Super Treasure Bag

Chapter 582: Rotating electric fan

Having been in Europe for many years, especially now that he has gained a firm foothold in the entire Federation of the Strong, the Seven Generals rely on calmness and general demeanor.

However, he was really pointed at his forehead with a 20-meter machete for the first time.

That kind of feeling, it's as if you have become an emoji.

The other strong men also froze for a while.

Especially this knife, why did you take it out of your pocket?

"Your knife... is really long."

He stepped back slightly, feeling a lot more at ease in his heart, and then the Seventh General said.

In his heart, he also began to wonder whether this is a fight or not?

Before he thought that relying on the number of people could almost kill Shi Dali and Huo Lang, but now it seems that his understanding of Shi Dali seems to be too one-sided and simple.

This guy, carrying such a knife, the lethality is really extraordinary!

"Come on, I can't wait."

However, at this time, Teacher Shi had a strong and fierce meaning, and he immediately moved with a machete while speaking.

If Guan Erye had such a knife back then, it is estimated that he would directly help Master Liu dominate the world.


Out of thin air, as the machete waved, a gust of wind blew.

Fortunately, the bottom cabin is really big enough, so this knife can be turned away, giving Shi Dali a sense of pleasure to swing at will.

As for the eyes of the Seven Generals, it was as if Shi Dali had become an electric fan, and it was also a large electric fan with 20-meter blades, with unimaginable destructive power.

Therefore, no one dared to rush forward at this time, including the Seven Generals hiding in the corner as much as possible.

This machete, as long as it is scratched, it is not as simple as breaking the bones.

Simply to the back, a group of masters from the American Federation of Powerhouses lay all over the top of the wooden beam, lying there like a monkey watching Shi Dali toss underneath.

Looking at this scene, Teacher Shi was also very helpless.

This machete is pretty powerful, but it's not very useful.

Especially when these guys were lying on it like monkey spirits, he didn't dare to cut it over.

After all, if something goes wrong, the entire cruise ship will be finished. If the ship sinks in the vast ocean, the whole group of people will not survive.

"Okay, if this continues, none of them will die. You will be exhausted."

Huo Lang's voice suddenly sounded, to say that this guy's serious tone made Teacher Shi suddenly a little embarrassed.

When it was gone, he would stand the machete again.

"You guys are useless, some kind of come up to fight with me for 300 rounds!"

Raising his voice, Shi Dali wondered if the other party would have hit his aggressive approach.

However, the Seven Generals is indeed calm enough, completely unmoved, and continue to arrange everyone to lie on the wooden beams.

"It's not interesting at all."

Damn, at this time, he could only throw the machete to the ground, and Teacher Shi mumbled.

Seeing this scene, the Seventh General suddenly showed a satisfied smile.

This kid is still far behind himself!

Then, he planned to let his own people jump again, but an accident happened at this time.


A sharp sound suddenly rang in everyone's ears, and the entire hull began to violently churned after following. This came down too suddenly, no one thought that this kind of thing would happen. All of them were shaking left and right for a time. If Shi Dali and Huo Lang were not strong enough, I’m afraid You have to roll out.

"What happened?"

Raising his voice, the Seventh General asked.

This ship is the property of the Sun Exchange, and as the helper commissioned by the Sun Exchange this time, the Seven Generals must also ensure the safety of this ship.

It is now obvious that the cruise ship has encountered some major trouble, otherwise, on the calm sea, why would make such a noise?

"General, call from Captain Malfoy."

Immediately, there was a voice from a subordinate next to him, and the Seven Generals had already heard Captain Malfoy's voice.

"General, something went wrong, we met pirates, the most terrible pirate!"

The sound of incomparable panic sounded from Captain Malfoy's mouth, which can be regarded as a clear account of the trouble the cruise ship encountered at the moment.

Hearing this, General Seven's face changed drastically.

This was something he didn't expect, but it was quite reasonable.

For any ship, the risk of encountering pirates in the sea is large enough, and as long as it encounters it, it will inevitably be an extremely heavy battle.

"Go out, everyone will go out with me! Captain Malfoy, sailing at full speed, absolutely can't let them come up!"

Almost at the same time, the seven generals immediately took command.

Then, a group of people moved with him, obviously intending to leave here to look outside.

"General, what do they do?"

Someone noticed Shi Dali and Huo Lang, so they couldn't help but ask at this moment.

The extremely anxious Seven Generals also paused a little at this time, and his eyes quickly swept across Shi Dali's body.

"Don't worry about them, wait until the trouble of the pirates is solved, then clean them up, I don't think they will fly away!"

After speaking in a low voice, the Seven Generals made arrangements.

Immediately, all the subordinates behind him expressed their understanding, and left with them.

Seeing them completely disappeared from the exit, Teacher Shi didn't care that the hull was still shaking, and immediately strode towards the cage.


Raising his hand, he cut the iron piece with a knife, and then Wen Xiaotian came out of it.

Tian Xiaoyu's injury seemed to still affect him, so he stayed inside, but his expression relaxed a lot.

"Boss, you must put away your 20-meter machete. After we go back, we will stand in front of the school. It is invincible!"

Dangling a dirty braid, Wen Xiaotian is still thinking about it.

But there is nothing wrong with seeing her, Shi Dali was really happy, and even couldn't help but pat her head.

"How are you? Does the injury do not matter? Hold on, let Old Man Yi treat you when you return to Suhai. We happen to have a hospital in Suhai, and everything is very convenient."

Following that, Shi Dali asked Tian Xiaoyu.

"No big problem, don't worry, boss, you can't die."

Nodding, Tian Xiaoyu said.

This guy is indeed a tough guy, and he obviously didn't take the injuries he received too much.

On the other side, Ren Haoran was also helped by Huo Lang from the ground, but he was still in a coma, and was pressed several times by Huo Lang with a special technique before opening his eyes.

"Boss, are there really pirates out there? Let's go and see!"

Before Shi Dali could determine the situation of the few people, Wen Xiaotian couldn't wait to rush out.



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