Super Treasure Bag

Chapter 578: The boat left

Such a good news came so suddenly, Shi Dali never thought of it.

"In which cabin?"

"I don't know this anymore. I just happened to see that the kid's dreadlocks are a bit special, so I remembered it."

Looking at Shi Dali strangely, the staff didn't mean to elaborate.

I also understood that being too exposed is not a good thing, so Teacher Shi nodded to express his understanding, and returned to the room after thanking others.

Sitting on the head of the bed, Shi Dali's brows furrowed, but his heart was at least much more secure than before.

Regarding that piece of paper, he always guessed that it should come from Ye Jianen, but whether the things mentioned on the piece of paper are true or false, this point is still unsure.

But now, it seems that the news should be true.

"I just talked to the waiter, she seems to have seen Wen Xiaotian, should we start to figure out how to check the cabin now?"

Through the communicator, Shi Dali discussed with Huo Lang.

Ren Haoran is finishing his part of the work, so they can indeed start to act.

"Okay, split up, and finally meet at the end of the fourth floor."

Huo Lang answered immediately, apparently accepting Shi Dali's opinion.

"In the sink in the bathroom on the fifth floor, I put two other cards. I just got them from Captain Malfoy's assistant, so you can move easily."

Ren Haoran's voice sounded again, unexpectedly giving such a surprise.

After this, things seemed even simpler, so Teacher Shi immediately took the things he had prepared and left the room.

Time is pressing. Even if he has determined that Wen Xiaotian is on such a huge cruise ship, it is quite difficult to find it, so no slack is allowed.

And as Shi Dali left in this way, his room also became quiet, except that a desperate crash occasionally came from the bathroom, but in the end the sound gradually became faint, and finally it was completely inaudible.

Obviously, Teacher Shi has completely forgotten about this matter.

In the rest of the time, everything was carried out in an orderly manner, especially the preparations made in these two days began to show great effect and value at this moment.

Shi Dali and Huo Lang are very clear about the distribution of all cabins and rooms in the entire cruise ship.

Coupled with a pass card of sufficient level, they did not encounter any major troubles, which can be said to be unexpectedly smooth.

However, Wen Xiaotian and Tian Xiaoyu were never found.

Until Huo Lang's voice suddenly sounded, and there was an indescribable solemnity.

"I saw acquaintances, the masters in that villa. Several of them are here. They are going downstairs right now. They should go to the bottom cabin."

Shi Dali immediately understood that Huo Lang was talking about people from the Sun Exchange.

Sure enough, those masters appeared here, and the eyesight of Huo Lang would definitely not admit it was wrong.

That is to say, a fierce battle is really unavoidable.

"I am ready. As long as the ship stays within my range, I can support you at any time."

Leng Feng's voice finally sounded, which also gave the big guy a reassurance.

"Haoran, how is your side? Have you reached the position of the power system?"

Shi Dali followed and asked, and the ship was about to sail. According to the plan, Ren Haoran should have reached the designated area at this time, and then he was about to start destroying the power system of the cruise ship, so that it could stop at the lighthouse area. Come down.

"Everything went well, I have found it, but there is no one below. Wait for me to look inside again, trust me..."


No one could have imagined that Ren Haoran's voice would abruptly stop halfway through.

It felt like the hearts of the other three people were suddenly caught by a big hand.

"What's the matter? Haoran?"

Shi Dali only felt that the blood in his whole body accelerated, and the whole person stopped, and at the same time asked anxiously.

However, only then did he discover that Ren Haoran's communicator had cut off the connection, which meant that he was not in their channel at all now.

"He is in an accident. The following is really not that simple. Someone should have discovered him. Hao Ran's skill is not his strong point."

Huo Lang's calm analysis was reasonable, but this statement really made people feel unacceptable.

"I'll go down and have a look, it's about to sail!"

Taking a deep breath, Shi Dali decided to stand up, and he also felt that he was the only one to stand up at this time, otherwise things would develop in a direction full of unknowns.

"No, you stay in the cabin, my strength is stronger than that, and I can follow those American masters, it will be safer, and I can contact at any time."

However, Huo Lang refused immediately.

His reason is simple, but Shi Dali is not willing to accept it.

"This is too dangerous, Haoran may have something wrong, you can't happen any more danger!"

"I have more experience than you, believe me, and your staying outside is our way of retreat. If we are all caught, there will be no one on this ship."

This time, Huo Lang was very determined.

After some difficult hesitation, Shi Dali could only agree.

"Be careful."

Leng Feng also said, he is not on the boat now, and he really can't do much.

In this way, Huo Lang began to move towards the area below. At this time, everyone would be even more grateful to Ren Haoran for keeping the pass, otherwise this situation would be too dangerous.

And sure enough, everything is inextricably linked to the Sun's Exchange, because among those American masters, there are also some people going down to the bottom of the cabin, and it is clear that they have received some news.

As for Teacher Shi's side, he changed his position for the first time, and went straight to the place where Huo Lang found the master gang before, quietly monitoring the cabin where they were.

"I have come down. There are really no people in this place."

A low voice sounded, Huo Lang's end was obviously very empty.

Shi Dali listened to his ears, and his whole body was taut.

After that, Huo Lang had no subsequent voice.

Because, at this moment, Huo Lang is moving forward quietly, even if the layout of this area in his mind is quite clear, but the accompanying movements are still cautious.

After all, something has happened to Ren Haoran, no one knows what will happen next, what is the danger here!


Suddenly, the prolonged siren sounded, and then the hull trembled.

That's right, the boat is about to sail.



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