitting outside, what should I do?"

It turned out that it was the former supervisor who hurriedly talked when he walked in, which could be regarded as an introduction to the outside situation.

Hearing this, Bao Daya nodded to express his understanding, then watched the supervisor retreat, and then closed the door again.

"In this case, it should not be too late. Thank you brother for trusting my brother. I will go out for auction now. These 24 beads... will definitely give you a satisfactory price."

Knowing that time is pressing and there is no time to delay, Bao Daya made up his mind.

"Okay, let's go out and have a look."

Nodding, Shi Dali followed and got up.

Originally, he planned to leave Hun Yuanzhu here, but when he heard such a formation outside, Teacher Shi was really curious.

Besides, he also planned to take Chen Shuke to watch the excitement, so he just took a look at it together.

"That's fine, you leave through the back door and enter again through the front door. Otherwise, entering from here may arouse some people's suspicion. Then I will ask you to take you into the Tianzi box. As long as you don't bid, no one will pay attention. After that, you can observe everything carefully."

Bao Daya knows Shi Dali quite well, so I will tell Shi Dali directly and I will arrange the best place for you to see the excitement.

Knowing that Bao Daya allowed himself to leave through the back door for the safety of himself and Chen Shuke, Shi Dali immediately agreed.

The wealth of the family is only a business man, so there are not many people who are worried about it. Moreover, even if he is worried about it, Bao Daya is not worried.

But in contrast, if someone knows that Hunyuanzhu belongs to Shi Dali, it is really possible to cause a murder, so it must be right to be more careful.

So, leaving from the back door again, Shi Dali and Chen Shuke reached the front door.

"Principal Chen, do you have anything you like? There are a lot of good things in this wealthy family. May I give you a gift?"

After returning to the place where the traffic converged, Shi Dali relaxed a lot, then turned his head to ask Chen Shuke seriously.

This idea is purely temporary.

As for Chen Shuke, he turned his head to look at him. Those eyes were really like two deep springs, so clear that they couldn't help themselves.

"Give me a gift for what?"



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