Super Treasure Bag

Chapter 585: Chest hair is the key

However, Blackbeard is Blackbeard, and it is also a legendary villain, so he has got rid of these negative emotions after following, staring directly at Shi Dali and said.

The deep voice, accompanied by a blast of black hair and beard, and a wrinkled face, raised his momentum to the extreme.

Then, after thinking about it for almost three seconds, Mr. Shi pushed the tape back up!

How can you scare anyone!

At this moment, Huo Lang also rushed from behind. After entering the cabin, seeing a person suddenly appeared beside Shi Dali, Huo Lang was also quite surprised.

Especially after he took a closer look and determined that this person was really black beard, he couldn't use words to describe his inner feelings.

"Where did this... come from?"

"It's a long story, but the key is what should I do now? Originally, I wanted to see if I could discuss with him and let us people go, but this guy didn't mean it at all. He wanted to kill us and take my head. Drink."

Time is tight, so Teacher Shi will explain things as quickly as possible.

After he finished speaking, Huo Lang's expression became extremely solemn.

The turning point of the matter is undoubtedly Blackbeard's body, but Blackbeard's attitude is such that it is really difficult to handle.

Frowning, Shi Dali's gaze suddenly turned to the frowning beard on the tape at this moment.

"I seem to have a way!"

Immediately, Teacher Shi became excited.

Without any hesitation, he rushed to the bed and took a pair of big scissors.


With this action again, the painful head of the black beard is already numb.

But when he heard that his own person had already arrived, he felt confident in his heart, but Shi Dali's scissors were really scary.

"Boy, what do you want to do? I warn you, don't mess around, otherwise the consequences are not what you can imagine and bear."

Working very hard, Blackbeard wanted to warn Shi Dali.

But following behind, Teacher Shi directly pressed his head to the ground.

"Less so much bullshit, lie down for me."


As soon as the voice fell, the Shili Scissors went down, and the black beard's head was directly cut off the hair.

For a moment, Blackbeard felt that he had a feeling of returning from a ghost gate.

"Asshole, what are you doing? What do you want to do? Don't move my hair and beard... and chest hair!"

Hearing the scissors flying above his head, Black Beard shouted in fear.

"If you don't remind me, I forgot, chest hair is the key!"

With a violent reaction, Teacher Shi's scissors immediately faced down, and the thick chest hair was also removed.

Even though Blackbeard struggled and resisted, in the end, it was only five minutes before Shi Dali had cleaned all the hair on his body.

At that moment, Blackbeard was in a daze.

who am I?

Where am i?

Where is my chest hair?

"There are pants, and other things..."

Speaking quickly, Teacher Shi continued to do it.

"What the **** are you doing? You are a brute! I am a pirate, a man, why are you picking my pants? Brute... beast!"

The cry of despair was full of misery and sadness, but the facts proved that resistance was ineffective.

In the end, Shi Dali still got everything on his body, including a very special signal transmitter.

"It turned out that this thing sent the distress signal out."

With a murmur in his mouth, Teacher Shi also solved a doubt in his heart.

Next, seeing what Blackbeard wanted to say, Shi Dali kicked him back into the bathroom with one kick, and then closed the door.

"What are you going to do?"

Seeing Shi Dali doing everything from start to finish, Huo Lang said that he had some guesses, but he was still not sure.

"You should know my disguise methods. I have studied the craftsmanship of the assassin with a thousand faces for a long time, so I plan to pretend to be a black beard."

Facing Huo Lang, Shi Dali didn't have to conceal anything, so he immediately said aloud.

"Sure enough, it's too dangerous..."

"Don't worry, I have a way, wait and see."

Interrupting Huo Lang's words, time is running out, and Shi Dali has already begun to make a noise at the same time.

As he said, he has taken over all the equipment and craftsmanship of the Thousand Faces Assassin, so to some extent this kind of disguise should be his best, especially the black beard hair. Next to him, including his clothes, there are tokens of the leader's identity and other things.

Together, these can almost be faked.


At the same time, in the front one of these pirate ships, there were a dozen people gathered on the deck, and the subordinates next to them were very careful.

The reason for this is naturally because these dozen people are important figures in the entire Blackbeard Pirate Group.

Especially the front burly middle-aged man, his name is Poison Shark, he is the second head of the Blackbeard Pirate Group and the most trusted subordinate of Blackbeard.

"Second master, we have five minutes to come. Why is there no movement on the other side? Could it be that they still dare to hold the leader?"

Someone couldn't help but uttered aloud, and approached the poison shark when speaking.

"Wait a little longer. Brother's distress signal is on this ship, which proves that we have not found the wrong place. When the time is up, if they don't hand over the person, we will directly do it.

The poisonous shark's eyes were cold, and his tone was quite calm.

This guy has always been a ruthless character, otherwise he wouldn't stand firm beside the beard.

The arrangement at this moment is so that other people have no objection, and honestly continue to wait.

In this way, five minutes passed.

"The time has come, how about people?"

A loud voice sounded, and the poison shark took a step forward, obviously he was not ready to wait any longer.

It was just as soon as his words fell that the seven generals on the deck came out with his own people, and they were exposed to the sight of the poison sharks.

"Don't be nervous, everyone, there must be some misunderstandings. Our company has always cooperated with your group happily, and we are members of the American Strong Association. You should have heard of it too?"

The voice of the Seven Generals sounded, and at this moment he was also making his last efforts.

No one would want to die, especially people like him.

Just like this, after thinking about it again and again, he planned to stand up and talk.

Especially the identity of the American Federation of Powers, there is always some weight!



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